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+We will be creating a chat application with a server and a client.
+The chat client will have the following functionality:
+- Private messages between users
+- Joining and sending messages to channels
+- Uploading/Downloading files
+- Getting server and client statistics (e.g. number of channels)
+Since the emphasis is on showcasing as much RSocket functionality as possible, some examples may be either a bit contrived, or
+be possible to implement in a different way using RSocket. This is left as an exercise to the reader.
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/guide-shared/_routing.mdx b/content-docs/guides/guide-shared/_routing.mdx
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+In the previous step we added a single request-response handler. In order to allow more than one functionality to use this handler,
+(e.g. login, messages, join/leave chanel) they need to be distinguished from each other. To achieve this, each request to the server will
+be identified by a [route](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket/blob/master/Extensions/Routing.md). This is similar to paths in an HTTP URL where
+each URL may handle one of the HTTP methods (eg. GET, POST).
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/index.mdx b/content-docs/guides/index.mdx
index d0c5c617..bf482dc3 100644
--- a/content-docs/guides/index.mdx
+++ b/content-docs/guides/index.mdx
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ In this section you will find guides related to working with and consuming the v
- [`rsocket-js`](./rsocket-js/index.mdx)
- [`rsocket-py`](./rsocket-py/index.mdx)
+- [`rsocket-java`](./rsocket-java/index.mdx)
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+slug: /guides/rsocket-java
+title: rsocket-java
+sidebar_label: Introduction
+The java `rsocket` package implements the 1.0 version of the [RSocket protocol](/about/protocol).
+## Guides
+See [Tutorial](/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial) for a step by step construction of an application.
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/00-base.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/00-base.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+slug: /guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/base
+title: Getting started
+sidebar_label: Getting started
+## Application structure
+In this step we will set up a minimal code required for both the server and the client.
+The application will be composed of:
+- Server side
+- Client side
+- Shared code
+See resulting code on [GitHub](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java/tree/master/examples/tutorial/step0)
+## Server side
+We will set up a simple server to accept connections and respond to the client sending the user's name.
+The server will listen on TCP port 6565.
+Below is the code for the ServerApplication class:
+package io.rsocket.guide;
+import io.rsocket.Payload;
+import io.rsocket.RSocket;
+import io.rsocket.SocketAcceptor;
+import io.rsocket.core.RSocketServer;
+import io.rsocket.transport.netty.server.TcpServerTransport;
+import io.rsocket.util.DefaultPayload;
+import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
+public class ServerApplication {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ final var transport = TcpServerTransport.create(6565);
+ final SocketAcceptor socketAcceptor = (setup, sendingSocket) -> Mono.just(new RSocket() {
+ public Mono requestResponse(Payload payload) {
+ return Mono.just(DefaultPayload.create("Welcome to chat, " + payload.getDataUtf8()));
+ }
+ });
+ RSocketServer.create()
+ .acceptor(socketAcceptor)
+ .bind(transport)
+ .block()
+ .onClose()
+ .block();
+ }
+*Lines 22-27* start an RSocket TCP server listening on localhost:6565.
+The 2 parameters passed are:
+- transport : An instance of a supported connection method. In this case it is at instance of `TcpServerTransport` created in *Line 14*.
+- socketAcceptor: A callable which returns an `RSocket` instance wrapped in a `Mono`. This will be used to respond to the client's requests.
+*Lines 16-20* Define the `RSocket` service with a single `requestResponse` endpoint at *Lines *17-19*.
+The `requestResponse` method receives a single argument containing the payload.
+It is an instance of a `Payload` class which contains the data and metadata of the request. The data property is assumed to contain
+a UTF-8 encoded string of the username, so is retrieved using `getDataUtf8`.
+*Line 18* Takes the username from the `Payload` instance's data and returns it to the client with a "welcome" message.
+A response is created using helper methods:
+- `DefaultPayload::create` : This creates a payload which is the standard object which wraps all data transferred over RSocket. In our case, only the data property is set.
+- `Mono::just` : All RSocket responses must be in the form of streams, either a `Flux` or a `Mono`.
+In the example, only the `requestResponse` method of `RSocket` is overridden. In this class, we can override the methods
+which handle the 4 RSocket request types:
+- `requestResponse`
+- `requestStream`
+- `requestChannel`
+- `fireAndForget`
+Check the `RSocket` for other methods which can be implemented.
+Next we will look at a simple client which connects to this server.
+## Client side
+The client will connect to the server, send a single *response* request and disconnect.
+Below is the code for the ClientApplication class:
+package io.rsocket.guide;
+import io.rsocket.core.RSocketConnector;
+import io.rsocket.transport.netty.client.TcpClientTransport;
+import io.rsocket.util.DefaultPayload;
+import java.time.Duration;
+public class ClientApplication {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ final var transport = TcpClientTransport.create("localhost", 6565);
+ final var rSocket = RSocketConnector.create()
+ .connect(transport)
+ .block();
+ final var payload = DefaultPayload.create("George");
+ rSocket.requestResponse(payload)
+ .doOnNext(response -> System.out.println(response.getDataUtf8()))
+ .block(Duration.ofMinutes(1));
+ }
+*Line 12* instantiates a TCP connection to localhost on port 6565, similar to the one in `ServerApplication`.
+*Lines 14-16* instantiates an `RSocket` client.
+*Line 18* Wraps the username "George" which the client will send to the server in a `Payload` using the `DefaultPayload.create` factory method
+Finally, *Line 20* sends the request to the server and prints (*Line 21*) the received response.
+Since RSocket is reactive, and we want to wait for the request to finish before quitting, a call to `block(Duration.ofMinutes(1))` is added to block for 1 minute.
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/01-request_routing.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/01-request_routing.mdx
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@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+slug: /guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/request_routing
+title: Request routing
+sidebar_label: Request routing
+import Routing from '../../guide-shared/_routing.mdx'
+See resulting code on [GitHub](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java/tree/master/examples/tutorial/step1)
+## Server side
+We will modify the example from the previous step into a routed request response.
+### Routing request handler
+Below is the modified code for instantiating `SocketAcceptor`:
+final SocketAcceptor socketAcceptor = (setup, sendingSocket) -> Mono.just(new RSocket() {
+ public Mono requestResponse(Payload payload) {
+ final var route = requireRoute(payload);
+ switch (route) {
+ case "login":
+ return Mono.just(DefaultPayload.create("Welcome to chat, " + payload.getDataUtf8()));
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unknown requestResponse route " + route);
+ }
+ private String requireRoute(Payload payload) {
+ final var metadata = payload.sliceMetadata();
+ final CompositeMetadata compositeMetadata = new CompositeMetadata(metadata, false);
+ for (CompositeMetadata.Entry metadatum : compositeMetadata) {
+ if (Objects.requireNonNull(metadatum.getMimeType())
+ .equals(WellKnownMimeType.MESSAGE_RSOCKET_ROUTING.getString())) {
+ return new RoutingMetadata(metadatum.getContent()).iterator().next();
+ }
+ }
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ }
+The `requestResponse` method in *Lines 2-11* is modified to first parse the route from the `Payload` metadata, using the `requireRoute` helper method.
+For now there is only a single case, the "login" route, which returns the same response as in the previous section of this guide.
+*Line 10* raises an exception if no known route is supplied.
+The `requireRoute` method parses the `Payload` metadata using the `CompositeMetadata` class. If any of the metadata items is of routing type, its value is returned.
+If no routing metadata is found (*Line 24*) an exception is thrown.
+## Client side
+Let's modify the client side to call this new routed request. For readability and maintainability, we will create a `Client`
+which will wrap the RSocket client and provide the methods for interacting with the server.
+### Client class
+Below is the complete code for the new `Client` class:
+package io.rsocket.guide;
+import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
+import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
+import io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf;
+import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
+import io.rsocket.Payload;
+import io.rsocket.RSocket;
+import io.rsocket.metadata.CompositeMetadataCodec;
+import io.rsocket.metadata.TaggingMetadataCodec;
+import io.rsocket.metadata.WellKnownMimeType;
+import io.rsocket.util.DefaultPayload;
+import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
+import java.util.List;
+public class Client {
+ private final RSocket rSocket;
+ public Client(RSocket rSocket) {
+ this.rSocket = rSocket;
+ }
+ public Mono login(String username) {
+ final Payload payload = DefaultPayload.create(
+ Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(username.getBytes()),
+ route("login")
+ );
+ return rSocket.requestResponse(payload);
+ }
+ private static CompositeByteBuf route(String route) {
+ final var metadata = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.compositeBuffer();
+ CompositeMetadataCodec.encodeAndAddMetadata(
+ metadata,
+ ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT,
+ TaggingMetadataCodec.createTaggingContent(ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT, List.of(route))
+ );
+ return metadata;
+ }
+*Lines 17-45* define our new `Client` which will encapsulate the methods used to interact with the chat server.
+*Lines 25-31* define a `login` method. It uses the `route` helper method defined later in the class to create the routing metadata, which is added to the `Payload`.
+This ensures the payload is routed to the method registered on the server side in the previous step.
+The `route` method defined in *Lines 33-44*, creates a composite metadata item (*Line 34*) and adds the route metadata to it (*Lines 36-41*).
+### Test the new functionality
+Let's modify the `ClientApplication` class to test our new `Client`:
+final var rSocket = RSocketConnector.create()
+ .metadataMimeType(WellKnownMimeType.MESSAGE_RSOCKET_COMPOSITE_METADATA.getString())
+ .connect(transport)
+ .block();
+final var client = new Client(rSocket);
+ .doOnNext(response -> System.out.println(response.getDataUtf8()))
+ .block(Duration.ofMinutes(10));
+The `RSocket` instantiation is modified, and in *Line 2* sets the `metadataMimeType` type to be COMPOSITE_METADATA.
+This is required for multiple elements in the `Payload` metadata, which includes the routing information.
+*Lines 6* instantiates a `Client`, passing it the `RSocket`
+*Lines 8-10* call the `login` method, and prints the response.
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/02-user_session.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/02-user_session.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a27db692
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+++ b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/02-user_session.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+slug: /guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/user_session
+title: User session
+sidebar_label: User session
+Let's add a server side session to store the logged-in user's state. Later on it will be used to temporarily store
+the messages which will be delivered to the client.
+See resulting code on [GitHub](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java/tree/master/examples/tutorial/step2)
+## Server side
+### Data-classes
+First we will add a POJO to represent a single user session. Below is the contents of the new `Session` class:
+package io.rsocket.guide;
+public class Session {
+ public String username;
+ public String sessionId;
+The username (*Line 4*) will be supplied by the client, and the sessionId (*Line 6*) will be a UUID4 generated by the server.
+### Login endpoint
+Let's separate the `SocketAcceptor` creation from the `ServerApplication` class. Below is the contents of the new `Server` class:
+package io.rsocket.guide.step2;
+import io.rsocket.ConnectionSetupPayload;
+import io.rsocket.Payload;
+import io.rsocket.RSocket;
+import io.rsocket.SocketAcceptor;
+import io.rsocket.guide.step8.Session;
+import io.rsocket.metadata.CompositeMetadata;
+import io.rsocket.metadata.RoutingMetadata;
+import io.rsocket.metadata.WellKnownMimeType;
+import io.rsocket.util.DefaultPayload;
+import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.UUID;
+public class Server implements SocketAcceptor {
+ @Override
+ public Mono accept(ConnectionSetupPayload setup, RSocket sendingSocket) {
+ final var session = new Session();
+ session.sessionId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
+ return Mono.just(new RSocket() {
+ public Mono requestResponse(Payload payload) {
+ final var route = requireRoute(payload);
+ switch (route) {
+ case "login":
+ session.username = payload.getDataUtf8();
+ return Mono.just(DefaultPayload.create(session.sessionId));
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unknown requestResponse route " + route);
+ }
+ private String requireRoute(Payload payload) {
+ final var metadata = payload.sliceMetadata();
+ final CompositeMetadata compositeMetadata = new CompositeMetadata(metadata, false);
+ for (CompositeMetadata.Entry metadatum : compositeMetadata) {
+ if (Objects.requireNonNull(metadatum.getMimeType())
+ .equals(WellKnownMimeType.MESSAGE_RSOCKET_ROUTING.getString())) {
+ return new RoutingMetadata(metadatum.getContent()).iterator().next();
+ }
+ }
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+In order to keep a reference to the `Session` we will instantiate it in the `accept` method (*Line 21-22*) which serves as the scope for the current client connection.
+The username provided in the login `Payload` will be stored in the session (*Line 30*).
+## Client side
+We will modify the `Client` to store the username, to use it in output later on:
+public Mono login(String username) {
+ this.username = username;
+ final Payload payload = DefaultPayload.create(
+ Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(username.getBytes()),
+ route("login")
+ );
+ return rSocket.requestResponse(payload);
+Instead of a greeting from the server, we now receive a session id in the response payload (*Line 8*).
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/03-messages.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/03-messages.mdx
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index 00000000..b5d7bca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/03-messages.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+slug: /guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/messages
+title: Private messages
+sidebar_label: Private messages
+Let's add private messaging between users. We will use a request-stream to listen for new messages from other users.
+See resulting code on [GitHub](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java/tree/master/examples/tutorial/step3)
+## Shared
+Let's add an object representation of a message. Below is the contents of the `Message` class:
+package io.rsocket.guide;
+public class Message {
+ public String user;
+ public String content;
+ public Message() {
+ }
+ public Message(String user, String content) {
+ this.user = user;
+ this.content = content;
+ }
+*Lines 3-6* defines a POJO with 2 fields:
+- `user` : Name of the recipient user when sending a message, and the name of the sender when receiving it.
+- `content` : The message body.
+We will use [json](https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html) to serialize the messages for transport. We will use the jackson library to do this.
+Add the following dependencies to the pom.xml:
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-databind
+ 2.14.1
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-core
+ 2.14.1
+We will also add a global storage in order to look up sessions of other users and deliver them messages. Add the `ChatData` class:
+package io.rsocket.guide.step3;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class ChatData {
+ public final Map sessionById = new HashMap<>();
+## Server side
+### Data storage and helper methods
+Let's add a helper method to find sessions by username to the `Server` class:
+public Mono findUserByName(final String username) {
+ return Flux.fromIterable(chatData.sessionById.entrySet())
+ .filter(e -> e.getValue().username.equals(username))
+ .map(e -> e.getValue())
+ .single();
+ }
+TODO: explain
+### Send messages
+Next we will register a request-response endpoint for sending private messages in the `requestResponse` route switch case:
+case "message":
+ try {
+ final var message = objectMapper.readValue(payload.getDataUtf8(), Message.class);
+ final var targetMessage = new Message(session.username, message.content);
+ return findUserByName(message.user)
+ .doOnNext(targetSession -> targetSession.messages.add(targetMessage))
+ .thenReturn(EmptyPayload.INSTANCE);
+ } catch (Exception exception) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(exception);
+ }
+TODO: explain
+### Receive incoming messages
+As a last step on the server side, we register a request-stream endpoint which listens for incoming messages and sends
+them to the client:
+public void messageSupplier(FluxSink sink) {
+ while (true) {
+ try {
+ final var message = session.messages.poll(20, TimeUnit.DAYS);
+ if (message != null) {
+ sink.next(DefaultPayload.create(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(message)));
+ }
+ } catch (Exception exception) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+public Flux requestStream(String route, Payload payload) {
+ return Flux.defer(() -> {
+ switch (route) {
+ case "messages.incoming":
+ final var threadContainer = new AtomicReference();
+ return Flux.create(sink -> sink.onRequest(n -> {
+ if (threadContainer.get() == null) {
+ final var thread = new Thread(() -> messageSupplier(sink));
+ thread.start();
+ threadContainer.set(thread);
+ }
+ })
+ .onCancel(() -> threadContainer.get().interrupt())
+ .onDispose(() -> threadContainer.get().interrupt()));
+ }
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ });
+TODO: explain
+## Client side
+First let's add a client method for sending private messages:
+public Mono sendMessage(String data) {
+ final Payload payload = DefaultPayload.create(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(data.getBytes()),
+ route("message")
+ );
+ return rSocket.requestResponse(payload);
+TODO: explain
+Next we add a method which will listen for incoming messages:
+public final AtomicReference incomingMessages = new AtomicReference<>();
+public void listenForMessages() {
+ new Thread(() ->
+ {
+ Disposable subscribe = rSocket.requestStream(DefaultPayload.create(null, route("messages.incoming")))
+ .doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Response from server stream completed"))
+ .doOnNext(response -> System.out.println("Response from server stream :: " + response.getDataUtf8()))
+ .collectList()
+ .subscribe();
+ incomingMessages.set(subscribe);
+ }).start();
+public void stopListeningForMessages() {
+ incomingMessages.get().dispose();
+TODO: explain
+### Test the new functionality
+Finally, let's test the new functionality. Modify the `ClientApplication.main` method:
+client.sendMessage("{\"user\":\"user1\", \"content\":\"message\"}");
+TODO: explain
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/04-channels.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/04-channels.mdx
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index 00000000..6d5285b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/04-channels.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+slug: /guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/channels
+title: Channels
+sidebar_label: Channels
+In this section we will add basic channel support:
+- Joining and leaving channels
+- Sending messages to channels
+See resulting code on [GitHub](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-py/tree/master/examples/tutorial/step4)
+## Shared code
+Let's add a `channel` property to the `Message` class. It will contain the name of the channel the message is intended for:
+public class Message {
+ // existing fields
+ public String channel;
+ // existing constructors
+ public Message(String user, String content, String channel) {
+ this.user = user;
+ this.content = content;
+ this.channel = channel;
+ }
+## Server side
+### Data-classes
+We will add functionality to store the channel state. Belows is the contents of the new `ChatChannel` class:
+package io.rsocket.guide;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
+import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
+public class ChatChannel {
+ public String name;
+ final public BlockingQueue messages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
+ final public AtomicReference messageRouter = new AtomicReference<>();
+ final public Set users = new HashSet<>();
+public class ChatData {
+ // existing fields
+ public final Map channelByName = new HashMap<>();
+In the `channel_users` dict, the keys are channel names, and the value is a set of user session ids. A [WeakSet](https://docs.python.org/3/library/weakref.html#weakref.WeakSet) is used to automatically remove logged-out users.
+In the `channel_messages` dict, the keys are the channel names, and the value is a [Queue](https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-queue.html) of messages sent by users to the channel.
+### Helper methods
+Next, we will define some helper methods for managing channel messages:
+- `ensure_channel_exists`: initialize the data for a new channel if it doesn't exist.
+- `channel_message_delivery`: an asyncio task which will deliver channel messages to all the users in a channel.
+public void ensureChannel(String channelName) {
+ if (!chatData.channelByName.containsKey(channelName)) {
+ ChatChannel chatChannel = new ChatChannel();
+ chatChannel.name = channelName;
+ chatData.channelByName.put(channelName, chatChannel);
+ final var thread = new Thread(() -> channelMessageRouter(channelName));
+ thread.start();
+ chatChannel.messageRouter.set(thread);
+ }
+If the channel doesn't exist yet (*Line 2*) It will be added to the `channel_users` and `channel_messages` dictionaries.
+*Line 5* starts an asyncio task (described below) which will deliver messages sent to the channel, to the channel's users.
+public void channelMessageRouter(String channelName) {
+ final var channel = chatData.channelByName.get(channelName);
+ while (true) {
+ try {
+ final var message = channel.messages.poll(20, TimeUnit.DAYS);
+ if (message != null) {
+ for (String user : channel.users) {
+ findUserByName(user).doOnNext(session -> {
+ try {
+ session.messages.put(message);
+ } catch (InterruptedException exception) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(exception);
+ }
+ }).block();
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception exception) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+The above method will loop infinitely and watch the `channel_messages` queue of the specified
+channel (*Line 8*). Upon receiving a message, it will be delivered to all the users in the channel (*Lines 9-13*).
+### Join/Leave Channel
+Now let's add the channel join/leave handling request-response endpoints.
+case "channel.join":
+ final var channelJoin = payload.getDataUtf8();
+ ensureChannel(channelJoin);
+ join(channelJoin, session.sessionId);
+ return Mono.just(EmptyPayload.INSTANCE);
+case "channel.leave":
+ leave(payload.getDataUtf8(), session.sessionId);
+ return Mono.just(EmptyPayload.INSTANCE);
+### Send channel message
+Next we add the ability to send channel message. We will modify the `send_message` method:
+case "message":
+ final var message = fromJson(payload.getDataUtf8(), Message.class);
+ final var targetMessage = new Message(session.username, message.content, message.channel);
+ if (message.channel != null) {
+ chatData.channelByName.get(message.channel).messages.add(targetMessage);
+ } else {
+ return findUserByName(message.user)
+ .doOnNext(targetSession -> targetSession.messages.add(targetMessage))
+ .thenReturn(EmptyPayload.INSTANCE);
+ }
+*Lines 16-20* decide whether it is a private message or a channel message, and add it to the relevant queue.
+### List channels
+case "channels":
+ return Flux.fromIterable(chatData.channelByName.keySet()).map(DefaultPayload::create);
+*Lines 6-11* define an endpoint for getting a list of channels. It uses the `StreamFromGenerator` helper. Note that the argument to this class
+is a factory method for the [generator](https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-generator), not the generator itself.
+### Get channel users
+case "channel.users":
+ return Flux.fromIterable(chatData.channelByName.getOrDefault(payload.getDataUtf8(), new ChatChannel()).users)
+ .map(DefaultPayload::create);
+*Lines 6-11* define an endpoint for getting a list of users in a given channel. The `find_username_by_session` helper method is used to
+convert the session ids to usernames.
+If the channel does not exist (*Line 10*) the `EmptyStream` helper can be used as a response.
+## Client side
+We will add the methods on the `Client` to interact with the new server functionality:
+from typing import List
+from rsocket.awaitable.awaitable_rsocket import AwaitableRSocket
+from rsocket.extensions.helpers import composite, route
+from rsocket.frame_helpers import ensure_bytes
+from rsocket.payload import Payload
+from rsocket.helpers import utf8_decode
+from shared import encode_dataclass
+class ChatClient:
+ async def join(self, channel_name: str):
+ request = Payload(ensure_bytes(channel_name), composite(route('channel.join')))
+ await self._rsocket.request_response(request)
+ return self
+ async def leave(self, channel_name: str):
+ request = Payload(ensure_bytes(channel_name), composite(route('channel.leave')))
+ await self._rsocket.request_response(request)
+ return self
+ async def channel_message(self, channel: str, content: str):
+ print(f'Sending {content} to channel {channel}')
+ await self._rsocket.request_response(Payload(encode_dataclass(Message(channel=channel, content=content)),
+ composite(route('message'))))
+ async def list_channels(self) -> List[str]:
+ request = Payload(metadata=composite(route('channels')))
+ response = await AwaitableRSocket(self._rsocket).request_stream(request)
+ return list(map(lambda _: utf8_decode(_.data), response))
+ async def get_users(self, channel_name: str) -> List[str]:
+ request = Payload(ensure_bytes(channel_name), composite(route('channel.users')))
+ users = await AwaitableRSocket(self._rsocket).request_stream(request)
+ return [utf8_decode(user.data) for user in users]
+*Lines 15-23* define the join/leave methods. They are both simple routed `request_response` calls, with the channel name as the payload data.
+*Lines 25-28* define the list_channels method. This method uses the `AwaitableRSocket` adapter to simplify getting the response stream as a list.
+*Lines 30-31* define the get_users method, which lists a channel's users.
+Update the `print_message` method to include the channel:
+def print_message(data: bytes):
+ message = Message(**json.loads(data))
+ print(f'{self._username}: from {message.user} ({message.channel}): {message.content}')
+Let's test the new functionality using the following code:
+async def messaging_example(user1: ChatClient, user2: ChatClient):
+ user1.listen_for_messages()
+ user2.listen_for_messages()
+ await user1.join('channel1')
+ await user2.join('channel1')
+ print(f'Channels: {await user1.list_channels()}')
+ await user1.private_message('user2', 'private message from user1')
+ await user1.channel_message('channel1', 'channel message from user1')
+ await asyncio.sleep(1)
+ user1.stop_listening_for_messages()
+ user2.stop_listening_for_messages()
+Call the example method from the `main` method and pass it the two chat clients:
+user1 = ChatClient(client1)
+user2 = ChatClient(client2)
+await user1.login('user1')
+await user2.login('user2')
+await messaging_example(user1, user2)
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/04-files.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/04-files.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0dd14a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/04-files.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+slug: /guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/files
+title: File upload/download
+sidebar_label: File upload/download
+In this section we will add very basic file upload/download functionality. All files will be stored in memory,
+and downloadable by all users.
+See resulting code on [GitHub](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-py/tree/master/examples/tutorial/step5)
+## Shared
+First, define a mimetype which will represent file names in the payloads. This will be used by both server and client, so
+place it in the shared module:
+chat_filename_mimetype = b'chat/file-name'
+## Server side
+### Data-classes
+Next, we need a place to store the files in memory. Add a dictionary to the `ChatData` class to store the files.
+The keys will be the file names, and the values the file content.
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from typing import Dict
+class ChatData:
+ ...
+ files: Dict[str, bytes] = field(default_factory=dict)
+### Helper methods
+Next, define a helper method which extracts the filename from the upload/download payload:
+from shared import chat_filename_mimetype
+from rsocket.extensions.composite_metadata import CompositeMetadata
+from rsocket.helpers import utf8_decode
+def get_file_name(composite_metadata: CompositeMetadata):
+ return utf8_decode(composite_metadata.find_by_mimetype(chat_filename_mimetype)[0].content)
+This helper uses the `find_by_mimetype` method of `CompositeMetadata` to get a list of metadata items with the
+specified mimetype.
+### Endpoints
+Next, register the request-response endpoints for uploading and downloading files, and for retrieving a list of
+available files:
+from typing import Awaitable
+from shared import chat_filename_mimetype
+from rsocket.extensions.composite_metadata import CompositeMetadata
+from rsocket.extensions.helpers import composite, metadata_item
+from rsocket.frame_helpers import ensure_bytes
+from rsocket.helpers import create_response
+from rsocket.payload import Payload
+from rsocket.routing.request_router import RequestRouter
+from rsocket.streams.stream_from_generator import StreamFromGenerator
+class ChatUserSession:
+ def router_factory(self):
+ router = RequestRouter()
+ @router.response('file.upload')
+ async def upload_file(payload: Payload, composite_metadata: CompositeMetadata) -> Awaitable[Payload]:
+ chat_data.files[get_file_name(composite_metadata)] = payload.data
+ return create_response()
+ @router.response('file.download')
+ async def download_file(composite_metadata: CompositeMetadata) -> Awaitable[Payload]:
+ file_name = get_file_name(composite_metadata)
+ return create_response(chat_data.files[file_name],
+ composite(metadata_item(ensure_bytes(file_name), chat_filename_mimetype)))
+ @router.stream('files')
+ async def get_file_names() -> Publisher:
+ count = len(chat_data.files)
+ generator = ((Payload(ensure_bytes(file_name)), index == count) for (index, file_name) in
+ enumerate(chat_data.files.keys(), 1))
+ return StreamFromGenerator(lambda: generator)
+The `upload_file` and `download_file` methods (*Lines 18-27*) extract the filename from the metadata using the helper method we created,
+and set and get the file content from the `chat_data` storage respectively.
+In this section we introduce the second argument which can be passed to routed endpoints. If the session is set up to use
+composite metadata, the `composite_metadata` parameter will contain a parsed structure of the metadata in the request payload.
+Line 34 uses the `StreamFromGenerator` helper which creates a stream publisher from a generator factory.
+The generator must return a tuple of two values for each iteration:
+- Payload instance
+- boolean value denoting if it is the last element in the generator.
+The argument for the helper class is a method which returns a generator, not the generator itself.
+### Large file support
+In the `download_file` method (Line 24), even though the frame size limit is 16MB, larger files can be downloaded.
+To allow this, fragmentation must be enabled. This is done by adding the `fragment_size_bytes` argument to the `RSocketServer` instantiation:
+from rsocket.rsocket_server import RSocketServer
+from rsocket.transports.tcp import TransportTCP
+def session(*connection):
+ RSocketServer(TransportTCP(*connection),
+ handler_factory=handler_factory,
+ fragment_size_bytes=1_000_000)
+## Client side
+### Methods
+On the client side, we will add 3 methods to access the new server functionality:
+- `upload`
+- `download`
+- `list_files`
+from typing import List
+from rsocket.awaitable.awaitable_rsocket import AwaitableRSocket
+from rsocket.extensions.helpers import composite, route, metadata_item
+from rsocket.frame_helpers import ensure_bytes
+from rsocket.helpers import utf8_decode
+from rsocket.payload import Payload
+from shared import chat_filename_mimetype
+class ChatClient:
+ async def upload(self, file_name: str, content: bytes):
+ await self._rsocket.request_response(Payload(content, composite(
+ route('file.upload'),
+ metadata_item(ensure_bytes(file_name), chat_filename_mimetype)
+ )))
+ async def download(self, file_name: str):
+ return await self._rsocket.request_response(Payload(
+ metadata=composite(
+ route('file.download'),
+ metadata_item(ensure_bytes(file_name), chat_filename_mimetype)
+ )))
+ async def list_files(self) -> List[str]:
+ request = Payload(metadata=composite(route('files')))
+ response = await AwaitableRSocket(self._rsocket).request_stream(request)
+ return list(map(lambda _: utf8_decode(_.data), response))
+*Lines 13-17* define the upload method. the `Payload` of the request-response consists of a body with the file's contents,
+and metadata which contains routing and the filename. To specify the filename a custom mimetype was used **chat/file-name**.
+This mime type was used to create a metadata item using the `metadata_item` method. the `composite` method was used to combine
+the two metadata items to the complete metadata of the payload.
+*Lines 19-24* define the download method. It is similar to the upload method, except for the absence of the payload data,
+and a different route: 'file.download'.
+*Lines 26-32* defines the list_files method. Same as the `list_channels` method in the previous section,
+it uses the request-stream 'files' endpoint to get a list of files.
+### Large file support
+Same as on the server size, fragmentation must be enabled to allow uploading files larger than 16MB.
+This is done by adding the `fragment_size_bytes` argument to the `RSocketClient` instantiation. Do this for both clients:
+from rsocket.extensions.mimetypes import WellKnownMimeTypes
+from rsocket.helpers import single_transport_provider
+from rsocket.rsocket_client import RSocketClient
+from rsocket.transports.tcp import TransportTCP
+async with RSocketClient(single_transport_provider(TransportTCP(*connection1)),
+ metadata_encoding=WellKnownMimeTypes.MESSAGE_RSOCKET_COMPOSITE_METADATA,
+ fragment_size_bytes=1_000_000) as client1:
+ ...
+We will try out the new functionality with the following code:
+async def files_example(user1: ChatClient, user2: ChatClient):
+ file_contents = b'abcdefg1234567'
+ file_name = 'file_name_1.txt'
+ await user1.upload(file_name, file_contents)
+ print(f'Files: {await user1.list_files()}')
+ download = await user2.download(file_name)
+ if download.data != file_contents:
+ raise Exception('File download failed')
+ else:
+ print(f'Downloaded file: {len(download.data)} bytes')
+call the `files_example` method from the main client method.
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/05-statistics.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/05-statistics.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b496091b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/05-statistics.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+slug: /guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/statistics
+title: Statistics
+sidebar_label: Statistics
+As a last step, we will add passing some statistics between the client and the server:
+- The client will be able to send its memory usage to the server.
+- The server will report the number of users and channels. The client will be able to specify which of these statistics it wants.
+See resulting code on [GitHub](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-py/tree/master/examples/tutorial/step6)
+## Shared code
+We will define some POJOs to represent the payloads being sent between the client and server.
+The Jackson JSON annotations are optional. They are only required for compatibility with the client/server implementations of the other languages.
+A `ServerStatistics` will hold the server channel and user count:
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
+public class ServerStatistic {
+ @JsonProperty("user_count")
+ public Integer userCount;
+ @JsonProperty("channel_count")
+ public Integer channelCount;
+ public ServerStatistic() {
+ }
+ public ServerStatistic(Integer userCount, Integer channelCount) {
+ this.userCount = userCount;
+ this.channelCount = channelCount;
+ }
+A `ClientStatistics` will hold the client's memory usage:
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
+public class ClientStatistics {
+ @JsonProperty("memory_usage")
+ public Long memoryUsage;
+ public ClientStatistics() {
+ }
+ public ClientStatistics(Long memoryUsage) {
+ this.memoryUsage = memoryUsage;
+ }
+And finally, the client will use a `StatisticsSettings` instance to tell the server which statistics it wants and how often:
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
+public class ServerStatistic {
+ @JsonProperty("user_count")
+ public Integer userCount;
+ @JsonProperty("channel_count")
+ public Integer channelCount;
+ public ServerStatistic() {
+ }
+ public ServerStatistic(Integer userCount, Integer channelCount) {
+ this.userCount = userCount;
+ this.channelCount = channelCount;
+ }
+## Server side
+### Session
+First we will add fields on the `Session` class to hold statistics and statistics-settings sent from the client:
+public class Session {
+ public StatisticsSettings statisticsSettings = new StatisticsSettings();
+ public ClientStatistics clientStatistics;
+### Endpoints
+We will add two endpoints, one for receiving from the client, and one for sending specific statistics from the server.
+#### Client sent statistics
+public Mono fireAndForget(Payload payload) {
+ final var route = requireRoute(payload);
+ return Mono.defer(() -> {
+ switch (route) {
+ case "statistics":
+ session.clientStatistics = fromJson(payload.getDataUtf8(), ClientStatistics.class);
+ return Mono.empty();
+ }
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ });
+*Lines 14-17* defines an endpoint for receiving statistics from the client. It uses the fire-and-forget request type, since this
+data is not critical to the application. No return value is required from this method, and if provided will be ignored.
+#### Receive requested statistics
+We will add a helper method for creating a new statistics response:
+def new_statistics_data(statistics_request: ServerStatisticsRequest):
+ statistics_data = {}
+ if 'users' in statistics_request.ids:
+ statistics_data['user_count'] = len(chat_data.user_session_by_id)
+ if 'channels' in statistics_request.ids:
+ statistics_data['channel_count'] = len(chat_data.channel_messages)
+ return ServerStatistics(**statistics_data)
+Next we define the endpoint for sending statistics to the client:
+import asyncio
+import json
+from shared import ClientStatistics, ServerStatisticsRequest, ServerStatistics, encode_dataclass
+from reactivestreams.publisher import DefaultPublisher
+from reactivestreams.subscriber import Subscriber, DefaultSubscriber
+from reactivestreams.subscription import DefaultSubscription
+from rsocket.helpers import utf8_decode
+from rsocket.payload import Payload
+from rsocket.routing.request_router import RequestRouter
+class ChatUserSession:
+ def router_factory(self):
+ router = RequestRouter()
+ @router.channel('statistics')
+ async def send_statistics():
+ class StatisticsChannel(DefaultPublisher, DefaultSubscriber, DefaultSubscription):
+ def __init__(self, session: UserSessionData):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._session = session
+ self._requested_statistics = ServerStatisticsRequest()
+ def cancel(self):
+ self._sender.cancel()
+ def subscribe(self, subscriber: Subscriber):
+ super().subscribe(subscriber)
+ subscriber.on_subscribe(self)
+ self._sender = asyncio.create_task(self._statistics_sender())
+ async def _statistics_sender(self):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ await asyncio.sleep(self._requested_statistics.period_seconds)
+ next_message = new_statistics_data(self._requested_statistics)
+ self._subscriber.on_next(dataclass_to_payload(next_message))
+ except Exception:
+ logging.error('Statistics', exc_info=True)
+ def on_next(self, value: Payload, is_complete=False):
+ request = ServerStatisticsRequest(**json.loads(utf8_decode(value.data)))
+ logging.info(f'Received statistics request {request.ids}, {request.period_seconds}')
+ if request.ids is not None:
+ self._requested_statistics.ids = request.ids
+ if request.period_seconds is not None:
+ self._requested_statistics.period_seconds = request.period_seconds
+ response = StatisticsChannel(self._session)
+ return response, response
+*Lines 16-57* defines an endpoint for sending statistics to the client. It uses the request-channel request type, which will allow
+the client to both receive the server statistics, and update the server as to which statistics it wants to receive.
+## Client side
+On the client side we will add the methods to access the new server side functionality:
+- `send_statistics`
+- `listen_for_statistics`
+import resource
+from shared import ServerStatistics, ClientStatistics
+from rsocket.extensions.helpers import composite, route
+from rsocket.payload import Payload
+class ChatClient:
+ async def send_statistics(self):
+ memory_usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
+ payload = Payload(encode_dataclass(ClientStatistics(memory_usage=memory_usage)),
+ metadata=composite(route('statistics')))
+ await self._rsocket.fire_and_forget(payload)
+The `send_statistics` uses a fire-and-forget request (*Line 15*) to send statistics to the server. This request does not receive a response,
+so does not wait for confirmation that the payload was delivered, as it is not critical information (at least for this tutorial).
+Next we will request statistics from the server. First we will define a handler to listen on the channel request and control it:
+import json
+from asyncio import Event
+from datetime import timedelta
+from typing import List
+from examples.tutorial.step6.models import ServerStatistics, ServerStatisticsRequest, dataclass_to_payload
+from reactivestreams.publisher import DefaultPublisher
+from reactivestreams.subscriber import DefaultSubscriber
+from reactivestreams.subscription import DefaultSubscription
+from rsocket.helpers import utf8_decode
+from rsocket.payload import Payload
+class StatisticsHandler(DefaultPublisher, DefaultSubscriber, DefaultSubscription):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.done = Event()
+ def on_next(self, value: Payload, is_complete=False):
+ statistics = ServerStatistics(**json.loads(utf8_decode(value.data)))
+ print(statistics)
+ if is_complete:
+ self.done.set()
+ def cancel(self):
+ self.subscription.cancel()
+ def set_requested_statistics(self, ids: List[str]):
+ self._subscriber.on_next(dataclass_to_payload(ServerStatisticsRequest(ids=ids)))
+ def set_period(self, period: timedelta):
+ self._subscriber.on_next(
+ dataclass_to_payload(ServerStatisticsRequest(period_seconds=int(period.total_seconds()))))
+Next we will use this new handler in the `ChatClient`:
+from rsocket.extensions.helpers import composite, route
+from rsocket.payload import Payload
+class ChatClient:
+ def listen_for_statistics(self) -> StatisticsHandler:
+ self._statistics_subscriber = StatisticsHandler()
+ self._rsocket.request_channel(Payload(metadata=composite(
+ route('statistics')
+ )), publisher=self._statistics_subscriber).subscribe(self._statistics_subscriber)
+ return self._statistics_subscriber
+ def stop_listening_for_statistics(self):
+ self._statistics_subscriber.cancel()
+Finally, let's try out this new functionality in the client:
+async def statistics_example(user1):
+ await user1.send_statistics()
+ statistics_control = user1.listen_for_statistics()
+ await asyncio.sleep(5)
+ statistics_control.set_requested_statistics(['users'])
+ await asyncio.sleep(5)
+ user1.stop_listening_for_statistics()
+Call this new method from the client `main` method.
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/index.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/index.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dae02395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+slug: /guides/rsocket-java/tutorial
+title: Chat Application
+sidebar_label: Preface
+This guide will go over step by step of setting up an application using the java implementation of RSocket.
+If you find a problem, code or otherwise, please report an [issue](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-website/issues)
+## Preface
+import Preface from '../../guide-shared/_preface.mdx'
+## Required knowledge
+The guide assumes the following knowledge:
+* Basic java level (classes/methods, threads, streams)
+* Basic understanding of RSocket protocol (See [About RSocket](/about/faq))
+## Required setup
+TODO: setting up a java projects with rsocket as a dependency
+## Code
+The tutorial code is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java) under examples/tutorial.
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-py/tutorial/01-request_routing.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-py/tutorial/01-request_routing.mdx
index a137b096..ed827e91 100644
--- a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-py/tutorial/01-request_routing.mdx
+++ b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-py/tutorial/01-request_routing.mdx
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ title: Request routing
sidebar_label: Request routing
-The chat application will have various functionality (e.g. private messages and channels). Each request to the server will
-be identified by a [route](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket/blob/master/Extensions/Routing.md) (similar to paths in an HTTP URL). To implement this we will use the `RequestRouter` and `RoutingRequestHandler`
+import Routing from '../../guide-shared/_routing.mdx'
See resulting code on [GitHub](https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-py/tree/master/examples/tutorial/step1)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ We will modify the example from the previous step into a routed request response
### Routing request handler
-The `handler_factory` method below replaces the `Handler` class from the previous step:
+To implement routing we will use the `RequestRouter` and `RoutingRequestHandler` classes. The `handler_factory` method below replaces the `Handler` class from the previous step:
from typing import Awaitable
diff --git a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-py/tutorial/index.mdx b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-py/tutorial/index.mdx
index 354ab791..0ea8c6a5 100644
--- a/content-docs/guides/rsocket-py/tutorial/index.mdx
+++ b/content-docs/guides/rsocket-py/tutorial/index.mdx
@@ -12,16 +12,9 @@ If you find a problem, code or otherwise, please report an [issue](https://githu
## Preface
-We will be setting up a chat application with a server and a client.
+import Preface from '../../guide-shared/_preface.mdx'
-The chat client will have the following functionality:
-- Private messages between users
-- Joining and sending messages to channels
-- Uploading/Downloading files
-- Getting server and client statistics (e.g. number of channels)
-Since the emphasis is on showcasing as much RSocket functionality as possible, some of the examples may be either a bit contrived, or
-be possible to implement in a different way using RSocket. This is left as an exercise to the reader.
In the first steps the code will be written using only the core code.
This results in more verbose code, but prevents the need for additional packages need be installed.
diff --git a/sidebar-rsocket-java.js b/sidebar-rsocket-java.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3fd3dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sidebar-rsocket-java.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module.exports = [
+ "guides/rsocket-java/index",
+ {
+ "Tutorial":
+ [
+ "guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/index",
+ "guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/base",
+ "guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/request_routing",
+ "guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/user_session",
+ "guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/messages",
+ "guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/channels",
+ "guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/files",
+ "guides/rsocket-java/tutorial/statistics"
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/sidebars.js b/sidebars.js
index 33972631..efecaa8e 100644
--- a/sidebars.js
+++ b/sidebars.js
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ const guideItems = [
"rsocket-js": require("./sidebar-rsocket-js"),
- "rsocket-py": require("./sidebar-rsocket-py")
+ "rsocket-py": require("./sidebar-rsocket-py"),
+ "rsocket-java": require("./sidebar-rsocket-java")
diff --git a/src/css/customTheme.css b/src/css/customTheme.css
index 847511a0..6cde21fa 100644
--- a/src/css/customTheme.css
+++ b/src/css/customTheme.css
@@ -34,15 +34,18 @@ html[data-theme='dark'] .hero {
-pre.language-py code::before {
+pre.language-py code::before,
+pre.language-java code::before {
counter-reset: listing;
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+pre.language-py code > span,
+pre.language-java code > span{
counter-increment: listing;
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