diff --git a/scaling-security.Rmd b/scaling-security.Rmd
index d650b1e0..2a7c41ca 100644
--- a/scaling-security.Rmd
+++ b/scaling-security.Rmd
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Alternatively, you may have data that is user-specific.
If you need to **authenticate** users, i.e. identify them through a user name and password, never attempt to roll a solution yourself.
There are just too many things that might go wrong.
Instead, you'll need to work with your IT team to design a secure access mechanism.
-You can see some best practices at and .
+You can see some best practices at and .
Note that code within `server()` is isolated so there's no way for one user session to see data from another.
The only exception is if you use caching --- see Section \@ref(cache-scope) for details.