The data file is for all Wikipedia page revisions (in TSV format).
In the analysis in the book we excluded records whose user ID == 0, since Wikipedia indicates these belong to "bookkeeping" scripts.
echo Downloading 6.28 GBytes of wikipedia data
wget --no-check-certificate -O wikipedia-revisions.gz
contains a 100K line sample
The fields are the following:
ContributorID | ContributorUserName | RevisionID | DateTime |
99 | RoseParks | 233192 | 2001-01-21T02:12:21Z |
0 | Conversion script | 862220 | 2002-02-25T15:43:11Z |
7543 | Ams80 | 15898945 | 2003-04-25T22:18:38Z |
516514 | Nzd | 56681914 | 2006-06-03T16:55:41Z |
750223 | Rory096 | 74466685 | 2006-09-08T04:16:04Z |
4477979 | Ngaiklin | 133180268 | 2007-05-24T14:41:58Z |