1 |
| -# Seurat v4.2.1 |
| 1 | +# Seurat v4.4.0 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 | ## Test environments
4 |
| -* local Ubuntu 20.04 install, R 4.1.3 |
| 4 | +* local Ubuntu 20.04 install, R 4.3.1 |
5 | 5 | * win-builder (release, devel)
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 | ## R CMD check results
8 |
| -There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs |
9 |
| - |
10 |
| -There was one NOTE: |
11 |
| - |
12 |
| -* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE |
13 |
| -Maintainer: 'Paul Hoffman <[email protected]>' |
14 |
| - |
15 |
| -Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: |
16 |
| - URL: https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.aad0501 |
17 |
| - From: man/cc.genes.Rd |
18 |
| - man/cc.genes.updated.2019.Rd |
19 |
| - Status: 503 |
20 |
| - Message: Service Unavailable |
21 |
| - |
22 |
| -This URL is valid and the service still exists. When navigating to the URL either via the documentation or directly, you are taken to the correct article |
| 8 | +There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs. |
23 | 9 |
24 | 10 | ## Downstream dependencies
25 | 11 |
26 | 12 | There no packages that depend on Seurat
27 | 13 |
28 |
| -There are sixteen packages that import Seurat: CAMML, CIDER, DR.SC, DUBStepR, maple, Platypus, rPanglaoDB, scDiffCom, scMappR, SCRIP, scRNAstat, Signac, SignacX, SoupX, spruce, and tidyseurat; this update does not impact their functionality |
| 14 | +There are forty-five packages that import Seurat: AnanseSeurat, APL, bbknnR, benchdamic, CAMML, CIDER, COTAN, CSCDRNA, Dino, DR.SC, DWLS, ggsector, gsdensity, infercnv, IRISFGM, mixhvg, Nebulosa, pipeComp, PRECAST, ProFAST, rPanglaoDB, scAnnotate, scBFA, scBubbletree, scCB2, scDataviz, scDiffCom, scFeatures, scGate, scMappR, scperturbR, scpoisson, SCRIP, scRNAseqApp, scRNAstat, scTreeViz, SignacX, singleCellTK, SoupX, Spaniel, SPECK, speckle, SpotClean, stJoincount, and STREAK; this update does not impact their functionality |
29 | 15 |
30 |
| -There are twelve packages that suggest Seurat: BisqueRNA, CIARA, ClustAssess, clustree, conos, DIscBIO, dyngen, harmony, rliger, Rmagic, treefit, and VAM; this update does not impact their functionality. |
| 16 | +There are fifty-one packages that suggest Seurat: ASURAT, BayesSpace, BisqueRNA, Canek, cellpypes, CIARA, ClustAssess, clustifyr, clustifyrdatahub, clustree, combiroc, conos, countland, CRMetrics, decoupleR, DIscBIO, dittoSeq, dorothea, dyngen, EasyCellType, EpiMix, escape, fcoex, FEAST, fgsea, GeomxTools, grandR, harmony, M3Drop, MOFA2, monocle, muscData, progeny, RESET, rliger, SCORPIUS, SCpubr, scRepertoire, scTensor, Signac, SimBenchData, SimBu, spatialHeatmap, SPOTlight, TAPseq, TCGAbiolinks, tidybulk, treefit, tricycle, UCell, and VAM; this update does not impact their functionality. |
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