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Using Github Issues

Label Meanings

type-XXXX Labels

These label refers to the "type" of the issue.

  • type-bug - This issue talks about something that currently doesn't work, but should.
  • type-enhancement - This issue talks about something that should be added but currently not implemented.
  • type-pie-in-sky - This issue talks about something we'd like to have in the future but is still a long way off and not currently being focused on.
  • type-question - This issue is just a question that needs to be answered and probably needs some type of research.
  • type-new-project - This issue relates to starting a new project which is related to the HDMI2USB project (and probably reuses / interfaces with the project).
  • type-kind-of-related - This issue is only kind of related to the HDMI2USB project. It could be a tool that would be useful for the HDMI2USB or some other type of thing.

level-XXX Labels

These labels don't really fit into the other categories.

  • level-hardware - This issue relates to the creation and production of a physical device. It probably needs PCB design and electrical knowledge and a soldering iron.
  • level-firmware - This issue relates to the creation of firmware running on a device connected to a computer.
  • level-software - This issue relates to the creation of software on a computer.
  • level-infrastructure - This issue related to infrastructure around the project like the build system, continuous integration, etc.

firmware-XXXX Labels

These label refers to issues which are related to the various firmware which exists in the system.

  • firmware-fgpa - This issue relates to the "gateware" that is loaded onto the FPGA. This means it probably needs VHDL or Verilog experiance to fix.
  • firmware-cypress - This issue relates to the firmware loaded onto a Cypress FX2 device (such as found on the Digilent Atlys and HDMI2USB Numato boards). This is written in dialect of C.
  • firmware-lm32 - This issue relates to the firmware running on the LM32 softcore inside the (FPGA). This is written in C.

hdmi2XXXX Labels

These label refers to issues which are related to a specific board configuration.

  • hdmi2*** - This issue relates to all HDMI capture devices.
  • hdmi2usb - This issue relates to capturing via the USB port.
  • hdmi2ethernet - This issue relates to capturing via the Ethernet port.

board-XXXX Labels

These label refers to issues which are related to a specific board configuration.

  • board-*** - This issue relates to all boards.
  • board-atlys - This issue relates to the Digilent Atlys board.
  • board-opsis - This issue relates to both the Numato Opsis board.

expansion-XXXX Labels

These labels refers to issues which are related so specific expansion board.

  • expansion-vmodvga - This issue relates to the VGA capture board initially started by @Jahanzeb and then finished by @rohit91
  • expansion-vmodserial - This issue relates to the generic serial expansion board created by @ayushXXXX