From e298cf8758c6622c39f0eb6cbcd64d1e7d387ce1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christina Schmidt Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2023 12:57:38 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Function for Lollipop graphs #69 --- R/VizLolipop.R | 1337 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1337 insertions(+) create mode 100644 R/VizLolipop.R diff --git a/R/VizLolipop.R b/R/VizLolipop.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b501784 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/VizLolipop.R @@ -0,0 +1,1337 @@ +## --------------------------- +## +## Script name: Visualization Lollipop graph +## +## Purpose of script: Data Visualisation of the MetaProViz analysis to aid biological interpretation +## +## Author: Dimitrios Prymidis and Christina Schmidt +## +## Date Created: 2022-10-28 +## +## Copyright (c) Dimitrios Prymidis and Christina Schmidt +## Email: +## +## --------------------------- +## +## Notes: +## +## +## --------------------------- +#' +#' This script allows you to perform Lollipop visualizations using the results of the MetaProViz analysis + + +##################################### +### ### ### Lolipop Plots ### ### ### +##################################### +#' @param Plot_Settings \emph{Optional: } Choose between "Standard" (Input_data), "Compare" (plot two comparisons together Input_data and Input_data2) or "PEA" (Pathway Enrichment Analysis) \strong{Default = "Standard"} +#' @param Plot_SettingsInfo \emph{Optional: } NULL or Named vector including at least one of those three information for Plot_Settings="Standard" or "Compare": c(color="ColumnName_Plot_SettingsFile", shape= "ColumnName_Plot_SettingsFile", individual="ColumnName_Plot_SettingsFile"). For Plot_Settings="PEA" a named vector with c(PEA_Pathway="ColumnNameAdditionalInput_data", PEA_score="ColumnNameAdditionalInput_data", PEA_stat= "ColumnNameAdditionalInput_data", individual="Plot_SettingsFile), optionally you can additionally include c(color="ColumnName_Plot_SettingsFile", shape= "ColumnName_Plot_SettingsFile").\strong{Default = NULL} +#' @param Plot_SettingsFile \emph{Optional: } DF with column "Metabolite" including the Metabolite names (needs to match Metabolite names of Input_data) and other columns with required PlotSettingInfo. \strong{Default = NULL} +#' @param Input_data DF with column "Metabolite" including the Metabolite names, Log2FC, pvalue/padjusted values. Can also include additional columns with metadata usable for Plot_Setting_Info. Multiple Input data frames can be added using a list ie. list(df1, df2, df3) +#' @param OutputPlotName \emph{Optional: } String which is added to the output files of the plot. \strong{Default = ""} +#' @param test \emph{Optional: } String which selects pvalue or padj for significance. \strong{Default = padj} +#' @param Comparison_name \emph{Optional: } List including those information about the datasets that are compared on the plots when choosing Plot_Settings= "Compare". \strong{Default = list("Cond1", "Cond2")} +#' @param pCutoff \emph{Optional: } Number of the desired p value cutoff for assessing significance. \strong{Default = 0.05} +#' @param FCcutoff \emph{Optional: } Number of the desired log fold change cutoff for assessing significance. \strong{Default = 0.5} +#' @param Legend \emph{Optional: } Legend=="Pie" will plot a PieChart as the legend for color or Legend="Standard, plot the standard legend for color. \strong{Default = "Standard"} +#' @param Subtitle \emph{Optional: } \strong{Default = ""} +#' @param Theme \emph{Optional: } Selection of theme for plot. \strong{Default = NULL} +#' +#' @param Save_as_Plot \emph{Optional: } Select the file type of output plots. Options are svg, pdf, png or NULL. \strong{Default = "svg"} +#' +#' @keywords Lolipop plot, pathways +#' @export + +VizLolipop<- function(Plot_Settings="Standard", + Plot_SettingsInfo= NULL, + Plot_SettingsFile= NULL, # Input_pathways = NULL, + Input_data, # a dataframe of list of dataframes + AdditionalInput_data= NULL, # used only for PEA + x = "Log2FC", + y = "Metabolite", + OutputPlotName= "", + Comparison_name= c(Input_data="Cond1", AdditionalInput_data= "Cond2"), + Subtitle= "", + Theme= NULL, + Save_as_Plot = "svg", + parameter_size="Reverse" #or default "Standard" +){ + ## ------------ Setup and installs ----------- ## + RequiredPackages <- c("tidyverse", "showtext", "cowplot") + new.packages <- RequiredPackages[!(RequiredPackages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] + if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages) + suppressMessages(library(tidyverse)) + + ## ------------ Check Input files ----------- ## + # 1. The input data: + if(inherits(Input_data,"list") ==FALSE){ + temp <- list(Input_data) + Input_data <- temp + } + if(inherits(Plot_SettingsFile,"list") ==FALSE){ + temp <- list(Plot_SettingsFile) + Plot_SettingsFile <- temp + } + Plot_SettingsFile_List <- Plot_SettingsFile + if(length(Plot_SettingsFile_List)==1){ + Plot_SettingsFile <- Plot_SettingsFile_List[[1]] + } + + Flip <- c() # Vector to check if x or y in numeric + for(i in 1:length(Input_data)){ + # i=2 + data <- Input_data[[i]] + if(any(duplicated(row.names(data)))==TRUE){ + stop("Duplicated row.names of Input_data, whilst row.names must be unique") + } + if("Metabolite" %in% colnames(data) == FALSE){ + stop("Check input. Input_data must contain a column named `Metabolite` including the metabolite names.") + } + # Check if the next lines work correctly in case of duplicated metabolites + if(length(data[duplicated(data$Metabolite), "Metabolite"]) > 0){ + doublons <- as.character(data[duplicated(data$Metabolite), "Metabolite"])#number of duplications + data <-data[!duplicated(data$Metabolite),]#remove duplications + warning("Input_data contained duplicates based on Metabolite! Dropping duplicate IDs and kept only the first entry. You had ", length(doublons), " duplicates. Note that you should do this before running VizLolipop.") + } + if(paste(x) %in% colnames(data)==FALSE | paste(y) %in% colnames(data)==FALSE){ + stop("Check your input. The column name of x and/or y does not exist in Input_data.") + } + if (is.numeric(data[[x]]) && is.character(data[[y]])) { + Flip[i] <-FALSE + } else if (is.character(data[[x]]) && is.numeric(data[[y]])) { + Flip[i] <- TRUE + } else { + stop("One of the x or y must by numeric and the other must be a character") + } + } + + if (sum(Flip) == length(Input_data)) { + Flip=TRUE + temp<- x + x<-y + y<- temp + } else{ + Flip <- FALSE + } + + # 2. The Plot_settings: Plot_Settings, Plot_SettingInfo and Plot_SettingFile + Plot_options <- c("Standard", "Compare", "PEA") + if (Plot_Settings %in% Plot_options == FALSE){ + stop("Plot_Settings option is incorrect. The allowed options are the following: ",paste(Plot_options, collapse = ", "),"." ) + } + if(is.vector(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE & is.null(Plot_SettingsFile)==TRUE){ + stop("You have chosen Plot_SettingsInfo option that requires you to provide a DF Plot_SettingsFile.") + } + if(Plot_Settings=="Compare" & "color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + warning("When Plot_Settings='Compare' color is used to colorcode the input datasets. Color was added in the Plot_SettingsInfo but it will be ignored. Please use only the size option.") + Plot_SettingsInfo <- Plot_SettingsInfo[!names(Plot_SettingsInfo) == "color"] + } + + if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + for(i in 1:length(Plot_SettingsFile_List)){ + data <- Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] + if (Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]] %in% colnames(data) == FALSE) { + stop("You have chosen color = ",paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]]), ", ", paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]])," does not exist in the PlotSettingsFile." ) + } + } + } + if("size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + for(i in 1:length(Plot_SettingsFile_List)){ + data <- Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] + if (Plot_SettingsInfo[["size"]] %in% colnames(data) == FALSE) { + stop("You have chosen size = ",paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["size"]]), ", ", paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["size"]])," does not exist in the PlotSettingsFile." ) + } + } + } + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + for(i in 1:length(Plot_SettingsFile_List)){ + data <- Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] + if (Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]] %in% colnames(data) == FALSE) { + stop("You have chosen label_dot = ",paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]]), ", ", paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]])," does not exist in the PlotSettingsFile." ) + } + } + } + + if(is.vector(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE & "size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + if((Plot_SettingsInfo[["size"]] == Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]])==TRUE){ + Plot_SettingsFile$size <- Plot_SettingsFile[,paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]])] + Plot_SettingsFile<- Plot_SettingsFile%>% + dplyr::rename("color"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]])) + } + if((Plot_SettingsInfo[["size"]] == Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]])==FALSE & "color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + Plot_SettingsFile <- Plot_SettingsFile%>% + dplyr::rename("color"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]])) + } + if((Plot_SettingsInfo[["size"]] == Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]])==FALSE & "size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + Plot_SettingsFile <- Plot_SettingsFile%>% + dplyr::rename("size"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["size"]])) + } + Plot_SettingsFile2 <- Plot_SettingsFile%>% select(Metabolite, color, size)######################################################## + } else if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE & "size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE){ + Plot_SettingsFile <- Plot_SettingsFile%>% + dplyr::rename("color"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["color"]])) + Plot_SettingsFile2 <- Plot_SettingsFile%>% select(Metabolite, color)########################################################## + } else if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE & "size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + if(length(Plot_SettingsFile_List)==1){ + Plot_SettingsFile <- Plot_SettingsFile%>% + dplyr::rename("size"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["size"]])) + Plot_SettingsFile2 <- Plot_SettingsFile%>% select(Metabolite,size) ############################## + }else if(length(Plot_SettingsFile_List)>1){ + for(i in 1:length(Plot_SettingsFile)){ + file <- Plot_SettingsFile[[i]] + file <- file%>% + dplyr::rename("size"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["size"]])) + Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] <- file %>% select(Metabolite, size) + Plot_SettingsFile2 <- Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] # Needs fix This is not needed it is here for the code not to break + } + } + } + + + if("individual" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + if(length(Plot_SettingsFile_List)==1){ + Plot_SettingsFile <- Plot_SettingsFile%>% + dplyr::rename("individual"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["individual"]])) + if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo) | "size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)){ + Plot_SettingsFile3 <- Plot_SettingsFile %>% select(individual, Metabolite) + Plot_SettingsFile <- merge(Plot_SettingsFile2, Plot_SettingsFile3, by="Metabolite") + } + }else if(length(Plot_SettingsFile_List)>1){ + for(i in 1:length(Plot_SettingsFile)){ + file <- Plot_SettingsFile[[i]] + file <- file%>% + dplyr::rename("individual"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["individual"]])) + + if("size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)){ + Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] <- merge(Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] ,file %>% select(Metabolite, individual), by = "Metabolite") + Plot_SettingsFile2 <- Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] # Needs fix This is not needed it is here for the code not to break + + }else{ + Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] <- file %>% select(Metabolite, individual) + Plot_SettingsFile2 <- Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]] # Needs fix This is not needed it is here for the code not to break + } + } + } + }else{ + Plot_SettingsFile <- Plot_SettingsFile2 + } + }else if(is.vector(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE & is.null(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE){ + stop("Plot_SettingsInfo must be named vector or NULL.") + } + + + if(Plot_Settings=="PEA" & is.vector(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE){ + stop("You have chosen Plot_Settings=`PEA` that requires you to provide a vector for Plot_SettingsInfo.") + }else if(Plot_Settings=="PEA" & is.null(Plot_SettingsFile)==TRUE){ + stop("You have chosen Plot_Settings=`PEA` that requires you to provide a DF Plot_SettingsFile including the pathways used for the enrichment analysis.") + } else if(Plot_Settings=="PEA" & is.null(Plot_SettingsFile)==FALSE & is.null(Plot_SettingsFile)==FALSE){ + if("individual" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE | "PEA_score" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE | "PEA_stat" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE | "PEA_Pathway" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE){ + stop("You have chosen Plot_Settings=`PEA` that requires you to provide a vector for Plot_SettingsInfo including `individual`, `PEA_Pathway`, `PEA_stat` and `PEA_score`.") + } + } + + # The next lines need checks/corrections + if(Plot_Settings=="PEA" & is.null(AdditionalInput_data)==TRUE){ + stop("If Plot_Settings=`PEA` you have to provide a DF for AdditionalInput_data including the results of an enrichment analysis.") + } else if(Plot_Settings=="PEA" & is.null(AdditionalInput_data)==FALSE){ + AdditionalInput_data <- AdditionalInput_data%>% + dplyr::rename("PEA_score"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["PEA_score"]]), + "PEA_stat"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["PEA_stat"]]), + "PEA_Pathway"=paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["PEA_Pathway"]])) + } + + # 4. Check other plot-specific parameters: + if (!is.null(Save_as_Plot)) { + Save_as_Plot_options <- c("svg","pdf","png") + if(Save_as_Plot %in% Save_as_Plot_options == FALSE){ + stop("Check input. The selected Save_as_Plot option is not valid. Please select one of the following: ",paste(Save_as_Plot_options,collapse = ", "),"." ) + } + } + + #Add the theme + + ## ------------ Create Output folders ----------- ##\ + if (!is.null(Save_as_Plot)) { + name <- paste0("MetaProViz_Results_",Sys.Date()) + WorkD <- getwd() + Results_folder <- file.path(WorkD, name) + if (!dir.exists(Results_folder)) {dir.create(Results_folder)} # Make Results folder + Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder = file.path(Results_folder, "Lolipop") # This searches for a folder called "Preprocessing" within the "Results" folder in the current working directory and if its not found it creates one + if (!dir.exists(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder)) {dir.create(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder)} # check and create folder + } + ########################################################################################################################################## + #--------------Plots: + if(Plot_Settings=="Standard"){############################################################################################################ + Input_data <- Input_data[[1]] + if("individual" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + # Create the list of individual plots that should be made: + IndividualPlots <- Plot_SettingsFile[!duplicated(Plot_SettingsFile$individual),] + IndividualPlots <- IndividualPlots$individual + + PlotList <- list()#Empty list to store all the plots + + for (i in IndividualPlots){ + # i = IndividualPlots[1] + Plot_SettingsInfo_indi <- Plot_SettingsInfo + Plot_SettingsFile_Select <- subset(Plot_SettingsFile, individual == paste(i)) + InputLolipop <- merge(x=Plot_SettingsFile_Select,y=Input_data, by="Metabolite", all.x=TRUE)%>% + na.omit() + + #Select metabolites for the cut offs selected + <- InputLolipop %>% mutate(names=Metabolite) + + if("size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi)==TRUE ){ + if(is.numeric($size)==FALSE){ # run is color is discrete + stop("Size can take only numeric values") + }else{# color = continuous + keyvalssize <-$size + } + } else{ + Plot_SettingsInfo_indi= c(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi,size="p.adj") + keyvalssize <-$size + } + + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + label <- Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]] +[ Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]]] <- round([[label]], digits = 3) + }else{ + label <- "" + } + + #Create the plot: + p2 <- NULL + if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi)==TRUE ){ + if(is.numeric($color)==FALSE){ # run if color is discrete + + col_var_name <- Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['color']] + + position <- which(names("color" ) + names([position]<-"plot_color_variable" + + + <- %>% + arrange(plot_color_variable, get(x),Metabolite) + + loli.data_avg <- %>% + arrange(plot_color_variable, get(x), Metabolite) %>% + mutate(Metab_name = row_number()) %>% + group_by(plot_color_variable) %>% + mutate( + avg = mean(get(x)) + ) %>% + ungroup() %>% + mutate(plot_color_variable = factor(plot_color_variable)) + + + loli_lines <- loli.data_avg %>% + arrange(plot_color_variable, Metabolite) %>% + group_by(plot_color_variable) %>% + summarize( + start_x = min(Metab_name) -0.5, + end_x = max(Metab_name) + 0.5, + y = 0#unique(avg) + ) %>% + pivot_longer( + cols = c(start_x, end_x), + names_to = "type", + values_to = "x" + ) %>% + mutate( + x_group = if_else(type == "start_x", x + .1, x - .1), + x_group = if_else(type == "start_x" & x == min(x), x_group - .1, x_group), + x_group = if_else(type == "end_x" & x == max(x), x_group + .1, x_group) ) + + #rm(p2) + p2 <- loli.data_avg %>% + ggplot(aes(Metab_name, get(x))) + # names in aes ro Metab_name + geom_hline( + data = tibble(y = -5:5), + aes(yintercept = y), + color = "grey82", + size = .5 ) + + p2 <- p2 + geom_segment( + aes( + xend = Metab_name, # names + yend = 0,#avg, + color = plot_color_variable, + #color = after_scale(colorspace::lighten(color, .2)) + )) + + p2 <- p2 + # geom_line( data = loli_lines, aes(x, y), color = "grey40" ) + + geom_line( + data = loli_lines, + aes( x_group, y, + color = plot_color_variable, + # color = after_scale(colorspace::darken(color, .2)) + ), size = 2.5) + geom_point(aes(size = keyvalssize, color = plot_color_variable) + ) + + p2 <- p2 +theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), + axis.ticks.y=element_blank() + ) + + if(Flip == TRUE){ + p2 <- p2 +theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), + axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) + lab_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x) + + p2 <- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_pos_metab[[x]]+1.5, label = lab_pos_metab$Metabolite,angle = 90, size = 3) + + lab_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_neg_metab[[x]]-1.5, label = lab_neg_metab$Metabolite, angle = 90,size = 3) + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + dot_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x, label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_pos_metab[[x]], label = dot_pos_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + dot_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x,label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_neg_metab[[x]], label = dot_neg_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + } + + p2 <- p2+Theme + p2 <- p2+ labs(color=col_var_name)+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo[['size']]) + + p2 <- p2 + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName),subtitle = Subtitle)+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5)) + + }else{ + p2<- p2 + coord_flip() + p2 <- p2 +theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), + axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) + lab_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg %>% filter(get(x)>0) %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, get(x)) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_pos_metab[[x]]+1.5, label = lab_pos_metab$Metabolite, size = 3) + + lab_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg %>% filter(get(x)<0) %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, get(x)) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_neg_metab[[x]]-1.5, label = lab_neg_metab$Metabolite, size = 3) + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + dot_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x, label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_pos_metab[[x]], label = dot_pos_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + dot_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x,label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_neg_metab[[x]], label = dot_neg_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + } + + p2 <- p2+Theme + + p2 <- p2 + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName,": ", i ),subtitle = Subtitle) + + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5)) + + p2 <- p2+ labs(color=col_var_name)+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['size']]) + } + + lolipop_plot <- p2 + if(parameter_size=="Reverse" & is.null(keyvalssize)==FALSE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + scale_size(trans = 'reverse') + } + + # Put back the correct name in the data df + names([position]<- col_var_name + + }else{# color = continuous + keyvals <-$color + } + }else{ + Plot_SettingsInfo_indi= c(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi, color="p.adj") + keyvals <-$color + } + + if(is.null(p2)==TRUE){ +$names <- as.factor($names) +[[x]]<- as.numeric([[x]]) +$names <- reorder($names,[[x]]) + + lolipop_plot <- ggplot( , aes(x = get(x), y = names,label=!!label)) + + geom_segment(aes(x = 0, xend = get(x), y = names, yend = names)) + + geom_point(aes(colour = keyvals, size = keyvalssize )) + + scale_colour_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue")+ + geom_vline(xintercept = 0)+ + Theme+ + labs(color=Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['color']])+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['size']]) + + ylab(y)+ + xlab(x)+ + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName,": ", i ),subtitle = Subtitle)+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5)) + + if(parameter_size=="Reverse" & is.null(keyvalssize)==FALSE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + scale_size(trans = 'reverse') + } + if(Flip==TRUE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + coord_flip() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + } + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + geom_text(color="black", size=2) + } + } + + #save plot and get rid of extra signs before saving + cleaned_i <- gsub("[[:space:],/\\\\]", "-", i)#removes empty spaces and replaces /,\ with - + if (!is.null(Save_as_Plot)) { + if(OutputPlotName ==""){ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop_",cleaned_i, ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=8, height=6) + }else{ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop_", OutputPlotName, "_",cleaned_i, ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=8, height=6) + } + } + ## Store the plot in the 'plots' list + PlotList[[cleaned_i]] <- lolipop_plot + plot(lolipop_plot) + } + # Return PlotList into the environment to enable the user to view the plots directly + #assign("LolipopPlots", PlotList, envir=.GlobalEnv) + # Combine plots into a single plot using facet_grid or patchwork::wrap_plots + Return <- PlotList + } + else if("individual" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE){############################################################################################# + #Assign Data + if(is.null(Plot_SettingsFile)==FALSE){ + InputLolipop <- merge(x=Plot_SettingsFile,y=Input_data, by="Metabolite", all.x=TRUE)%>% + na.omit() + }else{ + InputLolipop <- Input_data + } + + InputLolipop<- InputLolipop %>% drop_na() + <- InputLolipop %>% mutate(names=Metabolite) + + #Assign parameters size, label_dot, color + if("size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + if(is.numeric($size)==FALSE){ # run is color is discrete + stop("Size can take only numeric values") + }else{# color = continuous + keyvalssize <-$size + } + } else{ + Plot_SettingsInfo= c(Plot_SettingsInfo,size="p.adj") + keyvalssize <-$size + } + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + label <- Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]] +[ Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]]] <- round([[label]], digits = 3) + }else{ + label <- "" + } + + p2 <- NULL + if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + if(is.numeric($color)==FALSE){ # run if color is discrete + col_var_name <- Plot_SettingsInfo[['color']] + + position <- which(names("color" ) + names([position]<-"plot_color_variable" + + <- %>% + arrange(plot_color_variable,get(x), Metabolite) + + loli.data_avg <- %>% + arrange(plot_color_variable,get(x), Metabolite) %>% + mutate(Metab_name = row_number()) %>% + group_by(plot_color_variable) %>% + mutate( + avg = mean(get(x)) + ) %>% + ungroup() %>% + mutate(plot_color_variable = factor(plot_color_variable)) + + loli_lines <- loli.data_avg %>% + arrange(plot_color_variable, Metabolite) %>% + group_by(plot_color_variable) %>% + summarize( + start_x = min(Metab_name) -0.5, + end_x = max(Metab_name) + 0.5, + y = 0#unique(avg) + ) %>% + pivot_longer( + cols = c(start_x, end_x), + names_to = "type", + values_to = "x" + ) %>% + mutate( + x_group = if_else(type == "start_x", x + .1, x - .1), + x_group = if_else(type == "start_x" & x == min(x), x_group - .1, x_group), + x_group = if_else(type == "end_x" & x == max(x), x_group + .1, x_group) ) + + #rm(p2) + p2 <- loli.data_avg %>% + ggplot(aes(Metab_name, get(x))) + # names in aes to Metab_name + geom_hline( + data = tibble(y = -5:5), + aes(yintercept = y), + color = "grey82", + size = .5 ) + + p2 <- p2 + geom_segment( + aes( + xend = Metab_name, # names + yend = 0,#avg, + color = plot_color_variable, + #color = after_scale(colorspace::lighten(color, .2)) + )) + + p2 <- p2 + # geom_line( data = loli_lines, aes(x, y), color = "grey40" ) + + geom_line( + data = loli_lines, + aes( x_group, y, + color = plot_color_variable, + # color = after_scale(colorspace::darken(color, .2)) + ), size = 2.5) + geom_point(aes(size = keyvalssize, color = plot_color_variable) + ) + + if(Flip == TRUE){ + p2 <- p2 +theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), + axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) + lab_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x) + p2 <- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_pos_metab[[x]]+1.5, label = lab_pos_metab$Metabolite,angle = 90, size = 3) + + lab_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_neg_metab[[x]]-1.5, label = lab_neg_metab$Metabolite, angle = 90,size = 3) + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + dot_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x, label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_pos_metab[[x]], label = dot_pos_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + dot_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x,label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_neg_metab[[x]], label = dot_neg_metab[[label]], size = 3) + } + + p2 <- p2+Theme + p2 <- p2+ labs(color=col_var_name)+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo[['size']]) + + p2 <- p2 + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName),subtitle = Subtitle)+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5)) + + }else{ + p2<- p2 + coord_flip() + p2 <- p2 +theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), + axis.ticks.y=element_blank() + ) + lab_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_pos_metab[[x]]+1.5, label = lab_pos_metab$Metabolite, size = 3) + + + lab_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_neg_metab[[x]]-1.5, label = lab_neg_metab$Metabolite, size = 3) + + # p2 <- p2+ annotate("text", x = max(lab_neg_metab$Metab_name)+ 7, y = 0, label = OutputPlotName, size = 5) + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + dot_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x, label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_pos_metab[[x]], label = dot_pos_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + dot_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x,label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_neg_metab[[x]], label = dot_neg_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + } + + + p2 <- p2+Theme + p2 <- p2+ labs(color=col_var_name)+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo[['size']]) + + p2 <- p2 + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName),subtitle = Subtitle)+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5)) + + } + lolipop_plot <- p2 + if(parameter_size=="Reverse" & is.null(keyvalssize)==FALSE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + scale_size(trans = 'reverse') + } + + # Put back the correct name in the data df + names([position]<- col_var_name + + }else{# color = continuous + keyvals <-$color + } + }else{ + Plot_SettingsInfo= c(Plot_SettingsInfo, color="p.adj") + keyvals <-$color + } + + if(is.null(p2)==TRUE){ +$names <- as.factor($names) +[[x]]<- as.numeric([[x]]) +$names <- reorder($names,[[x]]) + + lolipop_plot <- ggplot( , aes(x = get(x), y = names,label=!!label)) + + geom_segment(aes(x = 0, xend = get(x), y = names, yend = names)) + + geom_point(aes(colour = keyvals, size = keyvalssize )) + + scale_colour_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue")+ + geom_vline(xintercept = 0)+ + Theme+ + labs(color=Plot_SettingsInfo[['color']])+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo[['size']]) + + ylab(y)+ + xlab(x)+ + labs(title = OutputPlotName,subtitle = Subtitle)+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5)) + + if(parameter_size=="Reverse" & is.null(keyvalssize)==FALSE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + scale_size(trans = 'reverse') + } + if(Flip==TRUE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + coord_flip() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + } + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + geom_text(color="black", size=2) + } + } + + #Add the theme + if(is.null(Theme)==FALSE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot+Theme + }else{ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot+theme_classic() + } + + plot(lolipop_plot) + + if (!is.null(Save_as_Plot)) { + if(OutputPlotName ==""){ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop", OutputPlotName, ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=10, height=10) + }else{ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop_", OutputPlotName, ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=10, height=10) + } + } + } + }else if(Plot_Settings=="Compare"){ + if("individual" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + + Combined_Input <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 0)) + comb.colnames <- c("Metabolite",paste(x), "Condition") + colnames(Combined_Input) <- comb.colnames + + for (i in 1:length(Input_data)){ + Input_data[[i]]$Condition <- Comparison_name[[i]] + data <- Input_data[[i]] + if(is.null(Plot_SettingsFile)==FALSE){ + data <- merge(Input_data[[i]], Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]], by = "Metabolite") + } + Combined_Input <- rbind(Combined_Input, data) + + } + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]] + Combined_Input[ Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]]] <- round(Combined_Input[stat], digits = 4) + } + Combined_Input <- Combined_Input[is.finite(Combined_Input[[x]]),] + + + # Create the list of individual plots that should be made: + IndividualPlots <- Combined_Input[!duplicated(Combined_Input$individual),] + IndividualPlots <- IndividualPlots$individual + + PlotList <- list()#Empty list to store all the plots + + for (i in IndividualPlots){ + # i = IndividualPlots[1] + Plot_SettingsInfo_indi <- Plot_SettingsInfo + # Plot_SettingsFile_Select <- subset(Combined_Input, individual == paste(i)) + # InputLolipop <- merge(x=Plot_SettingsFile_Select,y=Input_data, by="Metabolite", all.x=TRUE)%>% + # na.omit() + InputLolipop <- subset(Combined_Input, individual == paste(i)) + + + #Select metabolites for the cut offs selected + <- InputLolipop %>% mutate(names=Metabolite) + + + + if("size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi)==TRUE ){ + if(is.numeric($size)==FALSE){ # run is color is discrete + stop("Size can take only numeric values") + }else{# color = continuous + keyvalssize <-$size + } + } else{ + Plot_SettingsInfo_indi= c(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi,size="p.adj") + keyvalssize <-$size + } + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + Combined_Input[ Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]]] <- round(Combined_Input[stat], digits = 4) + label <- Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]] + }else{ + label <- "" + } + + if(Flip==TRUE){ + lolipop_plot <- ggplot( , aes(x = get(x), y = names , label=get(label))) + + geom_segment(aes(x = 0, xend = get(x), y = names, yend = names)) + + geom_point(aes(colour = Condition, size = keyvalssize )) + + #scale_size_continuous(range = c(1,5))+ + geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + + coord_flip()+ + Theme+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5), + axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))+ + ylab(y)+ + xlab(x)+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['size']]) + + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName,": ", i ),subtitle = Subtitle) + + }else{ + lolipop_plot <- ggplot( , aes(x = get(x), y = names , label=!!label)) + + geom_segment(aes(x = 0, xend = get(x), y = names, yend = names)) + + geom_point(aes(colour = Condition, size = keyvalssize )) + + # scale_size_continuous(range = c(1,5))+# , trans = 'reverse') + + # scale_colour_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue")+#, limits = c(0, max([,stat]))) + + geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + + Theme+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5))+ + ylab(x)+ + xlab(y)+ + # # labs(color=Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['color']]) + + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['size']]) + + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName,": ", i ),subtitle = Subtitle) + } + if(parameter_size=="Reverse" & is.null(keyvalssize)==FALSE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + scale_size(trans = 'reverse') + } + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + geom_text(color="black", size=2) + } + lolipop_plot + + + #save plot and get rid of extra signs before saving + cleaned_i <- gsub("[[:space:],/\\\\]", "-", i)#removes empty spaces and replaces /,\ with - + if (!is.null(Save_as_Plot)) { + if(OutputPlotName ==""){ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop_",cleaned_i, ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=8, height=6) + }else{ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop_", OutputPlotName, "_",cleaned_i, ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=8, height=6) + } + } + ## Store the plot in the 'plots' list + PlotList[[cleaned_i]] <- lolipop_plot + plot(lolipop_plot) + } + # Return PlotList into the environment to enable the user to view the plots directly + #assign("LolipopPlots", PlotList, envir=.GlobalEnv) + # Combine plots into a single plot using facet_grid or patchwork::wrap_plots + Return <- PlotList + + } + else if("individual" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE){ + Combined_Input <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 0)) + comb.colnames <- c("Metabolite",paste(x), "Condition") + colnames(Combined_Input) <- comb.colnames + + for (i in 1:length(Input_data)){ + Input_data[[i]]$Condition <- Comparison_name[[i]] + data <- Input_data[[i]] + if(is.null(Plot_SettingsFile)==FALSE){ + data <- merge(Input_data[[i]], Plot_SettingsFile_List[[i]], by = "Metabolite") + } + Combined_Input <- rbind(Combined_Input, data) + + } + + if("size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + if(is.numeric(Combined_Input$size)==FALSE){ # run is color is discrete + stop("Size can take only numeric values") + }else{# color = continuous + keyvalssize <- Combined_Input$size + } + } else{ + Plot_SettingsInfo= c(Plot_SettingsInfo,size="p.adj") + keyvalssize <- Combined_Input$size + } + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + Combined_Input[ Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]]] <- round(Combined_Input[stat], digits = 4) + label <- Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]] + }else{ + label <- "" + } + + # Remove the metabolite with inf in logFC because it messes the plot + Combined_Input <- Combined_Input[is.finite(Combined_Input[[x]]),] + + + if(Flip==TRUE){ + lolipop_plot <- ggplot(Combined_Input, aes(x=reorder(Metabolite, + get(x)),[[x]], label=!!label)) + + geom_point(stat = 'identity', aes(size = keyvalssize, col = Condition)) + + # geom_text(color="black", size=2) + + ylim(((Reduce(min,Combined_Input[[x]]))-0.5),((Reduce(max,Combined_Input[[x]]))+0.5)) + + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + + Theme+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5), + axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))+ + ylab(x)+ + xlab(y)+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo[['size']]) + + labs(title = OutputPlotName,subtitle = Subtitle) + + }else{ + lolipop_plot <- ggplot(Combined_Input, aes(x=reorder(Metabolite,+ get(x)),[[x]], label=!!label)) + + geom_point(stat = 'identity', aes(size = keyvalssize, col = Condition)) + + #geom_text(color="black", size=2) + + ylim(((Reduce(min,Combined_Input[[x]]))-0.5),((Reduce(max,Combined_Input[[x]]))+0.5)) + + coord_flip()+ + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + + Theme+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5))+ + ylab(y)+ + xlab(x)+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo[['size']]) + + labs(title = OutputPlotName,subtitle = Subtitle) + } + if(parameter_size=="Reverse" & is.null(keyvalssize)==FALSE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + scale_size(trans = 'reverse') + } + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + geom_text(color="black", size=2) + } + + if (!is.null(Save_as_Plot)) { + if(OutputPlotName ==""){ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop", ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=12, height=14) + }else{ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop_", OutputPlotName, ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=12, height=14) + } + } + plot(lolipop_plot) + + } + + + }else if(Plot_Settings=="PEA"){# Code Missing + Input_data <- Input_data[[1]] + + # Create the list of individual plots that should be made: + IndividualPlots <- Plot_SettingsFile[!duplicated(Plot_SettingsFile$individual),] + IndividualPlots <- IndividualPlots$individual + + PlotList <- list()#Empty list to store all the plots + + for (i in IndividualPlots){ + # i <- IndividualPlots[1] + Plot_SettingsInfo_indi <- Plot_SettingsInfo + Plot_SettingsFile_Select <- subset(Plot_SettingsFile, individual == paste(i)) + InputLolipop <- merge(x=Plot_SettingsFile_Select,y=Input_data, by="Metabolite", all.x=TRUE)%>% + na.omit() + + AdditionalInput_data_Select<- subset(AdditionalInput_data, PEA_Pathway == paste(i)) #Select pathway we plot and use the score and stats + + #Select metabolites for the cut offs selected + <- InputLolipop %>% mutate(names=Metabolite) + + + if("size" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi)==TRUE ){ + if(is.numeric($size)==FALSE){ # run is color is discrete + stop("Size can take only numeric values") + }else{# color = continuous + keyvalssize <-$size + } + } else{ + Plot_SettingsInfo_indi= c(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi,size="p.adj") + keyvalssize <-$size + } + + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + label <- Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]] +[ Plot_SettingsInfo[["label_dot"]]] <- round([[label]], digits = 3) + }else{ + label <- "" + } + + p2 <- NULL + # add color here + if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi)==TRUE ){ + if(is.numeric($color)==FALSE){ # run if color is discrete + + col_var_name <- Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['color']] + + position <- which(names("color" ) + names([position]<-"plot_color_variable" + + + <- %>% + arrange(plot_color_variable, get(x),Metabolite) + + loli.data_avg <- %>% + arrange(plot_color_variable, get(x), Metabolite) %>% + mutate(Metab_name = row_number()) %>% + group_by(plot_color_variable) %>% + mutate( + avg = mean(get(x)) + ) %>% + ungroup() %>% + mutate(plot_color_variable = factor(plot_color_variable)) + + + loli_lines <- loli.data_avg %>% + arrange(plot_color_variable, Metabolite) %>% + group_by(plot_color_variable) %>% + summarize( + start_x = min(Metab_name) -0.5, + end_x = max(Metab_name) + 0.5, + y = 0#unique(avg) + ) %>% + pivot_longer( + cols = c(start_x, end_x), + names_to = "type", + values_to = "x" + ) %>% + mutate( + x_group = if_else(type == "start_x", x + .1, x - .1), + x_group = if_else(type == "start_x" & x == min(x), x_group - .1, x_group), + x_group = if_else(type == "end_x" & x == max(x), x_group + .1, x_group) ) + + #rm(p2) + p2 <- loli.data_avg %>% + ggplot(aes(Metab_name, get(x))) + # names in aes ro Metab_name + geom_hline( + data = tibble(y = -5:5), + aes(yintercept = y), + color = "grey82", + size = .5 ) + + p2 <- p2 + geom_segment( + aes( + xend = Metab_name, # names + yend = 0,#avg, + color = plot_color_variable, + #color = after_scale(colorspace::lighten(color, .2)) + )) + + p2 <- p2 + # geom_line( data = loli_lines, aes(x, y), color = "grey40" ) + + geom_line( + data = loli_lines, + aes( x_group, y, + color = plot_color_variable, + # color = after_scale(colorspace::darken(color, .2)) + ), size = 2.5) + geom_point(aes(size = keyvalssize, color = plot_color_variable) + ) + + p2 <- p2 +theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), + axis.ticks.y=element_blank() + ) + + if(Flip == TRUE){ + p2 <- p2 +theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), + axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) + lab_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x) + + p2 <- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_pos_metab[[x]]+1.5, label = lab_pos_metab$Metabolite,angle = 90, size = 3) + + lab_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_neg_metab[[x]]-1.5, label = lab_neg_metab$Metabolite, angle = 90,size = 3) + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + dot_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x, label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_pos_metab[[x]], label = dot_pos_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + dot_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x,label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_neg_metab[[x]], label = dot_neg_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + } + + p2 <- p2+Theme + p2 <- p2+ labs(color=col_var_name)+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo[['size']]) + + p2 <- p2 + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName, ": ", i, sep=""), + subtitle = paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["PEA_score"]],"= ", AdditionalInput_data_Select$PEA_score, ", ",Plot_SettingsInfo[["PEA_stat"]] , "= ", AdditionalInput_data_Select$PEA_stat, sep=""), + caption = paste0("total = ", nrow(InputLolipop), " metabolites of ", nrow(Plot_SettingsFile_Select), " metabolites in pathway"))+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5)) + + }else{ + p2<- p2 + coord_flip() + p2 <- p2 +theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), + axis.ticks.x=element_blank()) + lab_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg %>% filter(get(x)>0) %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, get(x)) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_pos_metab[[x]]+1.5, label = lab_pos_metab$Metabolite, size = 3) + + lab_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg %>% filter(get(x)<0) %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, get(x)) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = lab_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = lab_neg_metab[[x]]-1.5, label = lab_neg_metab$Metabolite, size = 3) + + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + dot_pos_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]>0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x, label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_pos_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_pos_metab[[x]], label = dot_pos_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + dot_neg_metab <- loli.data_avg[loli.data_avg[x]<0,] %>% select(Metabolite, Metab_name, x,label) + p2<- p2+ annotate("text", x = dot_neg_metab$Metab_name, y = dot_neg_metab[[x]], label = dot_neg_metab[[label]], size = 3) + + } + + p2 <- p2+Theme + + p2 <- p2 + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName, ": ", i, sep=""), + subtitle = paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["PEA_score"]],"= ", AdditionalInput_data_Select$PEA_score, ", ",Plot_SettingsInfo[["PEA_stat"]] , "= ", AdditionalInput_data_Select$PEA_stat, sep=""), + caption = paste0("total = ", nrow(InputLolipop), " metabolites of ", nrow(Plot_SettingsFile_Select), " metabolites in pathway"))+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5)) + + p2 <- p2+ labs(color=col_var_name)+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['size']]) + } + + lolipop_plot <- p2 + if(parameter_size=="Reverse" & is.null(keyvalssize)==FALSE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + scale_size(trans = 'reverse') + } + + # Put back the correct name in the data df + names([position]<- col_var_name + + }else{# color = continuous + keyvals <-$color + } + }else{ + Plot_SettingsInfo_indi= c(Plot_SettingsInfo_indi, color="p.adj") + keyvals <-$color + } + + if(is.null(p2)==TRUE){ + +$names <- as.factor($names) +[[x]]<- as.numeric([[x]]) +$names <- reorder($names,[[x]]) + + lolipop_plot <- ggplot( , aes(x = get(x), y = names,label=!!label)) + + geom_segment(aes(x = 0, xend = get(x), y = names, yend = names)) + + geom_point(aes(colour = keyvals, size = keyvalssize )) + + # scale_size_continuous(range = c(1,5))+# , trans = 'reverse') + + + scale_colour_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue")+ + geom_vline(xintercept = 0)+ + Theme+ + labs(color=Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['color']])+ + labs(size=Plot_SettingsInfo_indi[['size']]) + + ylab(y)+ + xlab(x)+ + labs(title = paste(OutputPlotName, ": ", i, sep=""), + subtitle = paste(Plot_SettingsInfo[["PEA_score"]],"= ", AdditionalInput_data_Select$PEA_score, ", ",Plot_SettingsInfo[["PEA_stat"]] , "= ", AdditionalInput_data_Select$PEA_stat, sep=""), + caption = paste0("total = ", nrow(InputLolipop), " metabolites of ", nrow(Plot_SettingsFile_Select), " metabolites in pathway"))+ + theme(plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"), + plot.subtitle = element_text(color = "black", size=10), + plot.caption = element_text(color = "black",size=9, face = "italic", hjust = 2.5)) + + if(parameter_size=="Reverse" & is.null(keyvalssize)==FALSE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + scale_size(trans = 'reverse') + } + if(Flip==TRUE){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + coord_flip() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + } + if("label_dot" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE ){ + lolipop_plot <- lolipop_plot + geom_text(color="black", size=2) + } + plot(lolipop_plot) + } + + #save plot and get rid of extra signs before saving + cleaned_i <- gsub("[[:space:],/\\\\]", "-", i)#removes empty spaces and replaces /,\ with - + if (!is.null(Save_as_Plot)) { + if(OutputPlotName ==""){ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop_",cleaned_i, ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=8, height=6) + }else{ + ggsave(file=paste(Results_folder_plots_Lolipop_folder,"/", "Lolipop_", OutputPlotName, "_",cleaned_i, ".",Save_as_Plot, sep=""), plot=lolipop_plot, width=8, height=6) + } + } + ## Store the plot in the 'plots' list + PlotList[[cleaned_i]] <- lolipop_plot + plot(lolipop_plot) + } + # Return PlotList into the environment to enable the user to view the plots directly + #assign("LolipopPlots", PlotList, envir=.GlobalEnv) + # Combine plots into a single plot using facet_grid or patchwork::wrap_plots + invisible(PlotList)#returns PlotList if assigned + + } +} + + + + +############################################################## +### ### ### lollipop helper function: Internal Function ### ### ### +############################################################## + +#' @param Input This is the ggplot object generated within the VizLolipop function. +#' +#' @keywords lollipop helper function +#' @noRd + + +plotGrob_Lollipop <- function(Input){ + #------- Set the total heights and width + #we need ggplot_grob to edit the gtable of the ggplot object. Using this we can manipulate the gtable arguments directly. + plottable<- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(Input) # Convert the plot to a gtable + if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE & "shape" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==FALSE){ + #-----widths + plottable$widths[c(3)] <- unit(2,"cm")#controls margins --> y-axis label is there + plottable$widths[c(1,2,4)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + plottable$widths[c(6)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> start Figure legend + plottable$widths[c(10)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> Figure legend + plottable$widths[c(7,8,9,11)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + + if(is.numeric(Input_data[,paste(x)])==TRUE){ + plottable$widths[5] <- unit(8, "cm")#controls x-axis + plot_widths <- 11 + }else{ + Features <- nrow(Input_data)/4 + plottable$widths[5] <- unit(Features, "cm")#controls x-axis + plot_widths <- 11+Features + } + + #-----heigths + plottable$heights[7] <- unit(8, "cm")#controls x-axis + plottable$heights[c(8)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> x-axis label + plottable$heights[c(10)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> Figure caption + plottable$heights[c(9,11,12)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + + if(OutputPlotName=="" & Subtitle==""){ + plottable$heights[c(6)] <- unit(0.5,"cm")#controls margins --> Some space above the plot + plottable$heights[c(1,2,3,4,5)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + plot_heights <- 10.5 + } else{ + plottable$heights[c(3)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> OutputPlotName and subtitle + plottable$heights[c(1,2,4,5,6)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + plot_heights <-11 + } + }else if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE & "shape" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + #------- Legend heights + Legend <- ggpubr::get_legend(Input) # Extract legend to adjust separately + Legend_heights <- (round(as.numeric(Legend$heights[3]),1))+(round(as.numeric(Legend$heights[5]),1)) + + #-----Plot widths + plottable$widths[5] <- unit(8, "cm")#controls x-axis + plottable$widths[c(3)] <- unit(2,"cm")#controls margins --> y-axis label is there + plottable$widths[c(1,2,4)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + plottable$widths[c(6)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> start Figure legend + plottable$widths[c(7,8,10,11)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + + Value <- round(as.numeric(plottable$widths[9]),1) #plottable$widths[9] is a object and we can extract the extract the numeric part + plot_widths <- 11+Value + + #-----Plot heigths + plottable$heights[7] <- unit(8, "cm")#controls x-axis + plottable$heights[c(8)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> x-axis label + plottable$heights[c(10)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> Figure caption + plottable$heights[c(9,11)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + + if(OutputPlotName=="" & Subtitle==""){ + plottable$heights[c(6)] <- unit(0.5,"cm")#controls margins --> Some space above the plot + plottable$heights[c(2,3,4,5)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + + if(Legend_heights>10.5){#If the legend requires more heights than the Plot + Add <- (Legend_heights-10.5)/2 + plottable$heights[1] <- unit(Add,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the top + plottable$heights[12] <- unit(Add,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the bottom + plot_heights <- Legend_heights + }else{ + plottable$heights[1] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the top + plottable$heights[12] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the bottom + plot_heights <- 10.5 + } + } else{#If we do have Title and or subtitle + plottable$heights[c(3)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> OutputPlotName and subtitle + plottable$heights[c(2,4,5,6)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + if(Legend_heights>11){#If the legend requires more heights than the Plot + Add <- (Legend_heights-11)/2 + plottable$heights[1] <- unit(Add,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the top + plottable$heights[12] <- unit(Add,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the bottom + plot_heights <- Legend_heights + }else{ + plottable$heights[1] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the top + plottable$heights[12] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the bottom + plot_heights <- 11 + } + } + }else if("color" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE | "shape" %in% names(Plot_SettingsInfo)==TRUE){ + #------- Legend heights + Legend <- ggpubr::get_legend(Input) # Extract legend to adjust separately + Legend_heights <- (round(as.numeric(Legend$heights[3]),1)) + + #----- Plot widths + plottable$widths[5] <- unit(8, "cm")#controls x-axis + plottable$widths[c(3)] <- unit(2,"cm")#controls margins --> y-axis label is there + plottable$widths[c(1,2,4)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + plottable$widths[c(6)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> start Figure legend + plottable$widths[c(7,8,10,11)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + + Value <- round(as.numeric(plottable$widths[9]),1) #plottable$widths[9] is a object and we can extract the extract the numeric part + plot_widths <- 11+Value + + #-----Plot heigths + plottable$heights[7] <- unit(8, "cm")#controls x-axis + plottable$heights[c(8)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> x-axis label + plottable$heights[c(10)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> Figure caption + plottable$heights[c(9,11)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + + if(OutputPlotName=="" & Subtitle==""){ + plottable$heights[c(6)] <- unit(0.5,"cm")#controls margins --> Some space above the plot + plottable$heights[c(2,3,4,5)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + + if(Legend_heights>10.5){#If the legend requires more heights than the Plot + Add <- (Legend_heights-10.5)/2 + plottable$heights[1] <- unit(Add,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the top + plottable$heights[12] <- unit(Add,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the bottom + plot_heights <- Legend_heights + }else{ + plottable$heights[1] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the top + plottable$heights[12] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the bottom + plot_heights <- 10.5 + } + }else{#If we do have Title and or subtitle + plottable$heights[c(3)] <- unit(1,"cm")#controls margins --> OutputPlotName and subtitle + plottable$heights[c(2,4,5,6)] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> not needed + if(Legend_heights>11){#If the legend requires more heights than the Plot + Add <- (Legend_heights-11)/2 + plottable$heights[1] <- unit(Add,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the top + plottable$heights[12] <- unit(Add,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the bottom + plot_heights <- Legend_heights + }else{ + plottable$heights[1] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the top + plottable$heights[12] <- unit(0,"cm")#controls margins --> Can be increased if Figure legend needs more space on the bottom + plot_heights <- 11 + } + } + } + #plot_param <-c(plot_heights=plot_heights, plot_widths=plot_widths) + Output<- list(plot_heights, plot_widths, plottable) +} + + + +# Helper function needed for adding column to pathway file defining if this metabolite is unique/multiple pathways +