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Sergio Alejandro Vargas edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 18 revisions

Paq-nvim compared to Packer.nvim

Packer.nvim is another package manager for Neovim. Like Paq, it's written in Lua and takes advantage of modern Neovim features, although in different ways.

Paq aims at being a simple wrapper. It was written in Lua to have a very small and concise implementation. Paq is not about optimizations nor edge cases.

Packer is focused on prividing a complete package manager. It was written in Lua to allow for features (and performance) that would simply be too hard to get with VimL. It has a lot of features, including dependency resolution and luarocks support.

As far as I know, Paq is the smallest package manager, and Packer the most complete. Both in Vim and Neovim ecosystems. If you only use your package manager for cloning things from GitHub, both Paq and Packer will work fine. If you need very specific configuration options, Packer might be a better choice.

Plugin manager sizes

LOC counted with Tokei on 2021-01-27.

Manager version LOC PL
Packer N/A 2876 Lua
Paq 0.4.1 125 Lua
Pathogen 2.4 233 VimL
Minpac 3.0 1335 VimL
Vim-plug 0.10.0 2556 VimL

Note: You can also read a comparison and migration guide from Vim-plug and Minpac here.

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