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An associative array Map-type data structure for very large, distributed data sets built on IPLD. NPM

This JavaScript implementation conforms to the IPLD HashMap specification which describes a HAMT algorithm for constructing an evenly distributed associative array of arbitrary size using content addressed blocks.


import fs from 'fs/promises'
import { create, load } from 'ipld-hashmap'
import { sha256 as blockHasher } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2'
import * as blockCodec from '@ipld/dag-cbor' // encode blocks using the DAG-CBOR format

// A basic in-memory store for mapping CIDs to their encoded Uint8Array blocks
const store = {
  map: new Map(),
  get (k) { return },
  put (k, v) {, v) }

// Create a new HashMap by reading the package.json in the current directory and
// storing an entry for each top level and second level field.
async function setup () {
  const map = await create(store, { bitWidth: 4, bucketSize: 2, blockHasher, blockCodec })
  const pkg = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile('./package.json'))
  for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(pkg)) {
    await map.set(key, value)
    if (typeof value === 'object') {
      for (const [key2, value2] of Object.entries(value)) {
        await map.set(`${key} -> ${key2}`, value2)
  // return the CID of the root of the HashMap
  return map.cid

// given only the CID of the root of the HashMap, load it and print its contents
async function dump (rootCid) {
  const map = await load(store, rootCid, { blockHasher, blockCodec })
  console.log('ENTRIES ===========================')
  for await (const [key, value] of map.entries()) {
    console.log(`[${key}]:`, value)
  console.log('STATS =============================')
  console.log('size:', await map.size())
  for await (const cid of map.cids()) {
    console.log('\t', cid, cid.equals(map.cid) ? '(ROOT)' : '')
    // console.dir(blockCodec.decode(store.get(cid)), { depth: Infinity })

  .then((root) => dump(root))
  .catch((err) => {


The HashMap in this implementation has an API similar to JavaScript's native Map object but uses asynchronous accessors rather than synchronous. When creating a new HashMap or loading one with existing data, a backing store must be provided. The backing store is provided via a loader interface which should have a get() method that returns binary IPLD block data when provided a CID (content identifier) and a put() method that takes both a CID and binary block data that will store the IPLD block. This interface may connect to a P2P network, or a block storage system that can load and save keyed by CID.

The algorithm for this HashMap is implemented in IAMap, you can read more about it there, or in the IPLD HashMap specification. IAMap is serialization and storage agnostic and therefore does not contain any IPLD dependencies. IAMap is also immutable, where each mutation operation returns a new instance.

This implementation wraps IAMap with IPLD primitives, including the use of CIDs and the standard IPLD block encoding formats and presents a mutable interface. Each HashMap object has its own root CID in the cid property. Whenever the HashMap is mutated (get() and delete()), the cid property will change to the new root block CID.

You can create a new, empty, HashMap with async HashMap.create(loader[, options]). Loading a HashMap from existing data can be done with async HashMap.create(loader[, root][, options]).

Be aware that each mutation operation will create at least one new block, stored via loader.put(). Large numbers of mutations will create many extraneous intermediate blocks which will need to be garbage collected from the backing store if the intermediate states are not required.



class HashMap

An IPLD HashMap object. Create a new HashMap or load an existing one with the asynchronous HashMap.create factory method.

This class serves mostly as a IPLD usability wrapper for IAMap which implements the majority of the logic behind the IPLD HashMap specification, without being IPLD-specific. IAMap is immutable, in that each mutation (delete or set) returns a new IAMap instance. HashMap, however, is immutable, and mutation operations may be performed on the same object but its cid property will change with mutations.

If consumed with TypeScript typings, HashMap is generic over value template type V, where various operations will accept or return template type V.


  • cid (CID): The current CID of this HashMap. It is important to note that this CID will change when successfully performing mutation operations HashMap#set or HashMap#delete. Where a HashMap#set does not change an existing value (because a key already exists with that value) or HashMap#delete does not delete an existing key/value pair (because it doesn't already exist in this HashMap), the cid will not change.

async HashMap#get(key)

  • key (string|Uint8Array): The key of the key/value pair entry to look up in this HashMap.

  • Returns: Promise<(V|undefined)>: The value (of template type V) stored for the given key which may be any type serializable by IPLD, or a CID to an existing IPLD object. This should match what was provided by HashMap#set as the value for this key. If the key is not stored in this HashMap, undefined will be returned.

Fetches the value of the provided key stored in this HashMap, if it exists.

async HashMap#has(key)

  • key (string|Uint8Array): The key of the key/value pair entry to look up in this HashMap.

  • Returns: Promise<boolean>: true if the key exists in this HashMap, false otherwise.

Check whether the provided key exists in this HashMap. The equivalent of performing map.get(key) !== undefined.

async HashMap#size()

  • Returns: Promise<number>: An integer greater than or equal to zero indicating the number of key/value pairs stored in this HashMap.

Count the number of key/value pairs stored in this HashMap.

async HashMap#set(key, value)

  • key (string|Uint8Array): The key of the new key/value pair entry to store in this HashMap.

  • value (V): The value (of template type V) to store, either an object that can be serialized inline via IPLD or a CID pointing to another object.

  • Returns: Promise<void>

Add a key/value pair to this HashMap. The value may be any object that can be serialized by IPLD, or a CID to a more complex (or larger) object. HashMap#get operations on the same key will retreve the value as it was set as long as serialization and deserialization results in the same object.

If the key already exists in this HashMap, the existing entry will have the value replaced with the new one provided. If the value is the same, the HashMap will remain unchanged.

As a mutation operation, performing a successful set() where a new key/value pair or new value for a given key is set, a new root node will be generated so map.cid will be a different CID. This CID should be used to refer to this collection in the backing store where persistence is required.

async HashMap#delete(key)

  • key (string|Uint8Array): The key of the key/value pair entry to remove from this HashMap.

  • Returns: Promise<void>

Remove a key/value pair to this HashMap.

If the key exists in this HashMap, its entry will be entirely removed. If the key does not exist in this HashMap, no changes will occur.

As a mutation operation, performing a successful delete() where an existing key/value pair is removed from the collection, a new root node will be generated so map.cid will be a different CID. This CID should be used to refer to this collection in the backing store where persistence is required.

async HashMap#values()

  • Returns: AsyncIterator<V>: An async iterator that yields values (of template type V) of the type stored in this collection, either inlined objects or CIDs.

Asynchronously emit all values that exist within this HashMap collection.

This will cause a full traversal of all nodes that make up this collection so may result in many block loads from the backing store if the collection is large.

async HashMap#keys()

  • Returns: AsyncIterator<string>: An async iterator that yields string keys stored in this collection.

Asynchronously emit all keys that exist within this HashMap collection as strings rather than the stored bytes.

This will cause a full traversal of all nodes that make up this collection so may result in many block loads from the backing store if the collection is large.

async HashMap#keysRaw()

  • Returns: AsyncIterator<Uint8Array>: An async iterator that yields string keys stored in this collection.

Asynchronously emit all keys that exist within this HashMap collection as their raw bytes rather than being converted to a string.

This will cause a full traversal of all nodes that make up this collection so may result in many block loads from the backing store if the collection is large.

async * HashMapImpl#entries()

async * HashMapImpl#entriesRaw()

async HashMap#cids()

  • Returns: AsyncIterator<CID>: An async iterator that yields CIDs for the blocks that comprise this HashMap.

Asynchronously emit all CIDs for blocks that make up this HashMap.

This will cause a full traversal of all nodes that make up this collection so may result in many block loads from the backing store if the collection is large.

async HashMapImpl.create(loader, options)

  • loader (Loader): A loader with get(cid):block and put(cid, block) functions for loading an storing block data by CID.

  • options (CreateOptions<Codec, V>): Options for the HashMap. Defaults are provided but you can tweak behavior according to your needs with these options.

  • Returns: Promise<HashMap<V>>: - A HashMap instance, either loaded from an existing root block CID, or a new, empty HashMap if no CID is provided.

Create a new HashMap instance, beginning empty, or loading from existing data in a backing store.

A backing store must be provided to make use of a HashMap, an interface to the store is given through the mandatory loader parameter. The backing store stores IPLD blocks, referenced by CIDs. loader must have two functions: get(cid) which should return the raw bytes (Buffer or Uint8Array) of a block matching the given CID, and put(cid, block) that will store the provided raw bytes of a block (block) and store it with the associated CID.

async HashMapImpl.load(loader, root, options)

  • loader (Loader)

  • root (CID): A root of an existing HashMap. Provide a CID if you want to load existing data.

  • options (CreateOptions<Codec, V>)

  • Returns: Promise<HashMap<V>>

License and Copyright

Copyright 2019 Rod Vagg

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.