Next.js boilerplate made with Chakra-UI + Typescript + React-table + React-hook-form
- Initialize your project with this command:
yarn create next-app -e
- Duplicate
fulfilling variables as needed
cp .env.example .env.local
- Run the following commands:
yarn install
yarn dev # start development server
- Done 🎉
- Run the following commands:
yarn build # this command will fail if there is any Typescript or Lint errors
yarn start
Netlify | Vercel |
How to get the most out of this boilerplate 🚀
- You can generate your e-mail templates from MJML by running the following command:
yarn emails
The generated .html
files will be located in ./emails/dist/
- You can also watch for MJML file changes in your
folder by running:
yarn emails:watch
Any change in the .mjml
files will generate new .html
template files.
- Authentication screens pre-built
- Server side rendering
- Forms (compatible with
)- Text Input (masked/normalized)
- Date Input
- Upload Input
- Autocomplete/Select Input
- Number Input
- Phone Input
- Textarea Input
- Schema validation with
- Data table with inline editing
- Layouts
- CRUD example
- Modal with fullscreen option
- Email templates for authentication flow
- VSCode workspace recommendations
- Profile page for user editing
- Collapsable & nested menu
- Code Generator (component, form, and page)
- VSCode debug setup
- Advanced filter for data tables (like Notion)
- Form builder
- Next.js
- Typescript
- Chakra UI
- Next SEO
- React Table
- Eslint/Prettier
- React Toastify
- React Query
- React Hook Form
- NProgress
- Git hooks
- Perfect scrollbar
- Mjml
- useHooks Typescript
- Utility Types
- Storybook
- Plop (Template Generator)
In order to see storybook, run development server with following command:
yarn install # if you didn't yet :)
yarn storybook # start server at http://localhost:6006
Patrick Santos Bitonti Teixeira |
Lincoln M. Costa |
João Paulo Rodrigues |