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Mark's Enclosure Helper - Mini Mint Tin

with Magnetic or Catch Clasp

The famous mints used to (still may for all we know) have in "mini" size, about 60mm x 35mm x 15mm, that was handy for all sorts of things. We chose that size to devolp this generalized box code against, as it's small enough to print in an hour and all the prototypes can be given out to schoolchildren who will find them charming regardless of their flaws.

This code comes set up for a pair of magent holders for 6mm x 2mm round rare earth magnets. We found those cheap in bulk online use them for many things; if you find a different size you can adjust magnet_d and magnet_h to fit what you have. You may also wish to adjust those numbers to make the magnets harder or easier to insert.

The magwart_box calculation determines the outer dimensions of the wart that carries the magnet, see the magwarts reference for full documentation. For immediate use you can change the sqish by playing with the 1.0 and 1.6 values, which are distoriting the X and Y dimensions of the magwart.

To use a catch clasp, comment out the magwart_points variable, and uncomment the catch_points definition. In other words, make the file look like this:


//magwart_points = [0.3,0.7];

For further control of the clasp see the catch clasp reference.


We have printed these with 0.4mm, 0.5mm, and 0.6mm nozzles, in several varietes of PLA, with and without supports and with and without print cooling fans. Supports and fans can make details sharper but are not striclty necessary.

At this wall thickness slicer settings having to do with perimiters control more than infill. Our slicers have consistiently made the hinge legs solid; they should function pretty well with lighter infill as long as the perimiter is still firm enough to keep the shape.

Copyright (c) 2019 Mark and Marie Lamb. Distributed under GPLv3, see LICENSE file for terms.

We hope you find this code useful, and ask that you hit this donate link please.