diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8910b439..101d0850 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -164,6 +164,65 @@ or run a `uwsgi` process:
uwsgi --ini server/uwsgi/local.ini --protocol http --socket --check-static _site
+## Optional JBrowse Setup
+Install JBrowse in $project_root/jbrowse
+curl -O http://jbrowse.org/releases/JBrowse-x.x.x.zip (ie 1.11.3)
+unzip JBrowse-x.x.x.zip -d jbrowse
+cd jbrowse
+Download data files (ie BAM, GFF, VCF) to /your/directory/of/files/ and add the following to nginx.conf
+location /files/ {
+ alias /your/directory/of/files/;
+ internal;
+Load reference sequences and load features tracks (in that order) using JBrowse loading scripts
+sudo ./bin/prepare-refseqs.pl --fasta ../files/chr1.fa
+sudo ./bin/prepare-refseqs.pl --fasta ../files/chrY.fa
+sudo ./bin/flatfile-to-json.pl --gff ../files/ALL_COSMIC_POINT_MUTS_v65.gff3 --trackLabel Cosmic --trackType CanvasFeatures
+Note: Segment large Cosmic GFF files with synchronization marks, a line containing '###', to prevent (really) slow loading
+Run bgzip and tabix (via samtools/htslib) on VCF files
+git clone git://github.com/samtools/samtools.git
+bgzip my.vcf
+tabix -p vcf my.vcf.gz
+Make one edit to JBrowse source (BAM.js), regex change related to custom URL
+Lastly, save and load filenames correctly! Currently, the sample section key values of the manifest are concatenated to build filenames in the JBrowse URL
+batch = Pseq_batch9
+sample = P-Pseq_0019-P-A
+version = 1
## Makefile Commands
- `build` - builds and initializes all submodules, compiles SCSS and optimizes JavaScript
diff --git a/varify/conf/global_settings.py b/varify/conf/global_settings.py
index 47f73349..04fd22c2 100644
--- a/varify/conf/global_settings.py
+++ b/varify/conf/global_settings.py
@@ -167,7 +167,6 @@
- 'varify.context_processors.alamut',
@@ -187,7 +186,7 @@
LOGOUT_URL = '/logout/'
LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/workspace/'
-ALAMUT_URL = 'http://localhost:10000'
+JBROWSE_HOST = 'localhost'
# For non-publicly accessible applications, the siteauth app can be used to
# restrict access site-wide.
diff --git a/varify/context_processors.py b/varify/context_processors.py
index 5424b8c8..6c787e13 100644
--- a/varify/context_processors.py
+++ b/varify/context_processors.py
@@ -14,9 +14,3 @@ def static(request):
'IMAGES_URL': os.path.join(static_url, 'images'),
'JAVASCRIPT_URL': os.path.join(static_url, 'js', prefix),
-def alamut(request):
- return {
- 'ALAMUT_URL': settings.ALAMUT_URL,
- }
diff --git a/varify/samples/formatters.py b/varify/samples/formatters.py
index 933e3bcd..2ade6415 100644
--- a/varify/samples/formatters.py
+++ b/varify/samples/formatters.py
@@ -5,27 +5,6 @@
from django.db.models import Q
from avocado.formatters import registry as formatters
from serrano.formatters import HTMLFormatter
-from django.conf import settings
-class AlamutFormatter(HTMLFormatter):
- href = settings.ALAMUT_URL + '/show?request={0}'
- request = 'chr{chr}:g.{pos}{ref}>{alt}'
- def to_html(self, values, **context):
- request = self.request.format(**values)
- href = self.href.format(request)
- return '{label}'.format(
- href=href, label=request)
- to_html.process_multiple = True
- def to_excel(self, values, **context):
- request = self.request.format(**values)
- href = self.href.format(request)
- return '=HYPERLINK("{href}", "{label}")'.format(
- href=href, label=request)
- to_excel.process_multiple = True
class SampleFormatter(HTMLFormatter):
@@ -105,7 +84,6 @@ def to_excel(self, value, **context):
to_csv = to_excel
-formatters.register(AlamutFormatter, 'Alamut Query Link')
formatters.register(SampleFormatter, 'Sample')
formatters.register(ReadDepthFormatter, 'Read Depth')
formatters.register(CohortsFormatter, 'Cohorts')
diff --git a/varify/samples/resources.py b/varify/samples/resources.py
index fae62a4b..a7e74eac 100644
--- a/varify/samples/resources.py
+++ b/varify/samples/resources.py
@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@
from varify import api
from vdw.assessments.models import Assessment
from vdw.genome.models import Chromosome
-from vdw.samples.models import Sample, Result, ResultScore, ResultSet
+from vdw.samples.models import Sample, SampleManifest, Result, ResultScore, ResultSet
from vdw.variants.models import Variant
from .forms import ResultSetForm
+from restlib2.http import codes
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
OPENPYXL_MAJOR_VERSION = int(openpyxl.__version__[0])
@@ -274,6 +276,34 @@ def _cache_data(self, request, pk, key):
data['variant'] = VariantResource.get(request, data['variant_id'])
+ # Integrate the SampleManifest data
+ path = SampleManifest.objects.get(sample__id=data['sample']['id']).path
+ manifest = open(path, 'r')
+ found = False
+ filestem = ''
+ # Add JBrowse data requirements, including sample_manifest which is
+ # constructed by appending batch, sample, and version
+ for line in manifest:
+ if '[sample]' in line:
+ found = True
+ if found:
+ if 'batch' in line or 'sample' in line or 'version' in line:
+ chunks = line.split('=')
+ if len(chunks) > 1:
+ if 'batch' in line:
+ filestem += chunks[1].strip()
+ else:
+ filestem += '_' + chunks[1].strip()
+ if 'version' in line:
+ break
+ data['sample_manifest'] = filestem
+ data['jbrowse_host'] = settings.JBROWSE_HOST
score = ResultScore.objects.get(result=result)
data['score'] = {
@@ -310,10 +340,15 @@ class ResultsResource(ThrottledResource):
template = api.templates.SampleResultVariant
def post(self, request):
- if (not request.data.get('ids') or
- not isinstance(request.data['ids'], list)):
- return HttpResponse(status=codes.unprocessable_entity,
- content='Array of "ids" is required')
+ ids_not_found = 'ids' not in request.data
+ not_a_list = not isinstance(request.data['ids'], list)
+ if ids_not_found or not_a_list:
+ return self.render(
+ request,
+ {'message': 'An array of "ids" is required'},
+ status=codes.unprocessable_entity
+ )
data = []
resource = SampleResultResource()
@@ -686,6 +721,43 @@ def get(self, request, pk):
return data
+class JbrowseResource(ThrottledResource):
+ def get(self, request):
+ data = request.GET
+ if 'id' not in data or 'filename' not in data:
+ return self.render(
+ request,
+ {'message': 'An "id" and "filename" are required'},
+ status=codes.unprocessable_entity
+ )
+ try:
+ if Sample.objects.get(id=data['id']):
+ response = HttpResponse()
+ f = data['filename']
+ if '.bai' in f or '.tbi' in f:
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
+ else:
+ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
+ # Control access to files hosted by nginx
+ response['X-Accel-Redirect'] = '/files/' + f
+ # Control access to files hosted by Apache
+ response['X-Sendfile'] = '/files/' + f
+ response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=' + f
+ except Exception:
+ return self.render(
+ request,
+ {'message': 'No sample found for "id"'},
+ status=codes.unprocessable_entity
+ )
+ return response
sample_resource = never_cache(SampleResource())
samples_resource = never_cache(SamplesResource())
named_sample_resource = never_cache(NamedSampleResource())
@@ -699,6 +771,7 @@ def get(self, request, pk):
phenotype_resource = never_cache(PhenotypeResource())
pedigree_resource = never_cache(PedigreeResource())
+jbrowse_resource = never_cache(JbrowseResource())
urlpatterns = patterns(
@@ -731,6 +804,10 @@ def get(self, request, pk):
+ url(r'^jbrowse/$',
+ jbrowse_resource,
+ name='jbrowse_resource'),
diff --git a/varify/static/templates/variant/summary.html b/varify/static/templates/variant/summary.html
index 73aaef88..472d0efc 100644
--- a/varify/static/templates/variant/summary.html
+++ b/varify/static/templates/variant/summary.html
@@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ <%= data.sample.label %> in <%= data.sample.project %>
-Query Alamut
+Query JBrowse