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Compiling Recursive Types

Status: Review


Roc supports structural recursive types and compilation to unboxed values. This combination has proven difficult in the implementation of Roc's compiler.

Two structurally recursive types are defined to be compatible if they are equivalent; that is, if unrolling their recursive types indefinitely would produce equal types. Two unboxed values are defined to be compatible if their memory layouts are equal.

Unfortunately, equivalent structurally recursive types do not necessarily produce equal memory layouts in the current implementation. As a result, recursive values with equivalent-but-not-equal types often miscompile.


Roc includes the following features:

  1. A structural type system with complete inference. A value A {f: ""} can be assigned type [A {f : Str}], without that type having to be explicitly named. Languages like TypeScript and OCaml also support structural type systems. Other languages, for example Go or C++, do not allow typing {f: ""} without wrapping it in a named type constructor; for example type mytypename struct { f string } in Go.

  2. Compilation to unboxed value representations.

    An unboxed value is compiled to the representation you would likely choose by hand, if you were only optimizing for the runtime cost of a single value. For example, a Roc value A {f: 1u8} of type [A { f : U8 }, B { g : U16 }] is represented at runtime in a form equal to the C struct

    #include <stdint.h>
    struct type1 {
      uint8_t tag;     // either A or B
      uint16_t value;  // either f or g

    which at runtime, takes the "optimal" size of 4 bytes.

    In general, compilers make a tradeoff in how values are stored at runtime.

    Compilation to unboxed values allows software developers to nearly maximize performance ceilings in a language high-level than machine code or assembly. Indeed, this is the primary benefit. There are some auxiliary benefits; for example, the technology that must be developed to support such compilation can also be useful in developer tools.

    The main downside of compilation to unboxed values is implementation complexity and compile-time cost, since all generic functions must be specialized to unboxed values.

    The alternative is to represent all runtime values the same way in memory, typically by shoving the actual value onto the heap, and keeping around a fixed-size record on the stack that contains a pointer to the actual value, and some metadata about it. This is called a "boxed" representation, I guess because all boxes look the same.

    Boxed value have a number of benefits. The main one is simplicity. Compiler implementation is simplified, and support for things like typeclasses (Roc abilities), runtime reflection, reference counting, etc. is relatively easy. Since every value is represented the same way, implementations of runtime features generally have to consider only one representation. Another significant benefit is there is no need to specialize generic functions, which reduces code size and compile time.

    The main downside of boxed values is performance. In general memory is wasted, and the lack of specialization means that in general CPU time is wasted. The opposite-end alternative to boxed values is unboxed values, wherein all values are compiled to their "optimal" runtime form.

These two features have emergent properties that are non-obvious. The main one for this document to discuss is recursive types. Consider the following recursive types:

Rec1 : [ From2 Rec2, End ]
Rec2 : { from1 : Rec1 }

spelling out the locations where Rec1 and Rec2 recurse as <Rec1> and <Rec2> respectively, we have

Rec1 : [ From2 { from1 : <Rec1> }, End ]
Rec2 : { from1 : [ From2 <Rec2>, End ] }

Now suppose that we have the program

val1 : { from1 : Rec1 }
val1 = ...

val2 : Rec2
val2 = ...

expect val1 == val2

This program type checks because Roc allows unification of recursive types if they are equal up to their position of recursion. By this I mean that two structurally recursive types unify if the infinite expansion of their recursion point would produce equal types. This is standardly known as the "equirecursive" rule for recursive types.

For example, given the program above, we have that

  { from1 : Rec1 }
= { from1 : [ From2 { from1 : <Rec1> }, End ] }
= { from1 : [ From2 { from1 : [ From2 { from1 : ... }, End ] }, End ] }


= { from1 : [ From2 <Rec2>, End ] }
= { from1 : [ From2 { from1 : [ From2 <Rec2>, End ] }, End ] }
= { from1 : [ From2 { from1 : [ From2 { from1 : ... }, End ] }, End ] }

so { from1 : Rec1 } and Rec2 are determined to be equivalent, compatible types.

Unfortunately these two values have different runtime layouts. In particular,

val1 runtime layout:
{ from1: void* }
where void* points to a layout
{ tag: u8, payload: { from1: void* } }

val2 runtime layout:
{ from1: { tag: u8, payload: void* } }
where void* points to the above layout

This produces a compilation failure, because Roc's backends expect equivalent types to have equal memory layouts. To see why this is a useful, and in fact necessary property of the backends, imagine trying to write an implementation of eq for these values given two different layouts.

These different layouts also do not play well with Roc's compilation dependencies, including Morphic and LLVM. Ways to deal with this will be discussed later.


The key insight here is that types can be equivalent, but layouts must be equal.

There are only three ways to reconcile this:

  1. Types must be equal, not just equivalent.
  2. Equivalent types must produce equal layouts.
  3. Layouts should be compared by equivalence rather than equality.

Unless I am missing something, the solution space is bound to one of these three approaches.

I think the solution space can further be reduced to only considering either (1) or (3). After all, if we could do (2), then that must mean there is a normal form for types such that equivalent types have equal normal forms. This is a bit of a leap but hopefully uncontroversional - I'll make the claim that if there is such a normal form, the normal form can also be a raised to the form of a type. Hence, if we can do (2) for equivalent types, we should also be about to make equivalent types equal as in (1).


1. Recursive types must have a explicit point of recursion

This approach attempts to force equivalent types to be equal. As far as I am aware, only recursive types can be equivalent-but-not-equal today, and the position where two equivalent types recurse determines whether they are equal.

One way to force equality is to force equivalent recursive types to choose adopt one form as normal when they are unified. This is implemented today as an operation called "fixpoint fixing" (adjusting the fixpoint of two recursive types to be equivalent). However, this operation is insufficient when types are exported across modules. When types are exported across modules, their relationship to types in the source module is lost. This means that a type exported from module A to module B may be fixpoint-fixed in module B, and end up in a form that is equivalent, but not equal, to its form in module A. When module A and B are compiled, that type will lower to equivalent but not equal layouts.

At the time fixpoint fixing was implemented, this limitation was entirely overlooked. I hope it is clear that the only way fixpoint fixing can resolve this issue in the presence of modules is to break module isolation, and have typechecking be performed globally, with sharing across all modules. This has a number of problems, including making incremental compilation nearly impossible. I am happy to elaborate more as desired.

The alternative is to consider a language-feature restriction that forces equivalent recursive types to be equal. The simplest one I can think of is what most other languages do - require recursive types to be nominal. In Roc, this would mean that recursive types must be named as opaque types.

If a structural type is determined to be recursive, but has no recursion point that is an opaque type, that will now be an error. Otherwise, two recursive types can only be equivalent if they are the same opaque type - which necessarily means they are equal, since opaque types can only have one definition.

User implications

The main implication of this for Roc developers is that all recursive types will now have to named as opaque types explicitly.

For example, the following function which calculates the length of a linked list, would no longer typecheck:

length = \list ->
   when list is
      Nil -> 0
      Cons _ rest -> 1 + length rest

An appropriate error message for this program would be something like


This function contains a recursive type that has no name:

length = \list ->
   when list is
      Nil -> 0
      Cons _ rest -> 1 + length rest

`length` has a type that looks like
  [Nil, Cons a <RecursiveType>] as <RecursiveType> -> Num *

Because `<RecursiveType>` is recursive, it must be defined as an opaque type.
Consider defining

  RecursiveType a := [Nil, Cons a (RecursiveType a)]

and changing the implementation of `length` to have type

  RecursiveType a -> Num *

Please defer discussion of the exact error message's wording to the implementation. See below on how to implement this error message.

A suitable re-implementation of this function would be

LinkedList a := [Nil, Cons a (LinkedList a)]

length = \@LinkedList list ->
   when list is
      Nil -> 0
      Cons _ rest -> 1 + length rest

The most significant downside of this change is that recursive types that are currently structural, and thus can be read or constructed by any module, would now become opaque and the API surface for that type would be limited to the defining module. It's unclear to me whether this would be an issue for programs today, though I suspect likely not. Typically recursive types only appear in data structures with well-defined APIs.

A lesser downside of this change is that it may make prototyping more cumbersome since all type definitions must be spelled out. I suspect that in general this will not matter much, since again recursive types are typically complex enough that spelling them out is useful anyway.

Implementation implications

Explicitly disallow recursive type aliases. Recursive aliases, including the Type : ... and ... as RecursiveType forms, must now be defined as opaque types instead.

When a recursive opaque type is defined, reduce it to a expanded, normal form. Use this form in all places where the opaque type is referenced, in order to ensure there is only one form of the opaque type.

Adjust the typing rules for recursive types to unify two types if their recursive name (opaque type) is equal, and all type arguments unify. Remove all logic for checking recurisve type equality up to position of recursion.

Note that recursive lambda sets are also nominal, because they must be named by the lambda they appear under. Adjust the definition of lambda set types, if necessary, to better match the adjusted definition of recursive types.

During type inference, existing logic for detecting structurally-recursive types will have to be kept in place in order to produce useful error messages. If a recursive type is detected when inferring the type of a value, perform an occurs check on the recursive type. If no type in the occurs chain is a RecursivePointer type constructor, choose an arbitrary recursion point, and generate an error type as in the error message above.

No changes should be required in compiler passes past type inference/type checking.

Language implications

This change would push Roc towards requiring named types in more cases. I do not think this is in opposition with the goals of the language. Structural types are useful for ad-hoc values, but recursive types are rarely that; they are typically involved in well-defined data structures.

It may be worth considering whether there is a need for non-opaque nominal types. Such a feature would have use cases besides supporting recursive types with an API surface outside their defining module. I suggest considering such a feature, but not blocking any desired adoption of this alternative on it. Starting with the restriction of recursive types to opaque definitions, and lessening the restriction if necessary, seems prudent.

2. Compilation with support for equivalent layouts

Instead of expecting layouts to be equal, flow information about layouts through the backends, and handle transformations between equivalent-but-not-equal layouts throughout each backend.

This is certainly doable but I'm going to consider it a non-starter for the following reasons:

  • At some point, equivalent layouts must be turned into equal ones. Otherwise, there is no way to hand off a Roc program to Morphic. There is also no way to hand off such a Roc program to LLVM without passing around opaque pointers and implementing runtime reflection to perform the transformations at runtime.

  • The cost of transforming between equivalent layouts is non-zero even when it is compiler-generated. These transformations may be seen as "pointless" and seen a target of optimization for developers that want to optimize Roc performance. Such optimization will be futile, and potentially detrimental to the project.

  • This would be a large change that each backend would have to account for.

However, there may be a way to do this in a straightforward manner that I fail to see at the moment. I'm raising this idea for consideration from others, who may see an elegant solution via this approach.

3. Constructing a normal form for structural recursive types

I don't have a concrete proposal for this, but I'm raising the idea for considerations from others that are more creative than I am.

In this alternative, we find some way to determine the normal form a structurally recursive type. That is, to find a common normal form for the types

Rec1 : [ From2 { from1 : <Rec1> }, End ]
Rec2 : { from1 : [ From2 <Rec2>, End ] }

via some kind of algorithm.

A very simple algorithm might be to pick the point of recursion by ordering types, where tag unions < records. Tag unions are ordered by the order of their tag names and recursive ordering of payloads. Records are ordered by their field names recursive ordering of their payloads. The lowest-ordered type in the recursive chain is assigned the position of recursion.

Such an algorithm would pick the normal form

Rec : [ From2 { from1 : <Rec> }, End ]
Rec1 : Rec
Rec2 : { from1 : Rec }

However, I'm not sure how well this algorithm works in practice, whether it is complete, and whether there is any complete algorithm.


Alternative 1.