Attendees (please add yourself to this list and tell us one good thing going on in your life recently)
- Matt Germonprez
- Kevin Lumbard
- Ritik Malik - mangoes are back
- Georg Link - enjoying summer
- Yash Prakash -
- Jaskiat Singh
- Can we share this doc in our GSoC repo, as a part of the weekly updates
- Answer: Yes
- Could we have a separate repo for Automation task or do we continue collaborating in our local repos
- AI Georg: create new repo:
- Update on slack channel…
- Yes, we can have a public Slack channel
- This has been created
- Use of the “Provide Feedback” column for focus area tables?
- Each metric has a >30day review period until release; in the “provide feedback column is a link to an issue; this column should be on the website only
- Show the new workflow photo
- Can you please add a copy of the photo here?
- Confirm YAML file structure template
- Link:
- YML file needs to be updated for each release to include new metrics
- The YML file is self-explanatory, well done!
- Places that would require updation for each new metric:
- YML file
- Focus-area tables
- Show the focus-areas.tex file & its use (splitting code)
- The file will be split into one file per focus area
- Pro: easy to update just a single file
- Requirement: the focus area name needs to match the folder name in the WG repos
- Requirement: no two working groups may use the same focus area name because the focus area names are used without the context of the WG name
- Question: Is there a good way to use the same file to also update the website?
- Either way, the description of the release process needs to describe how the website is updated
- Maybe build the focus-areas.tex file by parsing the website?
- Georg’s concern: adding a dependency on the website structure and template -- adding a point of failure in the automation process
- Automatically build the focus-area.tex file by parsing the name and questions from the files
- Goal: no manual updating of a focus-area.tex file; no duplicating question into the yml file
- Inconsistency in website focus-areas goals and that in the working groups
- Answer: Website and repository should be the same; changes from the WG repos are the original and should be propagated to website and release PDF
- For YML files instead of listing the metrics we want in the PDF should we list the metrics we do not want?
- Reason: This would only required updation when we do not want to include a particular metric file
- Con
- Reduced flexibility and hardcoding would have to be done
- No reorder
- The value of sorting metrics by explicitly listing them in the YML file outweigh the overhead of updating the file
- The anticipated overhead of updating the YML file is small and acceptable
- Confirmation on Report Structure
- Current:
- WG -1
- Focus Area-1
- Focus Area -2
- WG -2
- Focus Area- 1
- Focus Area-2
- WG-1 FA -1 Metrics
- WG-1 FA-2 Metrics
- WG-2 FA-1 Metrics
- WG-2 FA-2 Metrics
- WG -1
- Proposed for PDF only (sections in PDF): (+1 Georg)
- Frontmatter with full list of wgs/fas/metrics
- WG-1
- Focus Area-1
- WG-1 FA -1 Metrics
- Focus Area-2
- WG-1 FA-2 Metrics
- Focus Area-1
- WG-2
- Focus Area -1
- WG-2 FA-1 Metrics
- Focus Area -2
- WG-2 FA-2 Metrics
- Focus Area -1
- Backmatter
- Current:
- Directly pull the questions for the metrics from the WG, (as defined in yml) & generate the focus_areas.tex file with THAT tabular structure