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Appendix A

The SiPeed/Lichee UART/JTAG adapter is a user friendly (labeled pins, probe accessible, etc.), compact and low cost USB to UART/JTAG adapter. In my experience it was packaged with quality female to female GPIO wires ideal for use with debugging the RPi (ie. short). This USB device is based on the FTDI FT2232D part and allows for debugging a remote RPi target systems utilizing OpenOCD and GDB.

To turn a Windows PC into a bare metal RPi development PC requires this adapter, or a similar one, and a cross compiler for development. This guide describes how to build, execute (TTL/UART) and debug (JTAG) the RPi from a Windows PC, utilizing MSYS2, the arm-none-eabi tool chain and OpenOCD.

An Ubuntu PC version of this guide is much simpler as everything should work out of the box with these packages installed.

sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi
sudo apt install gdb-multiarch
sudo apt install openocd

For Windows 10/11 with latest MSYS2/Mingw64 the following should install everything from a Mingw64 console. To integrate these tools with other command prompts (Appendix B), add c:\msys64\usr\bin and c:\msys64\mingw64\bin to your environment variable PATH.

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-arm-none-eabi-gcc
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb-multiarch
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-openocd

When debugging on Ubuntu/Windows use gdb-multiarch instead of arm-none-eabi-gdb. For example:

gdb-multiarch bootloader.elf

Alternate FT2232H based hardware

USB to JTAG/TTL devices are discontinued frequently, and the SiPeed/Lichee is no exception. If you cannot get this user friendly part available in your area, there are alternatives. For beginners the SiPeed/Lichee is highly recommended due to the easy of wiring.

The CJMCU-2232 FT2232HL USB to UART/JTAG is also a viable hardware option, although it is much less user friendly. The header pins typically need soldering and the pin labeling is generic and requires a lookup table to translate the FT2232 style (AC/AC and BC/BD) into JTAG and UART pins. In general use the A connectors for JTAG and B connectors for UART and the rest of the instructions are the same. A pin map from FT2232 to UART/JTAG is available online through other sources.

The FT2232H Mini Module is also a good option and very similar to the CJMCU-2232 . The header is already pinned out but does not include a USB cable. But a longer cable is a helpful option if moving between different boards or if the short GPIO wires for JTAG are not long enough for your work area.

The only difference relevant in our case is the location of the the UART pins. Below is a translation from FTDI connector pin to name. This reference can be used to wire either the CJMCU-2232 or FT2232H Mini Module.

          Pin   | Name    | RPI Pin  | RPi GPIO
  GND:    CN2-2   GND       14         GND
  TCK:    CN2-7   AD0       22         25
  TDI:    CN2-10  AD1       37         26
  TDO:    CN2-9   AD2       18         24
  TMS:    CN2-12  AD3       13         27
  GND:    CN3-2   GND       6          GND
  TX->RX: CN3-26  BD0       10         15
  RX->TX: CN3-25  BD1       8          14

Raspi to Raspi:
      RPi Pin   | RPi GPIO  RPI Pin  | RPi GPIO
  TRST:   1       3V3       15         22

FTDI board to FTDI board:
      FT Pin   | FT name | FT Pin   | FT name
  VCCIO: CN2-1   V3V3       CN2-11      VIO
  VCC:   CN3-1   VBUS       CN3-3       VCC




Connect all UART and JTAG pins from SiPeed to the RPI.

The UART Rx and Tx connect to the opposite side (Rx to Tx, Tx to Rx). All other pins are direct connect. Do not forget GND pins. See Chapter 4 for pin numbers and GPIO's. The pins on the SiPeed are clearly labled to avoid errors.

WARNING - power off the RPi and disconnect the USB adapter before connecting the GPIO wires. Double check that each GPIO connection is correct and snug before powering on. A loose wire is all it takes for OpenOCD to fail spectacularly. Never connect a SiPeed wire to any RPi 3V power pin as it can fry the adapter.

Connect the USB SiPeed adapter to the Windows PC.

This should produce two new devices within the Device Manager, USB Serial Converter A and B. This step can be performed before connecting the wires/pins in the step above, but both must be performed before starting OpenOCD in the next section.

Change the USB driver

The USB Serial Converter A must be reconfigured to use the WinUSB driver in order for OpenOCD to connect and control the JTAG correctly. By default the FT2232 based SiPeed is configured by Windows to be two COM ports. However, it is required to replace the driver for the primary UART (A) with WinUSB before OpenOCD can use it for JTAG.

To do this, download, install and execute the UsbDriverTool:

Upon execution, the UsbDriverTool Gui will appear, with a list of current USB devices on your system. Right click the USB Serial Converter A and choose 'Install WinUSB'.

The UsbDriverTool failed with latest Win10 updates when tested on 1/4/2021, but the newer version 2.1 works fine with Win11 when tested 08/2024. If it does not work for you, try the alternate method below.


To convert driver to WinUSB without UsbDriverTool this, download, install and execute the Zadig Automated Driver Installer (v2.5 build 730 tested):

Upon execution, the Zadig Gui will appear, with a list of current USB devices on your system (if not, select 'Options' menu, 'List all devices'). Then drop down the list and select 'Dual RS232 (Interface 0)'. Then check to be sure WinUSB is chosen as the replacement driver and press the 'Replace Driver' button.


Execute OpenOCD

Now it is time to test OpenOCD. For example, from the directory Lab8 Operating System\applications\bootloader of this Git repository, the following command will initialize OpenOCD for the SiPeed (FT2232) adapter and the connected RPi 4 target:

openocd -f ../../boards/rpi/openocd_sipeed_jtag.cfg -f ../../boards/rpi/rpi4_jtag.cfg

This openocd_sipeed_jtag.cfg is nothing more than a copy of the interface configuration file openocd-usb.cfg released by OpenOCD.


With OpenOCD, the first configuration file is for the adapter and the second file is for the target board. See Chapter 4 of the Laboratory book for more details on how to connect GDB to OpenOCD and debug the remote RPi target. This chapter (4) is included in the free preview of the book (link below).

Troubleshooting JTAG/OpenOCD on Win10/11

See the Laboratory, Chapter 4 (free through Leanpub) for more information on using OpenOCD. Below is additional information for Win10 users.

A lot can go wrong with a JTAG device and OpenOCD. If openocd returns an error related to the FTDI device, be sure the SiPeed device is connected and the driver has been replaced. See 'Change the USB driver' section above. Two (2) COM ports, instead of one (1), in Win10 Device Manager after plug-in it typically means the driver has NOT been replaced with WinUSB. After WinUSB is installed for OpenOCD this port will not be usable for UART (only OpenOCD and JTAG).

Also be sure to replace the driver only for the first or primary UART (A or 0). The secondary (B or 1) can only be used as a COM port.


Search the Windows Device Manager for the USB Serial Converter B and note the COM port number. You will use this COM port number when connecting with a Windows terminal software, such as TeraTerm or PuTTY.

Install either Tera Term or Putty now. If you want simplicity and only intend to use with the RPi, choose Tera Term. For more features and multiple configurations/target boards, choose Putty. The links below are to the download page on

Once installed, configure the terminal application to connect with the COM port assigned by Windows to USB Serial Converter B.

In Tera Term, click the Setup menu and select Serial port... Then select the COM port from the Port: drop down list. Keep the defaults of 115200 baud 8N1 and press Ok. Once you have verified the UART connection is a success choose Setup menu and Save settup... Save the file as the default TERATERM.INI and this COM port will be opened by default every time Tera Term is launched.

For PuTTY, the opening PuTTY Configuration has a Serial radio button on the top right side, in the Connection type: section. Select Serial and then enter the COM port (COM5 for example) in the Serial line field, and 115200 in the Speed. Press the Open button at the bottom to connect to the RPi over the COM port. If success you can use the Save button to save your configuration for quick loading next time you launch PuTTY; double click the saved name in the list to connect.

Happy coding and debugging!

First half of the Laboratory. Click Read Free Sample and choose your preferred reading format (PDF recommended for PC reading).

Computer Systems book preview. Click Read Free Sample and choose your preferred reading format (PDF recommended for PC reading).


[DEPRECATEWD] Install MSYS2 and launch the "MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit" shell.

Next we install 'make'. From the launched shell, issue the following to install make:

pacman -S make

[DEPRECATEWD] Install the latest arm-none-eabi toolchain for Windows.

[DEPRECATEWD] Add installed toolchain to the MSYS2 path

Add the directory to the toolchain from #2 to MSYS path.

MSYS2_PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/c/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/9 2020-q2-update/bin"


pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-openocd

Unfortunately older versions of OpenOCD may be too dated to support the RPi hardware. Proceed to the next step to upgrade the OpenOCD.


For the latest OpenOCD (>= 0.12.0) this step is NOT required.

To avoid building OpenOCD from scratch, download the latest xpack-openocd (

Then unzip and copy the 'contrib', 'OpenULINK' and 'scripts' folders to c:/msys64/mingw32/share/openocd. Replace/Update any existing files.

Then copy contents of 'bin' folder to c:/msys64/mingw32/bin, again replacing any existing files. Alternatively to installing and upgrading OpenOCD you can build the latest from Git (not for the faint of heart).