Releases: ropensci/biomartr
Function changes:
the function meta.retrieval() will now pick up the download at the organism where it left off and will report which species have already been retrieved
all get*() functions and the meta.retrieval() function receive a new argument reference which allows users to retrieve not-reference or not-representative genome versions when downloading from NCBI RefSeq or NCBI Genbank
the argument order in meta.retrieval() changed from meta.retrieval(kingdom, group, db, ...) to meta.retrieval(db,kingdom, group, ...) to make the argument order more consistent with the get*() functions
the argument order in getGroups() changed from getGroups(kingdom, db) to getGroups(db, kingdom) to make the argument order more consistent with the get*() and meta.retrieval() functions
New Functions:
- new internal functions existingOrganisms() and existingOrganisms_ensembl() which check the organisms that have already been downloaded
biomartr v0.5.1
Merge pull request #15 from ropensci/ropensci-badge Added rOpenSci review badge