Contributing to ChameleonForms on GitHub.
Thanks for helping with improving ChameleonForms - Every pull request and contribution helps more and more people. Plus, we're a lover of open-source contributions!
To get started, let's go over some things:
- We use GitHubFlow as our contribution process.
- Changes > Pull Request > Review and changes > Merge
- You may want to have a look at How to create a pull request if you're newer to GitHub Flow and Pull Requests.
- Found an an issue, and want someone to work on it? - We're helping to give those looking to work in open source a chance, and we're showing certain issues on Up for Grabs. Issues marked
are open to others.
Once you know how to create a pull request and have an issue to work on, just post a comment saying you will work on it. If you end up not being able to complete the task, please post another comment so others can pick up what you've done.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask in issues and we'll all be happy to help!
Thanks for helping out with ChameleonForms, and we look forward to merging your changes!
- ChameleonForms Team