All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Upcoming changes...
0.7.0 2025-03-24
- Add abort scan button
0.6.5 2025-03-21
- Add UI for modifying scanoss.json skip settings
- Add Settings menu
- Improve scanning performance
0.6.4 2025-03-18
- Fix search bar not resetting results
- Fix scan terminal output not showing output immediately
- Fix scan dialog size
0.6.3 2025-03-12
- Fix windows build
0.6.2 2025-03-12
- Fix windows build
0.6.1 2025-02-19
- Fix scan dialog animation not working when clicking "Scan With Options"
- Fix path building when selecting scan root
- Fix scan dialog resetting to default values when opening
- Use a single function to get all scan root derived paths in ScanDialog (results path, settings path, etc)
0.6.0 2024-02-03
- Add sort options for results:
- By path
- By match percentage
- Add empty state for results
- Add scan root selector and info in top bar
- Improved diff viewer scrolling performance
- Show help command without running the process
- Check for several python default install locations when running scan command
- Set proper scan root when executing the app from symlink
- Use same color for left and right code viewers
- "Scan With Options" improvements
- Add advanced options input
- Do not allow to manually select output path
- Show boolean options as checkboxes
- Hide console output when no lines are available
- Create .scanoss directory if it does not exist
- Remove "Scan Current Directory" menu option
0.5.0 - 2024-01-24
- Initial open source release
- React-based frontend for diff viewer
- Go backend with scanning capabilities
- Component and license management
- Decision saving and loading from SCANOSS settings file
- File scanning and result filtering
- Keyboard shortcuts support
- Terminal output viewer
- Configuration management through CLI