The LaravelQueue package allows to use queue-interop compatible transports the Laravel way. I suppose you already installed and configured the package so let's look what you have to do to make queue work.
You have to add a connector to config/queues.php
file. The driver must be interop
// config/queue.php
return [
// uncomment to set it as default
// 'default' => env('QUEUE_DRIVER', 'interop'),
'connections' => [
'interop' => [
'driver' => 'interop',
'connection_factory_class' => \Enqueue\Fs\FsConnectionFactory::class,
// the factory specific options
'dsn' => 'file://'.storage_path('enqueue'),
Same as standard Laravel Queues
Send message example:
$job = (new \App\Jobs\EnqueueTest())->onConnection('interop');
Consume messages:
$ php artisan queue:work interop
While interop connector can send\consume messages from any queue interop compatible transports.
But it does not support some AMQP specific features, such as queue declaration and delays.
To cover those cases the package provides a AmqpQueue. It can work with any amqp interop compatible trnasport, for example enqueue/amqp-bunny
Here's how it could be configured:
// config/queue.php
return [
// uncomment to set it as default
// 'default' => env('QUEUE_DRIVER', 'interop'),
'connections' => [
'interop' => [
'driver' => 'amqp_interop',
'connection_factory_class' => \Enqueue\AmqpBunny\AmqpConnectionFactory::class,
// connects to localhost
'dsn' => 'amqp:',
// could be "rabbitmq_dlx", "rabbitmq_delay_plugin", instance of DelayStrategy interface or null
// 'delay_strategy' => 'rabbitmq_dlx'