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- [Computer Vision (SBE404)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2021/cv/ %}), by Prof. Ahmed M. Badawy, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Computer Systems (Database) (CMP2242)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2020/sbe306DataBase/ %}), by Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Data Structures and Algorithms (CMP2241)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2020/data-structure-FALL/ %}), by Dr. Eman Marzaban, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Computer Systems (Database) (SBE306)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2020/sbe306DataBase/ %}), by Dr. Ahmed Kandil, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Computer Systems (Database) (HEMN230)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2020/hemn230DataBase/ %}), by Dr. Ahmed Kandil, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Computer Vision (SBE404)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2020/cv/ %}), by Prof. Ahmed M. Badawy, Eng. Eman Marzban, and Eng. Asem Alaa.
- [Data Structures and Algorithms (SBE201)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2020/data-structures/ %}), by Prof. Ahmed H. Kandil and Eng. Asem Alaa.
- [Computer Graphics (HEMN224)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2020/CG_HEMN/ %}), by Prof. Ayman M.Eldeib, Eng. Ayman Anwar, and Eng. Eslam Adel.
- [Artificial Intelligence (SBE452)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2020/AI/ %}), by Assoc. Prof. Inas Yassine and Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Computer Graphics (SBE306)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2020/CG/ %}), by Prof. Ayman M. Eldeib, Eng. Eslam Adel, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Biostatistics (SBE304)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2019/biostatistics/ %}), by Prof. Ayman M. Eldeib, Eng. Asem Alaa.
- [Computer Systems (Database) (SBE306)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2019/Database/ %}), by Dr. Ahmed Kandil, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Data Structures and Algorithms (SBE201)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2019/data-structures/ %}), by Prof. Ahmed H. Kandil and Eng. Asem Alaa.
- [Computer Vision (SBE404)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2019/cv/ %}), by Prof. Ahmed M. Badawy, Dr. Muhamed Rushdi, Eng. Asem Alaa, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Computer Graphics (SBE306)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2019/CG/ %}), by Prof. Ayman M. Eldeib, Eng. Eslam Adel, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Computer Systems (Database) (SBE306)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2019/Database/ %}), by Dr. Ahmed Kandil, Eng. Ayman Anwar.
- [Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (HEMN115)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2019/intro-to-BME/ %}), by Dr. Tamer Basha, Eng. Eslam Adel.
- [Medical Electronics Systems (SBE403A)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2019/microprocessor/ %}), by Dr. Tamer Basha, Eng. Eslam Adel.
- [Data Structures and Algorithms (SBE201)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2018/data-structures/ %}), by Prof. Ahmed H. Kandil and Eng. Asem Alaa.
- [Digital Signal Processing (SBE309)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2018/dsp/ %}), by Dr. Tamer Yousef, Eng. Asem Alaa, and Eng. Eman Ibraheem.
- [Computer Vision (SBE404)]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link 2018/cv/ %}), by Dr. Muhamed Rushdi, Eng. Eslam Adel, and Eng. Asem Alaa.