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Question generation from stories in Hindi

Instructions to run

You must first install iscnlp's pos-tagger, and parser. Then, clone the repository and install the rest of the dependencies from the requirements.txt to continue.

To run the code, please execute the following instructions:

> git clone
> cd CL-Project2
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> python3

You have to provide the name of the directory to be used as the data directory. will ask if you wish to scrape urls from a file <data>/url_file.txt. This file should have a list of urls only separated by newlines. You can also enter a story name if you wish to scrape only one page.

Sample Output

Generating Questions from One Story

> python3
Enter data dir path: data
Will you provide corpus? [y/n] n
file path data/corpus.txt
Get url from file? [y/n] n
Enter story name: pariksha
Scraping pariksha...
Scraping परीक्षा
pariksha scraped.
Data tokenised.
Generating questions...
Questions generated.

The scraped story is stored in data/corpus.txt, and the questions in questions.txt.

Generating Questions from Multiple Stories

In this case, the (complete) urls for all the stories must be stored in a file named url_file.txt in the data directory.

> python3
Enter data dir path: data
Will you provide corpus? [y/n] n
file path data/corpus.txt
Get url from file? [y/n] y
Scraping गृह दाह
Scraping महातीर्थ
Scraping मंत्र
Scraping परीक्षा
Scraping दिल की रानी
Scraping आभूषण
Scraping विस्मृति
Scraping शांति
Scraping ज्वालामुखी
Scraping गरीब की हाय
Data tokenised.
Generating questions...
Questions generated.

The scraped stories are concatenated and stored in data/corpus.txt, and the questions in questions.txt.

Generating Questions from a Corpus

The corpus must be in the same directory as the code.

Enter data dir path: data
Will you provide corpus? [y/n] y  
corpus file name? corpus.txt
Data tokenised.
Generating questions...
Questions generated.

As before, the questions are in questions.txt in the same directory.

Tree Structure

  • The tree is represented in Python by a list of nested lists.
  • The first item in each list is the root of a tree.
  • This is followed by the lists representing the subtrees of each of its children.
  • When a sentence has a single root, the list is a singleton list having only one tree.

For example, the sentence यदि आप इस उक्ति पर विश्वास करते हैं तो कोस्टर डयमंड का चक्कर ज़रूर लगाइएगा। is parsed as follows:

[['1', 'यदि',   'यदि',    'CC',  'CC',  '_','9','vmod','_','_'],
['2', 'आप',   'आप',    'PRP', 'PRP', '_','7','k1','_','_'],
['3', 'इस',    'इस',    'DEM', 'DEM', '_','4','nmod_adj','_','_'],
['4', 'उक्ति',   'उक्ति',   'NN',  'NN',  '_','7','k7','_','_'],
['5', 'पर',    'पर',     'PSP', 'PSP', '_','4','lwg_psp','_','_'],
['6', 'विश्वास','विश्वास',   'NN',  'NN',  '_','7','pof','_','_'],
['7', 'करते',  'करते',    'VM',  'VM',  '_','1','ccof','_','_'],
['8', 'हैं',    'हैं',      'VAUX','VAUX','_','7','lwg_vaux','_','_'],
['9', 'तो',    'तो',     'CC',  'CC',  '_','0','main','_','_'],
['10','कोस्टर',  'कोस्टर',  'NNPC','NNPC','_','11','pof_cn','_','_'],
['11','डायमंड',  'डायमंड', 'NNP', 'NNP',  '_','13','r6','_','_'],
['12','का',    'का',    'PSP', 'PSP',  '_','11','lwg_psp','_','_'],
['13','चक्कर',  'चक्कर',  'NN',  'NN',  '_','15','k1','_','_'],
['14','ज़रूर',   'ज़रूर',  'RB',   'RB',  '_','9','ccof','_','_'],
['15','लगाइएगा','लगाइएगा','VM',   'VM',  '_','9','ccof','_','_'],

and its tree representation is

[[तो, [यदि, [करते, [आप], [उक्ति, [इस], [पर]], [विश्वास], [हैं]]], [ज़रूर], [लगाइएगा, [चक्कर, [डायमंड, [कोस्टर], [का]]]], [.]]]


[[wo                                                                                              ]]
    [yaxi                                           ] [jZarUra] [lagAiegA                   ] [.]
        [karawe                                    ]                [cakkara               ]
            [Apa] [ukwi           ] [viSvAsa] [hEM]                     [dAyamaNda        ]
                      [isa] [para]                                          [kostara] [kA]

In Devanagari,

[[तो                                                                             ]]
   [यदि                                     ] [ज़रूर] [लगाइएगा                ] [.]
       [करते                               ]            [चक्कर             ]
           [आप] [उक्ति         ] [विश्वास] [हैं]                [डायमंड         ]
                    [इस] [पर]                                [कोस्टर] [का]

Directory Structure

  • converts parser output to tree rep and vice versa
  • has the rules; imports from
  • traverses the tree rep and returns a list of questions; imports and
  • stores constant global variables and settings; is imported by all files
  • will have the functions to parse a page and put it in a text file. imports from and will be imported by
  • is the driver