This extension is released on the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. This document contains the release process
❗ This will need to be automated at some point, but for now it's a manual process.
# Install the Visual Studio Code Extension Manager
npm install -g @vscode/vsce
# Login to the Visual Studio Code Marketplace
# The PAT (Marketplace, Manage) can be created on Azure DevOps ( and is stored in GitHub Secrets.
vsce login sandertenbrinke
# Package the extension
# This calls the vscode:prepublish script in package.json
vsce package
# Test the package
code --install-extension readme-auto-open-1.0.0.vsix
# Publish the package
# This can be done by uploading the .vsix file in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace (
# Or by running the following command:
vsce publish