A simple web app (ideally just a single page) that queries at least two APIs and uses the results to update the DOM.
🚋 London is one of the world's leading business centres with a public transport network to match. Business and travel, trains and inspiration; get a daily dose of wisdom live from trainspiration. 💹
We want to create a useful web app that tells users:
- the time and date
- up-to date travel information
- a randomly generated picture...
- ... overlayed with an inspirational corporate quote!
- Use a favicon
- Add a London weather API section
- Link the randomly generated picture to weather conditions by using 'weather state' keywords to generate the correct image
- Introduce more weather location options?
We thought of a feature first, design later approach, as learning about apis is the main goal of this project.
We first decided on which apis to use, we were looking for APIs that had high or no response limits, and no api keys.
Then we decided to abstract away our XMLHttpRequest functionality into a single reusable function, inside a logic.js file.
This function was then used for each of our api calls, inside separate feature-*.js files
The tfl api call has a few helper functions, to add the necessary classes to change css based on line status
The image and text come from two different apis, they were combined and styled to have the text overlap the image.
We then added a section to display the date and time( Javascript Date Object woohoo)
Finally, we worked on design and layout.
- Initially we were going to use the weather API and have TFL API as a stretch goal, but we switched the two around after running into problems with the weather API.
- The weather API had a very low request limit, and we struggled to find a non-limited weather api, which wasted like an hour, eventually gave up on displaying the weather.
- Towards the end of the build we wanted to use grid to structure the elements on the page, but scrapped this after realising that flex and flex-wrap was a better and simpler way to organise everything (as we didn't sketch out the element sizings from the outset)
- Abstracting XttpRequest into a reusable function!
- how to grab data from APIs, creating html elements, and injecting the data into the page.
- how to prevent images from distorting
- being too loose on page design leads to complications in the end. A feature first approach was nice because we wanted to focus on the APIs, but we should've done some more planning on design(not just wireframing, discussing implementation in css)