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198 lines (163 loc) · 11 KB

cellKey 1.0.3 (next)

  • Do not modify variable names in ck_setup() [#17]

cellKey 1.0.2

  • Performance Fix: Do not compute contributing indices (relevant only for the perturbation of numerical variables) if no such variables were specified in ck_setup()
  • Prefix logging-Outputs with a timestamp

cellKey 1.0.1

  • Updated Unit-Tests to be compatible with CRAN checks for MacOs
  • Update References in Package Vignette

cellKey 1.0.0

  • first version on CRAN
  • updated due to changes in Package ptable
  • parallel computation is controlled using environment-variable CK_RUN_PARALLEL. If this is set to TRUE, parallel computation is enabled, otherwise it is disabled. By default, parallel computing is disabled.

cellKey 0.19.2

  • do not rename columns of ptable input object
  • fix vignette and tests
  • bump requirements

cellKey 0.19.1

  • performance improvement: do not compute max contributions if no numeric key variable was specified

cellKey 0.19.0

  • feature: new method $supp_cells() that allows to specifiy sensitive cells based on names
  • bugfix: replace sign() with ifelse to enforce perturbation of cells that require additional protection

cellKey 0.18.3

  • bugfix: do not perturb cells with value 0 using flex-approach
  • bugfix: use only actual number of contributors in flex-approach when perturbing numvars
  • performance-improvement: speed-up computation of contributing units to cells
  • bugfix: scrambling cell keys having not enough digits
  • bugfix: computation separation point in flex-approach
  • set default value of argument w = NULL in ck_setup()
  • improve some error messages/outputs
  • bugfix when looking up perturbation values; small_cells and others must not intersect
  • fixing issues with empty cells for magnitude tables
  • fixed computation of weighted spreads, thx @staudtlex
  • do not perturb cells with 0 contributors in the flex-approach
  • update tests due to updates in digest-pkg
  • correctly compute weighted spread
  • do not convert variable names to lowercase
  • document R6 methods/classes via roxygen2
  • new method hierarchy_info() containing some important information for each dimension
  • reference new methods create_cnt_ptable() and create_num_ptable() from ptable-pkg
  • update vignette
  • improve documentation of ck_params_nums()
  • update tests due to updates in ptable-pkg

cellKey 0.18.2

  • feature: allow objects from ptable::pt_create_pParams as input in ck_params_cnts()
  • feature: allow objects from ptable::pt_create_pParams as input in ck_params_nums()

cellKey 0.18.1

  • bugfix: fallback to use a single core on windows-machines, fixing issue #131
  • updating dependencies and required versions
  • fix vignette due to updates in ptable-pkg
  • simplify examples by using examplary ptable from ptable-pkg using ptable::pt_ex_cnts() and ptable::pt_ex_nums()
  • feature: allow tabulation of non-perturbed variables in freqtab()
  • feature: allow tabulation of non-perturbed variables in numtab()
  • code linting
  • bugfix: fixing issues with "simple" approach; harmonizing and code-cleanup

cellKey 0.18.0

  • allow to save perturbation-schemes for different variables in params_cnts_set() and params_nums_set()
  • allow return current active perturbation parameters for variables with params_cnts_get() and params_nums_get()
  • added new convenience methods allvars(), numvars() and cntvars() returning variable names eligable for perturbation
  • implemented the perturbation of numerical variables
    • new method ck_params_nums() to define perturbation parameters for continuous variables along with helper-functions ck_flexparams() and ck_simpleparams()
    • new method numtab() to extract numerical tables
    • new method mod_nums() returning modifications for numerical variables
  • updated methods print() and summary() to include information about perturbed continuous variables
  • new methods reset_cntvars(), reset_numvars() and reset_allvars() to remove perturbation results and provided perturbation parameters
  • new methods to identify sensitive cells
    • $supp_freq(v, max_n)
    • $supp_nk(v, max_n)
    • $supp_p(v, max_n)
    • $supp_pq(v, max_n)
  • added test-cases and improved coverage
  • make use of ptables from ptable-pkg
  • Reproducibility:
    • allow to write perturbation parameters as yaml in ck_params_nums() and ck_params_cnts()
    • allow to import such parameters with ck_read_yaml()
  • updated and extended package vignette

cellKey 0.17.3

  • correctly compute perturbed weighted counts

cellKey 0.17.2

  • fixed issue in lookup up values for frequency tables

cellKey 0.17.1

  • adding parameter exclude_zero_cells to ck_cnt_measures()
  • updated documentation

cellKey 0.17.0

  • force usage of functionality from sdcHierarchies to define hierarchies
  • removed features to perturb magnitude tables for now as parametrisation from ptable-pkg is not yet defined
  • removed possiblity to specify parameters for count variables using the ABS definition
  • removed by-argument in $perturb() method
  • rewrite frequency table perturbation using R6 classes
    • new function ck_setup() to define a table
    • allow multiple variables in method $perturb()-method
    • removed ck_export_table() and added arguments to method freqtab()
    • new method $print() for R6 objects
    • new method $summary() for R6 objects
    • new method $mod_cnts() returning modifications for count variables
    • new method $params_cnts() that allow to query and set count parameters
  • updated ck_cnt_measures()
    • renamed false_positives to false_nonzero
    • improved documentation
    • add table of to ck_cnt_measures showing exact perturbations
    • harmonized output with tau-argus
  • new method $measures() uses ck_cnt_measures() internally for count variables
  • updated unit tests for counts based on hashes
  • updated of package vignette

cellKey 0.16.3

  • fix tests due to changes in R 3.6.0

cellKey 0.16.2

  • install ptable from personal fork until sdcTools/ptable is updated

cellKey 0.16.1

  • removed placeholder for pThreshold in perturbTable()

cellKey 0.16.0

  • make use of new package sdcHierarchies to generate and update hierarchies
  • new function ck_rename_nodes()
  • perturbTable() got a new argument pThreshold that allows to specify a threshold above no perturbation is applied independent from the perturbation table. Currently only a placeholder and not used.

cellKey 0.15.0

  • new convenience function ck_vignette() that displays the package vignette in a browser
  • ck_generate_rkeys() got a new argument seed that allows to overwrite the default seed computed from a hash of the input dataset.
  • improvements in code-styling and readability of examples
  • improvements in vignette

cellKey 0.14.0

  • feature: new method ck_export_table() that allows to save results in a simple format
  • improvement: better error-message if too large values for bigN are specified
  • improvement: better error-message if parameter smallN is too large in respect to the specified pTable
  • improvement: display message about ignored parameters in ck_generate_rkeys() only if non-required parameters have been actually specified
  • improvement: no warning messages that parameters are ignored in case they are irrelevant

cellKey 0.13.4

  • feature: new function ck_cnt_measures_basic() that computes infoloss/utility measures based on two input vectors referring to original and perturbed values
  • bugfix: check that record-keys in destatis-format are >= 0

cellKey 0.13.3

  • feature: perturbation parameters for magnitude tables can be left empty
  • new function ck_cnt_measures() that computes some (distance-based) information loss measures for count variables
  • updated vignette and examples

cellKey 0.13.2

  • feature: new method print() for objects returned from perturbTable()
  • feature: new method summary() for objects returned from perturbTable()

cellKey 0.13.1

  • small updates to reflect changes in ptable

cellKey 0.13.0

  • depend on package ptable to generate the perturbation tables by rewriting ck_create_pTable(); thus the package must be installed, e.g using devtools::install_github("sdcTools/ptable", build_vignette=FALSE)

cellKey 0.12.0

  • feature: use package ptable to generate pTables in destatis format

cellKey 0.11.0

  • feature: use functions to create hierarchies directly from sdcTable and bump version requirement of this package to >=0.23

cellKey 0.10.2

  • feature: if a (valid) variable is specified in argument by in perturbTable() it is automatically added to countVars even though not explicitely specified.

cellKey 0.10.1

  • feature: perturbTable() gained an optional new argument by. In this argument one can use a variable that must also be listed in countVars. This variable is then used to compute the magnitute tables by the given 0/1 binary variable. For an example see ?perturbTable.

cellKey 0.10.0

  • feature: new argument countVars in perturbTable() which allows to additionally tabulate any number or 0/1 variables. For such variables. In such case, the record-keys of non-contribution units are set to 0 prior to the lookup in the perturbation table
  • removed method results() and replaced it with new methods ck_freq_table() and ck_cont_table() that should be used to query specific tables from the output of perturbTable()
  • updated examples showing new features in perturbTable(), ck_freq_table() and ck_cont_table()
  • updated introduction vignette

Version 0.9.1

  • bugfix for continous tables using pre-specified record keys

cellKey 0.9.0

  • feature: new dynamic way to specify hierarchies for tables, for an example see ?ck_manage_hierarchies. This functionality will eventually also find its way to sdcTable

    cellKey 0.8.2

    • bugfix: rkeys need not to be integer if the "destatis"-method is used

cellKey 0.8.1

  • small fixes and some exported function gained verbose arguments

cellKey 0.8.0

  • feature: perturbation tables (pTable) can now be specified in two different formats. The (default) way is to specify it as described in the original ABS-paper Methodology for the Automatic Confidentialisation of Statistical Outputs from Remote Servers at the Australian Bureau of Statistics (Thompson, Broadfoot, Elazar). An alternative way is to provide the perturbation tables for count tables in the "destatis"-format. ck_create_pTable(type="destatis") returns an exemplary pTable in this format. In the future, such pTables will likely be generated from another package. As the requirements regarding record keys are different in the following lookup-approach, we have already implemented some (basic) checks for validity of record keys when they are already available in the microdata used in ck_create_input().