opkg: Package manager used by Entware
- https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/additional-software/opkg
- https://elinux.org/images/2/24/Opkg_debians_little_cousin.pdf
- https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/opkg
- https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/opkg-utils/
Inherited from the legacy ipkg tool. Similar to deb.
A tar.gz archive containing two sub-archives:
- data.tar.gz: Files of the package.
- The structure mirrors that of the root filesystem.
- control.tar.gz: Metadata about the package.
- Install scripts (optional)
- preinst: Executed before uncompressing the data.
- postinst: Executed after the package has been installed.
- prerm: Executed before uninstalling the package.
- postrm: Executed after uninstalling the package.
- Metadata files
- control: Package description (required).
- conffiles: Files to keep upon upgrading the package (optional).
- Install scripts (optional)
- Package: Name of the package (same as in the package archive name).
- Priority: optional.
- Depends: list of space-separated dependencies.
- Section: See https://packages.debian.org/stable/ for a list of sections in Debian.
- Description: Short description for the package.
- Maintainer: Full Name [email protected]
- Source: N/A
- Version: Package version
- https://raymii.org/s/tutorials/Building_IPK_packages_by_hand.html
- https://bitsum.com/creating_ipk_packages.htm
- https://artisan.karma-lab.net/comprendre-paquets-ipk
Also called a feed.
Directory with list of packages and a Packages
Package naming: appname_version_arch.ipk
Config /opt/etc/opkg.conf
src/gz NAME URL
Where URL is the feed root
- https://jumpnowtek.com/yocto/Managing-a-private-opkg-repository.html
- https://jumpnowtek.com/yocto/Using-your-build-workstation-as-a-remote-package-repository.html
Date of latest commit
opkg-utils must be in PATH
For reproducibility:
- must be done under the same root path
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