Angular Gantt Editor (wrapper for jsgantt-improved). View/Edit Gantt file with formatting.
Working with latest Angular 8.
To install this library with npm, run below command:
$ npm install --save jsgantt-improved ng-gantt
First, Import Angular GanttEditor module in root
import { NgGanttEditorModule } from 'ng-gantt'
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Then setup your component models as below :
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { GanttEditorComponent, GanttEditorOptions } from 'ng-gantt';
selector: 'app-root',
template: '<ng-gantt [options]="editorOptions" [data]="data"></ng-gantt>',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
public editorOptions: GanttEditorOptions;
public data: any;
@ViewChild(GanttEditorComponent, { static: true }) editor: GanttEditorComponent;
constructor() {
this.editorOptions = new GanttEditorOptions()
this.data2 = [{
'pID': 1,
'pName': 'Define Chart API',
'pStart': '',
'pEnd': '',
'pClass': 'ggroupblack',
'pLink': '',
'pMile': 0,
'pRes': 'Brian',
'pComp': 0,
'pGroup': 1,
'pParent': 0,
'pOpen': 1,
'pDepend': '',
'pCaption': '',
'pNotes': 'Some Notes text'
Note : For better styling, add below line to your main style.css file
@import "~jsgantt-improved/dist/jsgantt.css";
Demo component files are included in Git Project.
When publishing it to npm, look over this docs: