Releases: rocboss/paopao-ce
Releases · rocboss/paopao-ce
- fixed add star to tweet error #222
make release CGO_ENABLED=0 TAGS='embed go_json'
条件有限(外加 精力有限),本人只测试了paopao-ce-darwin_amd64,其余平台的未亲测,如有问题,请使用源码在自己平台下自行构建。
同时也提供了构建好的docker image,使用如下命令构建:
docker build --build-arg USE_DIST=yes -t bitbus/paopao-ce:latest .
mkdir custom && docker compose up -d
# visit http://localhost:8008
- fixed sql ddl in scripts/paopao-mysql.sql and scripts/paopao-sqlite3.sql
- optimize docker-compose.yaml use bitbus/paopao-ce:latest as release image
make release CGO_ENABLED=0 TAGS='embed go_json'
条件有限(外加 精力有限),本人只测试了paopao-ce-darwin_amd64,其余平台的未亲测,如有问题,请使用源码在自己平台下自行构建。
同时也提供了构建好的docker image,使用如下命令构建:
docker build --build-arg USE_DIST=yes -t bitbus/paopao-ce:latest .
mkdir custom && docker compose up -d
# visit http://localhost:8008
What's Changed
- docker-compose localoss instead minio as object storage and add phpmysqladmin as db manager by @alimy in #100
- update add features configure help doc by @alimy in #101
- optimize by @alimy in #102
- fixed collection page's pagination item to center by @alimy in #104
- optimize #97 user stars/collections update when post visibility changed by @alimy in #106
- upgrade tauri to v1.0.0 by @alimy in #107
- desktop/tauri: disable resizable transparent window and enable setfullscreen on macos by @alimy in #108
- fixed create not expected empty string tag when create post by @alimy in #109
- optimize version info out logic by @alimy in #111
- support set visibility(public/private/friend) for post by @alimy in #97
- add BigCacheIndex for cache index posts by @alimy in #115
- optimize json encoding module that code from gin by @alimy in #116
- optimize search logic to abstract in a new service interface by @alimy in #118
- optimize #118 wrap async interface for update documents to search engine by @alimy in #121
- optimize #118 add backend worker update documents to search engine by @alimy in #122
- optimize #118 just pretty code for zinc client logic by @alimy in #123
- optimize docs. by @rocboss in #125
- support meilisearch as tweet search service by @alimy in #129
- optimize #129 use new goroutine handle log in meiliLogHook fire by @alimy in #130
- optimize #129 make tweet search by tag more exact when use meilisearch by @alimy in #133
- update add dependent component run/config tutoria by @alimy in #134
- fix:panic if ip is empty by @injet-zhou in #128
- merge from dev branch by @alimy in #136
- update add meilisearch ui managing describe by @alimy in #138
- delete useless reference documents about BT by @rocboss in #140
- support search private tweet by @alimy in #141
- fixed get index post list error when not user cache index service by @alimy in #142
- optimize #141 fixed zinc search not in expect result by @alimy in #143
- fixed tweet in correct visibility status after visible tweet by @alimy in #144
- optimize post cache index service integrate logic by @alimy in #145
- optimize core service define by @alimy in #146
- support migration feature by @alimy in #147
- optimize core service implement logic by @alimy in #148
- optimize #148 lazy initial gorm db in first use by @alimy in #149
- fixed phone binding always error at first time by @alimy in #150
- optimize print fatal info when app run failed by @alimy in #152
- optimize BigCacheIndex logic by @alimy in #153
- fixed don't create tag and notify when create public/friend tweet error by @alimy in #154
- optimize tweet delete logic by @alimy in #155
- optimize delete media content that had upload when create tweet failed by @alimy in #156
- optimize #155 add miss method implements for LocalOSS by @alimy in #157
- use different sqlite3 driver for sql.DB when cgo enable or not by @alimy in #158
- single intilialize DataService/TweetSearchService/ObjectStorageService by @alimy in #159
- support custom PhoneBind/Alipay feature just use config file by @alimy in #160
- optimize #160 make env variable correct by @alimy in #161
- Update by @alimy in #162
- optimize privApi middleware function by @alimy in #163
- optimize #160 Makefile change by @alimy in #164
- web: optimize tweet link/visibility option display layout by @alimy in #165
- web: support custom tweet image thumbnail argument in .env/.env.local by @alimy in #166
- support Huawei Cloud OBS as OSS service by @alimy in #167
- change migration table name same table prefix as other table by @alimy in #168
- optimize create post/comment logic that tweet type is media contents by @alimy in #169
- just update README by @alimy in #170
- just optimize #169 by @alimy in #171
- optimize object storage service implement logic by @alimy in #172
- add miss option item in config.yaml.sample by @alimy in #173
- optimize localossObject implement logic by @alimy in #174
- fixed path error when use OSS:TempDir by @alimy in #175
- web: just reload home path after create post success by @alimy in #176
- optimize #176 change reload page logic just for simple by @alimy in #177
- optimize create post logic simple to simple by @alimy in #178
- web: go to post detail page if main page not at first when create post success by @alimy in #179
- just fixed S3Service off OSS initialize config error by @alimy in #181
- Optimize front-end theme switching icons by @zhanlaoban in #182
- Update ZincSearch Docker Image by @xzyone in #185
- fix bug,PostContent.Format by @yiGmMk in #186
- fixed persist object failed error in localoss oss:tempdir implement by @alimy in #187
- upgrade go and gin version by @alimy in #188
- optimize alipay initial client logic by @alimy in #189
- optimize search logic for bridgeTweetSearchServant by @alimy in #190
- upgrade meilisearch compatibility with version of v0.29.0 by @alimy in #191
- add support Friendship feature by @alimy in #192
- web: upgrade tauri toolkit to v1.2.0 by @alimy in #193
- update add star-history svg by @alimy in #194
- use as features configure help library by @alimy in #195
- fixed get wrong tags that quote num is zero error by @alimy in #197
- 引入go-mir重构paopao-ce的接入层与业务逻辑层 by @alimy in #196
- add Lightship feature support by @alimy in #198
- add Pyroscope support by @alimy in #199
- optimize BigCacheIndex add HardMaxCacheSize to adjust cache size by @alimy in #200
- v0.2.0 prepare release code review request by @alimy in #202
New Contributors
- @zhanlaoban made their first contribution in #182
- @xzyone made their first contribution in #185
- @yiGmMk made their first contribution in #186
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.2.0
- add
feature #192 - add
feature #198 - add
feature #199 - add new
service #196 - add
feature #196 - add
feature #196 - support run multiple service in single paopao-ce instance #196
- use go-mir optimize paopao-ce source code architecture #196
不出意外的话,这应该是v0.2.0版本发布前的最后一个测试版本,由于 数据逻辑层 的优化已经快接近收尾,底层改动较大,将作为v0.3.0版本发布。
- add
feature #192 - add
feature #198 - add new
service #196 - add
feature #196 - add
feature #196 - support run multiple service in single paopao-ce instance #196
- use go-mir optimize paopao-ce source code architecture #196
- some features optimize and fixed some bug
What's Changed
- fix: whitespace trim by @injet-zhou in #52
- optimize #62 add command-line support for custom features by @alimy in #64
- update readme by @alimy in #65
- optimize Makefile to direct build release package by @alimy in #66
- remove no need directory and files by @alimy in #67
- add docker-compose support by @alimy in #68
- optimize docker-compose config to export backend to out network by @alimy in #69
- optimize #68 add docker --build-arg support by @alimy in #71
- feat: update web code by @orziz in #72
- add MinIO and Amazon S3 Compatible Object Storage support by @alimy in #73
- support local file as object storage by @alimy in #74
- optimize server logger logic by @alimy in #76
- optimize add cache first number page of post in custom configure by @alimy in #78
- optimize #78 change CacheIndex in conf.yaml to SimpleCacheIndex by @alimy in #79
- fixed cache index calculate offset/limit error by @alimy in #80
- feat: add user ban for admin by @rocboss
- optimize #78 support disable expire cache index if needed by @alimy in #81
- optimize #78 support custom configure ActionQPS by @alimy in #82
- abstract IndexPostsService interface for get index posts by @alimy in #83
- support sqlite3 as database by @alimy in #84
- support PostgreSQL as database by @alimy in #85
- add sqlite3 sql ddl file by @alimy in #86
- merge from dev branch by @alimy in #87
- support visite api docs in embed docs by @alimy in #88
- remove no-need build version info by @alimy in #89
- optimize #88 add title by @alimy in #90
- use version from git repository info by @alimy in #91
- fixed zinc start failure when docker-compose by @alimy in #92
- ipv6本地地址上传图片报错 by @DOCCA0 in #94
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
What's Changed
- test: add convert unit test by @injet-zhou in #47
- merge from dev branch code by @alimy in #53
- desktop/tauri: remove submenu in window when not on MacOS platform by @alimy in #55
- optimize: abstract backend process logic to service interface by @alimy in #54
- change desktop app title same as web by @alimy in #57
- fixed issues #58 that upload attachment failure by @alimy in #60
- add miss fixed for #58 by @alimy in #61
- support composite feature that server supported just by configure file by @alimy in #62
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1
What's Changed
- 前端项目TS化 by @orziz in #6
- 前端完善TS by @orziz in #8
- 前端优化ts代码 by @orziz in #9
- feat: add user whisper by @rocboss in #11
- close #12 fix: phone validator error by @rocboss in #13
- mod tidy by @TrickyFan in #14
- docs: 命令
go build .
构建产物名字为项目名即paopao-ce by @1005281342 in #15 - fix: content-main width by @orziz in #20
- feat: stick post for admin by @rocboss in #21
- doc: add bt panel Installation tutorial by @rocboss in #24
- 优化查找IP地址信息的逻辑 by @alimy in #23
- feat: fix typescript by @orziz in #29
- feat: fix typescript by @orziz in #31
- feat: fix "" > '' by @orziz in #33
- chore: readme by @littlecxm in #32
- feat: misc by @littlecxm in #34
- fix: warning: "Breif" is a misspelling of "Brief" by @1005281342 in #35
- add darwin/amd64 platform to by @alimy in #37
- 降低圈复杂度 by @1005281342 in #38
- just
make run
to start server by @alimy in #39 - add runtime config to adjust app feature by @alimy in #40
- optimize code in internal/service pacakge by @alimy in #42
- add a simple desktop frontend implement base rust+tauri by @alimy in #49
- move all api to v1 group and suport embed web ui to server by @alimy in #51
New Contributors
- @orziz made their first contribution in #6
- @rocboss made their first contribution in #11
- @TrickyFan made their first contribution in #14
- @1005281342 made their first contribution in #15
- @alimy made their first contribution in #23
- @littlecxm made their first contribution in #32
Full Changelog: