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"Watt Toolkit" is an open source cross-platform multi-purpose game toolkit, most of its features require you to download and install Steam to use it.

- GitHub Releases
- Gitee Releases
- Official WebSite
- AUR(Official Release)
- AUR dev(Pull latest code and build locally, build maybe failed, also don't guarantee availability)
- Account Switch
- Switch between Steam accounts that are already logged in on the current PC with one click, and manage features such as sorting your home shared library.
- Inventory Management
- Lets you manage your Steam game inventory directly, not only by downloading older Steam games, but also by managing Steam game achievements directly, supporting unlocked achievements and unlocked achievements.
- Local Authentication
- Let your cell phone token unified save in the computer, currently only support Steam token, later will develop support more token types with cloud synchronization token.
- ArchiSteamFarm
- Integration with ArchiSteamFarm provides functions such as hanging and dropping Steam Collectible Cards within the app.
- Game Tools
- Force game windows to use borderless windowing
OS | Version | Architectures | Lifecycle |
Windows Client | 7 SP1(*), 8.1(*) | x64 | Windows |
Windows 10 Client | Version 1607+(*) | x64 | Windows |
Windows 11 | Version 22000+ | x64, | Windows |
Windows Server | 2008 R2 SP1(*), 2012+ | x64 | Windows Server |
* Windows 7 SP1 must have Extended Security Update installed and will be released after November 2022 is no longer supported.
* Windows 8.1 will no longer be supported in versions released after November 2022.
* Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 must have Extended Security Update installed and will be released after November 2022 is no longer supported.
* Microsoft Store(Desktop Bridge) Version 1809+
OS | Version | Architectures | Lifecycle |
Alpine Linux | 3.13+ | x64, Arm64 | Alpine |
CentOS | 7+ | x64 | CentOS |
Debian | 10+ | x64, Arm64 | Debian |
Fedora | 33+ | x64 | Fedora |
openSUSE | 15+ | x64 | OpenSUSE |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux | 7+ | x64, Arm64 | Red Hat |
SUSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) | 12 SP2+ | x64 | SUSE |
Ubuntu | 16.04, 18.04, 20.04+ | x64, Arm64 | Ubuntu |
Deepin / UOS | 20+ | x64 | Deepin |
Arch Linux | x64, Arm64 |
OS | Version | Architectures |
macOS | 10.15+ | x64, Arm64 |
OS | Version | Architectures |
Android | 5.0(API 21)+ | x64, Arm64, Arm32 |
OS | Version | Architectures |
iOS | 10.0+ | x64, Arm64, Arm32 |
- Windows 8
- Due to Microsoft's official support for the product has ended, so this program cannot run on this operating system, It is recommended to upgrade to Windows 8.1
- Windows Server / Linux version without desktop GUI
- Xbox or Windows Mobile / Phone
Read what we milestones, and feel free to ask questions.
Visual Studio 2022
JetBrains Rider
Visual Studio 2022 for Mac
Visual Studio Code
- Supported Operating Systems
- Workload
- Web and Cloud
- ASP.NET and Web Development
- Desktop and Mobile Applications
- Mobile Development using .Net
- .NET Desktop Development
- UWP Development
- Web and Cloud
- Single Component
- GitHub Extension for Visual Studio(Optional)
- Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.0)
- Visual Studio Marketplace
OpenJDK 11
Android Studio 2021.1.1 Or Higher
Xcode 13 Or Higher
- Newtonsoft.Json
- MetroRadiance
- MetroTrilithon
- Livet
- StatefulModel
- Hardcodet.NotifyIcon
- System.Reactive
- Titanium-Web-Proxy
- FastGithub
- Portable.BouncyCastle
- Ninject
- log4net
- SteamAchievementManager
- ArchiSteamFarm
- Steam4NET
- WinAuth
- SteamDesktopAuthenticator
- Gameloop.Vdf
- DnsClient.NET
- Costura.Fody
- MessagePack-CSharp
- CSharpVitamins.ShortGuid
- Nito.Comparers
- Nito.Disposables
- Crc32.NET
- gfoidl.Base64
- sqlite-net-pcl
- AutoMapper
- Polly
- TaskScheduler
- SharpZipLib
- SevenZipSharp
- ZstdNet
- Depressurizer
- NLog
- NUnit
- ReactiveUI
- MessageBox.Avalonia
- AvaloniaUI
- AvaloniaGif
- Avalonia XAML Behaviors
- FluentAvalonia
- Moq
- Fleck
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
- AspNet.Security.OpenId.Providers
- AspNet.Security.OAuth.Providers
- ZXing.Net
- QRCoder
- QR Code Generator for .NET
- TinyPinyin
- TinyPinyin.Net
- Packaging utilities for .NET Core
- React
- Ant Design
- Ant Design Blazor
- Toast messages for Xamarin.iOS
- ImageCirclePlugin
- Visual Studio App Center SDK for .NET
- AppCenter-XMac
- MSBuild.Sdk.Extras
- Xamarin.Essentials
- Xamarin.Forms
- Open Source Components for Xamarin
- Google Play Services / Firebase / ML Kit for Xamarin.Android
- Picasso
- OkHttp
- Material Components for Android
- AndroidX for Xamarin.Android
- Android Jetpack
- ConstraintLayout
- Entity Framework Core
- ASP.NET Core
- Windows Forms
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
- C#/WinRT
- command-line-api
- .NET Runtime
- Fluent UI System Icons
- Material design icons