Usage: cmdcache [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
indicate that output depends on the environment
variable value (and presence)
indicate that output depends on the file contents
specify cache directory (~/.cmdcache/ by default)
-v, --verbose Be verbose and print debug messages
-r, --check-relative-path
Make additional check on the executable path if
it is not absolute. If the path is
relative to current directory (i.e.
begins with './') additionally hash $PWD.
Otherwise additionally hash output of 'which CMD'.
--no-stdin Completely ignore stdin and don't hash its contents.
Can be usefull in case the executable doesn't read
anything from stdin.
cmdcache executes a program and caches its output.
It is assumed that there are no side effects of the program execution
and the data written to stdout depends strictly on the known data.
This data includes: stdin contents, program name, program arguments,
environment variables (only if -e option is given), files contents
(only if -f option is given).
cmdcache -f file -- egrep REGEXP file
cmdcache -e PATH -- which id