diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b15475c..3460b4d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,162 +1,5 @@
- Issue / PR Label |
- Meaning |
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- This is program label for you contribution to considered for this program your Pull-request should have this label. |
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- This is Level 1 Label. This will be added by Project Admin / Mentor to your Pull request on basic of work you done. |
-  |
- This is Level 2 Label. This will be added by Project Admin / Mentor to your Pull request on basic of work you done. |
-  |
- This is Level 3 Label. This will be added by Project Admin / Mentor to your Pull request on basic of work you done. |
-  |
- This is Level 4 Label. This will be added by Project Admin / Mentor to your Pull request on basic of work you done. |
-  |
- This is help Label ! If you need help in solving your issue you can ask Project Admin / Mentor to add this label to your issue ! So others can understand you need help in particular issue ! |
-  |
- This is Up for Grab label will be added to Issue when any particular issue will be unassigned ! This will help everyone to find issues ! |
-  |
- This is good first issue label ! If any new issue is created and it is easy to be solved by beginners then this label will be added |