Releases: rrroyal/Harbour
Releases · rrroyal/Harbour
v3.0.0 (5)
This is the newest & greatest release of Harbour :)
It was rewritten pretty much from the ground up, so it should be WAY more stable 😊 A lot of stuff isn't connected (or implemented at all - i.e. container details) so please be understanding 🫥
I didn't test it on iPad, so I'm guessing that layout will be rough there. Still better than submitting the same build 3rd time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Merry Christmas :)
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-7...v3.0.0-5
v2.0.0 (7)
This is the final pre-iOS 16 release. The next one will (hopefully) be made with all of the iOS 16 goodies :D
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-6...v2.0.0-7
v2.0.0 (6)
- Reworked error handling (hopefully will fix some of the Widget errors!)
- Fixed deep links
- Reworked authentication - you must re-login, but it should be more stable now :D
- App state optimizations (loading indicators, etc.)
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-5...v2.0.0-6
v2.0.0 (#5)
- Multiple Portainer instances switcher 😁
- Widgets & Siri intents (please test them out - I have no idea if they work as they should :S)
- Inspecting container will also refresh general information
- Fixes for Portainer 2.11
- Refreshed settings screen
- Performance improvements
- Reworked Keychain API
- Containers stack indication
Full Changelog:
v2.0.0 (4)
- Background refresh + notifications
- Handoff
- iPad optimizations
- Container config details
- Bug fixes & improvements 🐛
Full Changelog: v2.0.0-3...v2.0.0-4
v2.0.0 (3)
- New icon 🌄
- List view & searching!
- Remembering login credentials
- Reworked toasts/indicators
- Better error handling
- Updated Container Details View
- Under-the-hood improvements & cleanups
🔖 New app icon (Dev), stability fixes
v1.1.1 :bug: :bento: New app icon, stability fixes
🔖 App can now check for updates!
v1.1.0 :sparkles: App will now check for updates!
🔖 ContainerCell fixes
v1.0.3 :bug: Fixed ContainerCell uptime timestamp
🔖 Alternative icons and minor optimizations
v1.0.2 :bento: Optimized Assets