Commit de11715
File tree
1,156 files changed
lines changed- apps
- ash
- accessibility
- app_list/views/assistant
- assistant
- dbus
- keyboard
- public/cpp
- app_list/vector_icons
- assistant
- holding_space
- wallpaper
- quick_pair
- resources/vector_icons
- services/quick_pair
- shortcut_viewer/vector_icons
- system
- accessibility
- holding_space
- message_center
- phonehub
- wallpaper
- webui/file_manager
- base
- android
- fuchsia
- metrics
- test
- android
- metrics
- build
- android
- config
- android
- fuchsia
- fuchsia
- toolchain/android
- chrome
- android
- features/autofill_assistant
- feed
- java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser
- about_settings
- accessibility
- accessibility_tab_switcher
- app
- flags
- video_tutorials
- autofill
- autofill_assistant
- background_sync
- background_task_scheduler
- banners
- bookmarks
- browserservices
- browsing_data
- component_updater
- compositor
- bottombar
- content_capture
- cryptids
- customtabs
- display_cutout
- dom_distiller
- explore_sites
- infobar
- installedapp
- messages
- modaldialog
- net/nqe
- notifications
- ntp
- offlinepages
- omaha
- paint_preview
- partnerbookmarks
- password_manager/settings
- payments
- privacy/settings
- push_messaging
- quickactionsearchwidget
- safe_browsing
- searchwidget
- settings
- sharing
- site_settings
- status_indicator
- sync
- tabbed_mode
- tasks
- translate
- usage_stats
- webapps
- webauth
- javatests/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser
- accessibility
- accessibility_tab_switcher
- autofill
- autofill_assistant
- background_sync
- bookmarks
- browserservices
- browsing_data
- compositor
- continuous_search
- customtabs
- display_cutout
- dom_distiller
- download
- explore_sites
- infobar
- locale
- notifications
- ntp
- offlinepages
- omaha
- paint_preview
- password_manager/settings
- privacy/settings
- profiles
- push_messaging
- query_tiles
- searchwidget
- settings
- site_settings
- sms
- status_indicator
- subresource_filter
- sync
- tasks
- toolbar
- translate
- usage_stats
- webauth
- junit/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser
- about_settings
- app/video_tutorials
- autofill
- background_sync
- browserservices
- compositor
- cryptids
- customtabs
- display_cutout
- dom_distiller
- explore_sites
- feed
- image_fetcher
- notifications
- ntp
- offlinepages
- partnerbookmarks
- password_manager/settings
- preferences
- privacy/settings
- quickactionsearchwidget
- safe_browsing
- settings
- sharing
- site_settings
- sync
- tabbed_mode
- tasks
- webapps
- native_java_unittests/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/installedapp
- app
- android
- vector_icons
- app_shim
- browser
- accessibility
- accuracy_tips
- android
- accessibility
- autofill_assistant
- background_task_scheduler
- bookmarks
- bottombar
- browserservices
- browsing_data
- compositor
- consent_auditor
- cookies
- customtabs
- dom_distiller
- examples/custom_tabs_client
- explore_sites
- feature_engagement
- feed
- ntp
- omnibox
- oom_intervention
- preferences/autofill
- send_tab_to_self
- vr
- webapk
- webapps
- apps
- app_discovery_service
- app_service
- app_shim
- digital_goods
- guest_view
- intent_helper
- platform_apps/api/media_galleries
- ash
- accessibility
- app_mode
- arc
- accessibility
- assistant
- dbus
- file_manager
- guest_os
- kerberos
- login/app_mode
- nearby
- phonehub
- plugin_vm
- policy
- printing
- quick_pair
- settings
- tether
- attribution_reporting
- android
- autofill
- background_fetch
- background_sync
- badging
- banners
- bluetooth
- browser_controls/android
- browsing_data
- cart
- chromeos
- app_mode
- extensions
- file_manager
- printing
- component_updater
- consent_auditor
- content_creation
- content_index
- content_settings
- continuous_search
- custom_handlers
- data_reduction_proxy
- dom_distiller
- domain_reliability
- download
- extensions
- api/web_request
- feature_engagement
- java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/feature_engagement
- federated_learning
- feed
- feedback
- file_system_access
- flags
- font_access
- fullscreen/android
- gcm
- guest_view
- headless
- heavy_ad_intervention
- hid
- history_clusters
- idle
- image_fetcher
- interest_group
- interstitials
- invalidation
- language
- loader
- locale/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/locale
- media_galleries
- metrics
- net
- nfc
- notifications
- ntp_tiles
- offline_items_collection
- offline_pages
- optimization_guide
- page_info
- paint_preview
- password_manager
- payments
- pdf
- performance_manager
- picture_in_picture
- policy
- portal
- predictors
- preferences
- prerender
- printing
- cloud_print
- privacy_budget
- profiles
- android
- java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/cookies
- push_messaging
- query_tiles
- resource_coordinator
- resources
- accessibility
- chromeos/edu_coexistence
- conflicts
- download_shelf
- feedback
- history
- history_clusters
- internals
- notifications
- user_education
- offline_pages
- omnibox
- settings
- chromeos
- signin
- video_tutorials
- safe_browsing
- search
- search_engines
- search_provider_logos
- segmentation_platform
- send_tab_to_self
- serial
- settings
- sharing
- signin
- subresource_filter
- sync
- themes
- translate
- ui
- android
- autofill
- default_browser_promo
- layouts
- multiwindow
- native_page
- omnibox
- quickactionsearchwidget
- safe_browsing
- searchactivityutils
- tab_contents
- tab_model
- theme
- toolbar
- webid
- apps
- ash
- accessibility
- assistant
- holding_space
- keyboard
- aura/accessibility
- blocked_content
- bluetooth
- download
- extensions
- font_access
- global_media_controls
- hid
- omnibox
- page_action
- page_info
- pdf
- search
- search_engines
- send_tab_to_self
- serial
- signin
- sync
- translate
- user_education
- views
- accessibility
- download
- extensions
- global_media_controls
- omnibox
- page_action
- page_info
- payments
- plugin_vm
- send_tab_to_self
- sharing
- translate
- webid
- web_applications
- webid
- webui
- chromeos/edu_coexistence
- conflicts
- customize_themes
- download_shelf
- federated_learning
- history
- history_clusters
- internals
- notifications
- query_tiles
- user_education
- interstitials
- omnibox
- predictors
- sandbox
- settings
- chromeos
- signin
- video_tutorials
- unified_consent
- usb
- video_tutorials
- vr/vector_icons
- wake_lock
- web_applications
- app_service
- webapps
- webid
- win/conflicts
- chrome_cleaner
- common
- apps
- cart
- custom_handlers
- extensions
- media_galleries
- net
- notifications
- performance_manager
- printing
- privacy_budget
- search
- themes
- renderer
- autofill
- cart
- extensions
- media
- net
- pdf
- performance_manager
- printing
- resources
- cart
- extensions
- translate
- services/printing
- test
- android
- javatests/src/org/chromium/chrome/test/util/browser
- notifications
- sync
- webapps
- base/android
- data
- dom_distiller
- translate
- webui
- chromeos/edu_coexistence
- settings
- chromeos
- origin_policy
- payments
- updater
- chromecast
- browser/metrics
- media/cma/backend/fuchsia
- chromeos
- assistant
- components
- phonehub
- tether
- web_applications
- dbus
- arc
- kerberos
- policy
- printing
- services
- assistant
- nearby
- settings
- ui/vector_icons
- cloud_print
- components
- accuracy_tips
- arc
- media_session
- vector_icons
- autofill
- autofill_assistant
- background_fetch
- background_sync
- background_task_scheduler
- blocked_content
- browser_ui
- http_auth/android
- settings
- site_settings
- util/android
- widget/android
- browsing_data
- cast_certificate
- chrome_cleaner
- client_hints
- component_updater
- consent_auditor
- content_capture
- content_creation
- content_settings
- continuous_search
- data_reduction_proxy
- dbus
- dom_distiller
- domain_reliability
- download
- drive
- embedder_support
- android/metrics
- origin_trials
- feature_engagement
- federated_learning
- feed
- feedback
- find_in_page/android
- guest_os
- guest_view
- heavy_ad_intervention
- history/core/browser/sync
- history_clusters
- image_fetcher
- invalidation
- language
- messages
- metrics
- ntp_tiles
- offline_items_collection
- offline_pages
- omnibox
- browser/vector_icons
- optimization_guide
- page_info
- paint_preview
- password_manager
- core/browser/sync
- payments
- pdf
- performance_manager
- policy
- printing
- query_tiles
- search
- search_engines
- android
- search_provider_logos
- segmentation_platform
- send_tab_to_self
- services
- app_service
- storage
- dom_storage
- indexed_db
- service_worker
- signin
- subresource_filter
- sync
- test/data
- autofill
- cast_certificate
- data_reduction_proxy
- dom_distiller
- password_manager
- performance_manager
- update_client
- webcrypto
- translate
- unified_consent
- update_client
- vector_icons
- viz
- webapk
- webapps
- webcrypto
- webrtc
- content
- app/android
- browser
- accessibility
- aggregation_service
- appcache
- attribution_reporting
- audio
- background_fetch
- background_sync
- bluetooth
- browsing_data
- buckets
- cache_storage
- client_hints
- compute_pressure
- content_index
- cookie_store
- device
- direct_sockets
- display_cutout
- dom_storage
- federated_learning
- file_system_access
- font_access
- generic_sensor
- hid
- idle
- indexed_db
- interest_group
- loader
- locks
- manifest
- media
- media_session
- metrics
- native_io
- net
- notifications
- origin_trials
- payments
- picture_in_picture
- portal
- prerender
- push_messaging
- quota
- resources
- attribution_reporting
- indexed_db
- media
- prerender
- service_worker
- screen_orientation
- serial
- service_worker
- sms
- speech
- web_package
- webid
- common
- background_fetch
- fetch
- media
- service_worker
- web_package
- zygote
- public
- android
- java/src/org/chromium/content/browser
- accessibility
- font
- remoteobjects
- sms
- javatests/src/org/chromium/content/browser
- accessibility
- font
- remoteobjects
- sms
- junit/src/org/chromium/content/browser
- remoteobjects
- sms
- common/zygote
- renderer
- accessibility
- media
- service_worker
- shell/fuchsia
- test
- data
- accessibility
- origin_trials
- portal
- zygote
- dbus
- docs
- privacy_budget
- updater
- extensions
- browser
- api
- guest_view
- web_request
- guest_view
- renderer
- guest_view
- resources/guest_view
- fuchsia
- google_apis
- drive
- test/data/drive
- gpu
- headless
- ios
- chrome/browser
- component_updater
- gcm
- invalidation
- language
- ntp_tiles
- optimization_guide
- policy
- sync
- translate
- ui/send_tab_to_self
- update_client
- web_view/internal/sync
- media
- audio/fuchsia
- capture/video/fuchsia
- filters/fuchsia
- net
- cookies
- nqe
- quic
- tools/quic
- pdf
- printing
- sandbox
- sandbox
- services
- audio
- device
- generic_sensor
- nfc
- usb
- media_session
- metrics
- network/origin_policy
- resource_coordinator
- memory_instrumentation
- public/cpp/memory_instrumentation
- viz
- public/cpp/gpu
- storage/browser
- blob
- quota
- third_party
- blink
- common
- blob
- bluetooth
- cache_storage
- fetch
- manifest
- mediastream
- notifications
- origin_trials
- peerconnection
- permissions
- permissions_policy
- privacy_budget
- scheduler
- service_worker
- perf_tests
- css
- dom
- parser
- webgl
- webgpu
- public
- common
- blob
- bluetooth
- cache_storage
- css
- fetch
- font_access
- manifest
- media
- net
- notifications
- origin_trials
- peerconnection
- permissions
- privacy_budget
- scheduler
- service_worker
- sms
- mojom
- app_banner
- appcache
- badging
- blob
- bluetooth
- buckets
- cache_storage
- compute_pressure
- cookie_store
- dom_storage
- fetch
- file_system_access
- filesystem
- font_access
- hid
- idle
- locks
- manifest
- media
- mediasession
- native_io
- payments
- peerconnection
- performance_manager
- permissions
- prerender
- presentation
- push_messaging
- quota
- script
- serial
- service_worker
- sms
- speculation_rules
- speech
- subapps
- webaudio
- webid
- webtransport
- platform
- media
- modules
- mediastream
- remoteplayback
- service_worker
- video_capture
- webrtc
- scheduler
- web/modules
- media
- mediastream
- service_worker
- renderer
- bindings
- build/scripts/core
- css
- style
- controller/performance_manager
- core
- accessibility
- animation
- css
- dom
- fetch
- html
- parser
- portal
- loader/appcache
- origin_trials
- permissions_policy
- script
- speculation_rules
- style
- modules
- accessibility
- app_banner
- background_sync
- badging
- beacon
- bluetooth
- buckets
- cache_storage
- compute_pressure
- cookie_store
- direct_sockets
- file_system_access
- filesystem
- font_access
- hid
- idle
- locks
- manifest
- media
- media_capabilities
- mediasession
- native_io
- netinfo
- nfc
- notifications
- payments
- peerconnection
- permissions
- picture_in_picture
- presentation
- push_messaging
- quota
- remoteplayback
- scheduler
- screen_orientation
- serial
- service_worker
- speech
- subapps
- wake_lock
- webaudio
- webgl
- webgpu
- webid
- webtransport
- platform
- animation
- bindings
- blob
- exported/mediastream
- instrumentation/resource_coordinator
- media
- media_capabilities
- mediastream
- peerconnection
- privacy_budget
- scheduler
- video_capture
- webrtc
- web_tests
- external/wpt
- beacon
- bluetooth
- mediasession
- netinfo
- notifications
- webgpu
- http/tests/usb
- virtual/presentation
- wpt_internal
- presentation
- serial
- win_build_output/midl/chrome/updater
- tools
- accessibility
- aggregation_service
- fuchsia
- origin_trials
- third_party/ed25519
- privacy_budget
- ui
- accessibility
- android/java/src/org/chromium/ui/modaldialog
- base/ime/fuchsia
- events/fuchsia
- file_manager
- gtk/printing
- message_center
- vector_icons
- views
- accessibility
- vector_icons
- webui/resources
- cr_components
- chromeos
- customize_themes
- omnibox
- cr_elements/chromeos
- js/ios
- weblayer/browser/java/org/chromium/weblayer_private/payments
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,156 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
8 | 8 |
| |
9 |
| - | |
10 |
| - | |
11 |
| - | |
12 |
| - | |
| 9 | + |
0 commit comments