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Sonatype Releases Maven Central

Google Artifact Registry support for sbt and/or coursier

Adds handler for artifactregistry:// protocol to sbt and/or coursier.
Inspired by abdolence/sbt-gcs-resolver and 987Nabil/gar-coursier.

Supports artifactregistry only.
Splitted into modules that can also be used without sbt and/or only with coursier by adding a custom protocol handler.
Adds support for missing maven-metadata.xml.


To use the sbt plugin add to project/plugins.sbt:

lazy val garHandlerVersion = "0.1.3"

addSbtPlugin("dev.rolang" % "sbt-gar-handler" % garHandlerVersion)

// this is optional, add it if you have artifactregistry:// resolvers for build dependencies
csrConfiguration := csrConfiguration.value.withProtocolHandlerDependencies(
  Seq("dev.rolang" % "gar-coursier_2.13" % garHandlerVersion)

The plugin is automatically enabled for all projects and will install a global artifactregistry:// handler as well as adding the protocol handler to coursier.

To use with coursier only use the dev.rolang:gar-coursier_2.13 package.
Example usage via the coursier JVM CLI (ensure default google credentials are set up):

cs launch coursier:2.1.9 dev.rolang:gar-coursier_2.13:0.1.3 -- \
    resolve \
    -r '!artifactregistry://' -r central \


Run test

Ensure default google credentials are set up. Run:

// GetVersions test args: 1. maven root, 2. organization, 3. module name
sbt '++2.13; coursier/Test/runMain GetVersions com.example my-package_2.13'

Publish local:

sbt '++2.13; coursier/publishLocal; ++2.12; plugin/publishLocal'