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100 lines (77 loc) · 4.29 KB

File metadata and controls

100 lines (77 loc) · 4.29 KB


Generate data-sets:

$ sbt clean assembly
$ sbt "run-main io.scalding.approximations.performance.GenerateMillionKeys"
$ sbt "run-main io.scalding.approximations.performance.GenerateMillionKeyValues"
$ hadoop fs -mkdir datasets/
$ hadoop fs -put datasets/* .     

Adding wikipedia dataset:

$ wget --no-check-certificate -O wikipedia-revisions.gz
$ gunzip wikipedia-revisions.gz
$ hadoop fs -put wikipedia-revisions datasets/

Executing Scalding (Count unique) :

hadoop jar Social-Media-Analytics-assembly-1.0.jar com.twitter.scalding.Tool \
    io.scalding.approximations.performance.CountUniqueHLL --hdfs --input datasets/1MillionUnique

Executing HIVE (Count unique):

CREATE TABLE unique1M   ( key string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
CREATE TABLE unique10M  ( key string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
CREATE TABLE unique20M  ( key string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
CREATE TABLE unique40M  ( key string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
CREATE TABLE unique80M  ( key string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
CREATE TABLE unique100M ( key string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
CREATE TABLE unique500M ( key string ) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;

load data inpath '/tmp/1M/'   into table unique1M;
load data inpath '/tmp/10M/'  into table unique10M;
load data inpath '/tmp/20M/'  into table unique20M;
load data inpath '/tmp/40M/'  into table unique40M;
load data inpath '/tmp/80M/'  into table unique80M;
load data inpath '/tmp/100M/' into table unique100M;
load data inpath '/tmp/500M/' into table unique500M;

Executing Scalding (Top-10 Wikipedia):

hadoop jar Social-Media-Analytics-assembly-1.0.jar com.twitter.scalding.Tool \
    io.scalding.approximations.CountMinSketch.WikipediaTopN --hdfs --input datasets/wikipedia/wikipedia-revisions --topN 10

Executing HIVE (Top-10 Wikipedia):

CREATE TABLE wikipedia ( ContributorID INT, ContributorUserName STRING, RevisionID INT, DateTime STRING) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
load data inpath '/tmp/wikipedia/' into table wikipedia;

select count(distinct ContributorID) from wikipedia;  # 74 Mappers - 1 Reducer #  Time: 66 seconds # Result = 5,686,427

SELECT ContributorID, COUNT(ContributorID) AS CC 
FROM wikipedia
GROUP BY ContributorID
# 74 Map - 19 Reducer # 4 Map - 1 Reducer # Time: 82 seconds

SELECT ContributorID, COUNT(ContributorID) AS CC 
FROM wikipedia
GROUP BY ContributorID
# 74 Map - 19 Reducer - 4 Map - 1 Reducer # Time: 82 seconds

    Rank ContributorID  Count
     0	3455093	3762147
     1	1215485	3736115
     2	433328	3445761
     3	7328338	3107727
     4	6569922	2811455
     5	13286072	2294332
     6	4936590	1597294
     7	11292982	1577598
     8	4928500	1544177
     9	10996774	1447324
     10	205121	1281580
     11	7611264	1129643
     12	8066546	983709
     13	279219	965345
     14	82835	964309
     15	7320905	923242
SELECT TOP 10 ContributorID, COUNT(ContributorID) AS Count
FROM wikipedia
GROUP BY ContributorID


The following implicit join notation is supported starting with Hive 0.13.0

SELECT * FROM unique1M     t1,  unique10M  t10 WHERE  t1.key ==  t10.key      # 68 sec
SELECT * FROM unique10M   t10,  unique20M  t20 WHERE t10.key ==  t20.key      # 94 sec
SELECT * FROM unique10M   t10, unique100M t100 WHERE t10.key == t100.key      # 115 sec       15 map / 4 reduce
SELECT * FROM unique20M   t20, unique100M t100 WHERE t20.key == t100.key      # 120 sec       16 map / 4 reduce
SELECT * FROM unique100M t100, unique100M t100a WHERE t100.key == t100a.key   # 275 sec       12 map / 3 reduce
SELECT * FROM unique1M     t1,  unique1M  t1a WHERE  t1.key ==  t1a.key      # 41  sec
SELECT * FROM unique10M   t10,  unique10M  t10a WHERE  t10.key ==  t10a.key  # 110 sec