Releases: rnmapbox/maps
7.2.0 Release
This release updates the Mapbox iOS SDK.
Breaking changes for iOS installations
While there are no breaking changes in the way the library is used, the install method has been changed and we've dropped support for RN0.59 and below. The reason for this is that Mapbox has changed the way they bundle the Native SDK, which greatly complicated manual installation.
You must now use Cocoapods to install this library on iOS. See iOS installation instructions for updated instructions. If you already installed this library via pods, just run pod install
and you should be good to go.
If you previously installed this library manually, make sure you unlink and remove the Mapbox.framework and headers from your project and then follow the pod installation process.
If you are unable to use pods or on RN0.59 or lower, you can safely use version 7.0.8 of this library.
7.0.10 Release
This release updates the underlying Android SDK to version to 8.6.1 which fixes several crashes caused by the underlying SDK.
We also squashed a few bugs.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed!
7.0.9 Release
This release brings a few bugfixes, improved typescript support and improved documentation. Thanks to everyone who has contributed!
Notable changes
– iOS native SDK is updated to 5.5.0
– Android native SDK is updated to 8.6.0
– New feature setDisplacement
via #546 filters GPS locations to only include significant changes
– New methods for managing offline data: Reset database, sideload data and override offline state via #588, #566 and #508
7.0.8 Release
This release fixes several bugs and issues along with improved typing and documentation
7.0.7 Release
7.0.6 Release
- Failing build when manually linking the library:
Undefined Symbol RCTMGLTileSource
7.0.5 Release
7.0.4 Release
This release contains various fixes and additions:
– [Android] snapshot manager can now disable logo using withLogo: false
– [Android] MapView RegionIsChanging events now correctly fire on user gestures
– [iOS] snapshot manager now work properly for remote styles
– Also a few documentation improvements