diff --git a/sqllogictest-bin/src/engines/postgres.rs b/sqllogictest-bin/src/engines/postgres.rs
index 513b0c9..99ecf79 100644
--- a/sqllogictest-bin/src/engines/postgres.rs
+++ b/sqllogictest-bin/src/engines/postgres.rs
@@ -98,8 +98,9 @@ impl sqllogictest::AsyncDB for Postgres {
         if output.is_empty() {
+            let stmt = self.client.prepare(sql).await?;
             Ok(DBOutput::Rows {
-                types: vec![],
+                types: vec![ColumnType::Any; stmt.columns().len()],
                 rows: vec![],
         } else {
diff --git a/sqllogictest-bin/src/engines/postgres_extended.rs b/sqllogictest-bin/src/engines/postgres_extended.rs
index 36ac386..45645af 100644
--- a/sqllogictest-bin/src/engines/postgres_extended.rs
+++ b/sqllogictest-bin/src/engines/postgres_extended.rs
@@ -338,8 +338,9 @@ impl sqllogictest::AsyncDB for PostgresExtended {
         if output.is_empty() {
+            let stmt = self.client.prepare(sql).await?;
             Ok(DBOutput::Rows {
-                types: vec![],
+                types: vec![ColumnType::Any; stmt.columns().len()],
                 rows: vec![],
         } else {
diff --git a/sqllogictest-bin/src/lib.rs b/sqllogictest-bin/src/lib.rs
index fdbc99b..9dfb1fc 100644
--- a/sqllogictest-bin/src/lib.rs
+++ b/sqllogictest-bin/src/lib.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 mod engines;
 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+use std::fs::File;
 use std::io::{stdout, Write};
 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
 use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ use futures::StreamExt;
 use itertools::Itertools;
 use quick_junit::{NonSuccessKind, Report, TestCase, TestCaseStatus, TestSuite};
 use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
-use sqllogictest::{AsyncDB, Control, Record, Runner};
+use sqllogictest::{AsyncDB, Injected, Record, RecordOutput, Runner};
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, ArgEnum)]
@@ -84,6 +85,13 @@ struct Opt {
     /// The database password.
     #[clap(short = 'w', long, default_value = "postgres")]
     pass: String,
+    /// Overrides the test files with the actual output of the database.
+    #[clap(long)]
+    r#override: bool,
+    /// Reformats the test files.
+    #[clap(long)]
+    format: bool,
 /// Connection configuration.
@@ -123,6 +131,8 @@ pub async fn main_okk() -> Result<()> {
+        r#override,
+        format,
     } = Opt::parse();
     if host.len() != port.len() {
@@ -171,6 +181,10 @@ pub async fn main_okk() -> Result<()> {
+    if r#override || format {
+        return update_test_files(files, &engine, config, format).await;
+    }
     let mut report = Report::new(junit.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| "sqllogictest".to_string()));
@@ -348,6 +362,28 @@ async fn run_serial(
+/// * `format` - If true, will not run sqls, only formats the file.
+async fn update_test_files(
+    files: Vec<PathBuf>,
+    engine: &EngineConfig,
+    config: DBConfig,
+    format: bool,
+) -> Result<()> {
+    for file in files {
+        let engine = engines::connect(engine, &config).await?;
+        let runner = Runner::new(engine);
+        if let Err(e) = update_test_file(&mut std::io::stdout(), runner, &file, format).await {
+            {
+                println!("{}\n\n{:?}", style("[FAILED]").red().bold(), e);
+                println!();
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    Ok(())
 async fn flush(out: &mut impl std::io::Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
     tokio::task::block_in_place(|| out.flush())
@@ -384,38 +420,9 @@ async fn run_test_file<T: std::io::Write, D: AsyncDB>(
-    let finish = |out: &mut T, time_stack: &mut Vec<Instant>, did_pop: &mut bool, file: &str| {
-        let begin_time = time_stack.pop().unwrap();
-        if *did_pop {
-            // start a new line if the result is not immediately after the item
-            write!(
-                out,
-                "\n{}{} {: <54} .. {} in {} ms",
-                "| ".repeat(time_stack.len()),
-                style("[END]").blue().bold(),
-                file,
-                style("[OK]").green().bold(),
-                begin_time.elapsed().as_millis()
-            )?;
-        } else {
-            // otherwise, append time to the previous line
-            write!(
-                out,
-                "{} in {} ms",
-                style("[OK]").green().bold(),
-                begin_time.elapsed().as_millis()
-            )?;
-        }
-        *did_pop = true;
-        Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(())
-    };
     for record in records {
         match &record {
-            Record::Control(Control::BeginInclude(file)) => {
+            Record::Injected(Injected::BeginInclude(file)) => {
                 if !did_pop {
                     writeln!(out, "{}", style("[BEGIN]").blue().bold())?;
@@ -431,11 +438,12 @@ async fn run_test_file<T: std::io::Write, D: AsyncDB>(
-            Record::Control(Control::EndInclude(file)) => {
-                finish(out, &mut begin_times, &mut did_pop, file)?;
+            Record::Injected(Injected::EndInclude(file)) => {
+                finish_test_file(out, &mut begin_times, &mut did_pop, file)?;
             _ => {}
@@ -448,7 +456,7 @@ async fn run_test_file<T: std::io::Write, D: AsyncDB>(
     let duration = begin_times[0].elapsed();
-    finish(
+    finish_test_file(
         &mut begin_times,
         &mut did_pop,
@@ -459,3 +467,297 @@ async fn run_test_file<T: std::io::Write, D: AsyncDB>(
+fn finish_test_file<T: std::io::Write>(
+    out: &mut T,
+    time_stack: &mut Vec<Instant>,
+    did_pop: &mut bool,
+    file: &str,
+) -> Result<()> {
+    let begin_time = time_stack.pop().unwrap();
+    if *did_pop {
+        // start a new line if the result is not immediately after the item
+        write!(
+            out,
+            "\n{}{} {: <54} .. {} in {} ms",
+            "| ".repeat(time_stack.len()),
+            style("[END]").blue().bold(),
+            file,
+            style("[OK]").green().bold(),
+            begin_time.elapsed().as_millis()
+        )?;
+    } else {
+        // otherwise, append time to the previous line
+        write!(
+            out,
+            "{} in {} ms",
+            style("[OK]").green().bold(),
+            begin_time.elapsed().as_millis()
+        )?;
+    }
+    *did_pop = true;
+    Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(())
+async fn update_test_file<T: std::io::Write, D: AsyncDB>(
+    out: &mut T,
+    mut runner: Runner<D>,
+    filename: impl AsRef<Path>,
+    format: bool,
+) -> Result<()> {
+    let filename = filename.as_ref();
+    let records = tokio::task::block_in_place(|| {
+        sqllogictest::parse_file(filename).map_err(|e| anyhow!("{:?}", e))
+    })
+    .context("failed to parse sqllogictest file")?;
+    let mut begin_times = vec![];
+    let mut did_pop = false;
+    write!(out, "{: <60} .. ", filename.to_string_lossy())?;
+    flush(out).await?;
+    begin_times.push(Instant::now());
+    fn create_outfile(filename: impl AsRef<Path>) -> std::io::Result<(PathBuf, File)> {
+        let filename = filename.as_ref();
+        let outfilename = filename.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_owned() + ".temp";
+        let outfilename = filename.parent().unwrap().join(&outfilename);
+        let outfile = File::create(&outfilename)?;
+        Ok((outfilename, outfile))
+    }
+    struct Item {
+        filename: String,
+        outfilename: PathBuf,
+        outfile: File,
+        first_record: bool,
+    }
+    let (outfilename, outfile) = create_outfile(filename)?;
+    let mut stack = vec![Item {
+        filename: filename.to_string_lossy().to_string(),
+        outfilename,
+        outfile,
+        first_record: true,
+    }];
+    for record in records {
+        let Item {
+            filename,
+            outfilename,
+            outfile,
+            first_record,
+        } = stack.last_mut().unwrap();
+        match &record {
+            Record::Injected(Injected::BeginInclude(filename)) => {
+                let (outfilename, outfile) = create_outfile(filename)?;
+                stack.push(Item {
+                    filename: filename.clone(),
+                    outfilename,
+                    outfile,
+                    first_record: true,
+                });
+                begin_times.push(Instant::now());
+                if !did_pop {
+                    writeln!(out, "{}", style("[BEGIN]").blue().bold())?;
+                } else {
+                    writeln!(out)?;
+                }
+                did_pop = false;
+                write!(
+                    out,
+                    "{}{: <60} .. ",
+                    "| ".repeat(begin_times.len() - 1),
+                    filename
+                )?;
+                flush(out).await?;
+            }
+            Record::Injected(Injected::EndInclude(file)) => {
+                // override the original file with the updated one
+                std::fs::rename(outfilename, filename)?;
+                stack.pop();
+                finish_test_file(out, &mut begin_times, &mut did_pop, file)?;
+            }
+            _ => {
+                if !*first_record {
+                    writeln!(outfile)?;
+                }
+                update_record(outfile, &mut runner, record, format)
+                    .await
+                    .context(format!("failed to run `{}`", style(filename).bold()))?;
+                *first_record = false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    finish_test_file(
+        out,
+        &mut begin_times,
+        &mut did_pop,
+        &filename.to_string_lossy(),
+    )?;
+    writeln!(out)?;
+    // override the original file with the updated one
+    let Item {
+        filename,
+        outfilename,
+        outfile: _,
+        first_record: _,
+    } = stack.last().unwrap();
+    std::fs::rename(outfilename, filename)?;
+    Ok(())
+async fn update_record<D: AsyncDB>(
+    outfile: &mut File,
+    runner: &mut Runner<D>,
+    record: Record,
+    format: bool,
+) -> Result<()> {
+    assert!(!matches!(record, Record::Injected(_)));
+    if format {
+        record.unparse(outfile)?;
+        writeln!(outfile)?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    match (record.clone(), runner.apply_record(record).await) {
+        (record, RecordOutput::Nothing) => {
+            record.unparse(outfile)?;
+            writeln!(outfile)?;
+        }
+        (
+            Record::Statement { sql, .. },
+            RecordOutput::Query {
+                types,
+                rows,
+                error: None,
+            },
+        ) => {
+            writeln!(
+                outfile,
+                "query {}",
+                types.iter().map(|c| format!("{c}")).join("")
+            )?;
+            writeln!(outfile, "{}", sql)?;
+            writeln!(outfile, "----")?;
+            for result in rows {
+                writeln!(outfile, "{}", result.iter().format("\t"))?;
+            }
+        }
+        (Record::Query { sql, .. }, RecordOutput::Statement { error: None, .. }) => {
+            writeln!(outfile, "statement ok")?;
+            writeln!(outfile, "{}", sql)?;
+        }
+        (
+            Record::Statement {
+                loc: _,
+                conditions: _,
+                expected_error,
+                sql,
+                expected_count,
+            },
+            RecordOutput::Statement { count, error },
+        ) => match (error, expected_error) {
+            (None, _) => {
+                if expected_count.is_some() {
+                    writeln!(outfile, "statement count {count}")?;
+                    writeln!(outfile, "{}", sql)?;
+                } else {
+                    writeln!(outfile, "statement ok")?;
+                    writeln!(outfile, "{}", sql)?;
+                }
+            }
+            (Some(e), Some(expected_error)) if expected_error.is_match(&e.to_string()) => {
+                writeln!(outfile, "statement error {}", expected_error)?;
+                writeln!(outfile, "{}", sql)?;
+            }
+            (Some(e), _) => {
+                writeln!(outfile, "statement error {}", e)?;
+                writeln!(outfile, "{}", sql)?;
+            }
+        },
+        (
+            Record::Query {
+                loc: _,
+                conditions: _,
+                type_string,
+                sort_mode,
+                label,
+                expected_error,
+                sql,
+                expected_results,
+            },
+            RecordOutput::Query {
+                types: _,
+                rows,
+                error,
+            },
+        ) => {
+            match (error, expected_error) {
+                (None, _) => {}
+                (Some(e), Some(expected_error)) if expected_error.is_match(&e.to_string()) => {
+                    writeln!(outfile, "query error {}", expected_error)?;
+                    writeln!(outfile, "{}", sql)?;
+                }
+                (Some(e), _) => {
+                    writeln!(outfile, "query error {}", e)?;
+                    writeln!(outfile, "{}", sql)?;
+                }
+            };
+            // FIXME: use output's types instead of orignal query's types
+            write!(
+                outfile,
+                "query {}",
+                type_string.iter().map(|c| format!("{c}")).join("")
+            )?;
+            if let Some(sort_mode) = sort_mode {
+                write!(outfile, " {}", sort_mode.as_str())?;
+            }
+            if let Some(label) = label {
+                write!(outfile, " {}", label)?;
+            }
+            writeln!(outfile)?;
+            writeln!(outfile, "{}", sql)?;
+            #[allow(clippy::ptr_arg)]
+            fn normalize_string(s: &String) -> String {
+                s.trim().split_ascii_whitespace().join(" ")
+            }
+            let normalized_rows = rows
+                .iter()
+                .map(|strs| strs.iter().map(normalize_string).join(" "))
+                .collect_vec();
+            let normalized_expected = expected_results.iter().map(normalize_string).collect_vec();
+            writeln!(outfile, "----")?;
+            if normalized_expected == normalized_rows {
+                // If the results are correct, do not format them.
+                for result in expected_results {
+                    writeln!(outfile, "{}", result)?;
+                }
+            } else {
+                for result in rows {
+                    writeln!(outfile, "{}", result.iter().format("\t"))?;
+                }
+            };
+        }
+        _ => unreachable!(),
+    }
+    Ok(())
diff --git a/sqllogictest/src/parser.rs b/sqllogictest/src/parser.rs
index 980f33b..6a25f26 100644
--- a/sqllogictest/src/parser.rs
+++ b/sqllogictest/src/parser.rs
@@ -70,7 +70,10 @@ impl Location {
 pub enum Record {
     /// An include copies all records from another files.
-    Include { loc: Location, filename: String },
+    Include {
+        loc: Location,
+        filename: String,
+    },
     /// A statement is an SQL command that is to be evaluated but from which we do not expect to
     /// get results (other than success or failure).
     Statement {
@@ -101,12 +104,20 @@ pub enum Record {
         expected_results: Vec<String>,
     /// A sleep period.
-    Sleep { loc: Location, duration: Duration },
+    Sleep {
+        loc: Location,
+        duration: Duration,
+    },
     /// Subtest.
-    Subtest { loc: Location, name: String },
+    Subtest {
+        loc: Location,
+        name: String,
+    },
     /// A halt record merely causes sqllogictest to ignore the rest of the test script.
     /// For debugging use only.
-    Halt { loc: Location },
+    Halt {
+        loc: Location,
+    },
     /// Control statements.
     /// Set the maximum number of result values that will be accepted
@@ -115,13 +126,129 @@ pub enum Record {
     /// is the only result.
     /// If the threshold is 0, then hashing is never used.
-    HashThreshold { loc: Location, threshold: u64 },
+    HashThreshold {
+        loc: Location,
+        threshold: u64,
+    },
+    Condition(Condition),
+    Comment(Vec<String>),
+    /// Internally injected record which should not occur in the test file.
+    Injected(Injected),
+impl Record {
+    /// Unparses the record to its string representation in the test file.
+    ///
+    /// # Panics
+    /// If the record is an internally injected record which should not occur in the test file.
+    pub fn unparse(&self, w: &mut impl std::io::Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
+        match self {
+            Record::Include { loc: _, filename } => {
+                write!(w, "include {}", filename)
+            }
+            Record::Statement {
+                loc: _,
+                conditions: _,
+                expected_error,
+                sql,
+                expected_count,
+            } => {
+                write!(w, "statement ")?;
+                match (expected_count, expected_error) {
+                    (None, None) => write!(w, "ok")?,
+                    (None, Some(err)) => {
+                        if err.as_str().is_empty() {
+                            write!(w, "error")?;
+                        } else {
+                            write!(w, "error {}", err)?;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    (Some(cnt), None) => write!(w, "count {}", cnt)?,
+                    (Some(_), Some(_)) => unreachable!(),
+                }
+                writeln!(w)?;
+                write!(w, "{}", sql)
+            }
+            Record::Query {
+                loc: _,
+                conditions: _,
+                type_string,
+                sort_mode,
+                label,
+                expected_error,
+                sql,
+                expected_results,
+            } => {
+                write!(w, "query")?;
+                if let Some(err) = expected_error {
+                    writeln!(w, " error {}", err)?;
+                    return write!(w, "{}", sql);
+                }
+                write!(
+                    w,
+                    " {}",
+                    type_string.iter().map(|c| format!("{c}")).join("")
+                )?;
+                if let Some(sort_mode) = sort_mode {
+                    write!(w, " {}", sort_mode.as_str())?;
+                }
+                if let Some(label) = label {
+                    write!(w, " {}", label)?;
+                }
+                writeln!(w)?;
+                writeln!(w, "{}", sql)?;
+                write!(w, "----")?;
+                for result in expected_results {
+                    write!(w, "\n{}", result)?;
+                }
+                Ok(())
+            }
+            Record::Sleep { loc: _, duration } => {
+                write!(w, "sleep {}", humantime::format_duration(*duration))
+            }
+            Record::Subtest { loc: _, name } => {
+                write!(w, "subtest {}", name)
+            }
+            Record::Halt { loc: _ } => {
+                write!(w, "halt")
+            }
+            Record::Control(c) => match c {
+                Control::SortMode(m) => write!(w, "control sortmode {}", m.as_str()),
+            },
+            Record::Condition(cond) => match cond {
+                Condition::OnlyIf { engine_name } => {
+                    write!(w, "onlyif {}", engine_name)
+                }
+                Condition::SkipIf { engine_name } => {
+                    write!(w, "skipif {}", engine_name)
+                }
+            },
+            Record::HashThreshold { loc: _, threshold } => {
+                write!(w, "hash-threshold {}", threshold)
+            }
+            Record::Comment(comment) => {
+                let mut iter = comment.iter();
+                write!(w, "#{}", iter.next().unwrap().trim_end())?;
+                for line in iter {
+                    write!(w, "\n#{}", line.trim_end())?;
+                }
+                Ok(())
+            }
+            Record::Injected(p) => panic!("unexpected injected record: {:?}", p),
+        }
+    }
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
 pub enum Control {
     /// Control sort mode.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
+pub enum Injected {
     /// Pseudo control command to indicate the begin of an include statement. Automatically
     /// injected by sqllogictest parser.
@@ -246,12 +373,30 @@ fn parse_inner(loc: &Location, script: &str) -> Result<Vec<Record>, ParseError>
     let mut lines = script.split('\n').enumerate();
     let mut records = vec![];
     let mut conditions = vec![];
-    while let Some((num, line)) = lines.next() {
-        if line.is_empty() || line.starts_with('#') {
+    while let Some((mut num, mut line)) = lines.next() {
+        if let Some(text) = line.strip_prefix('#') {
+            let mut comments = vec![text.to_string()];
+            for (num_, line_) in lines.by_ref() {
+                num = num_;
+                line = line_;
+                if let Some(text) = line.strip_prefix('#') {
+                    comments.push(text.to_string());
+                } else {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            records.push(Record::Comment(comments));
+        }
+        if line.is_empty() {
         let mut loc = loc.clone();
         loc.line = num as u32 + 1;
         let tokens: Vec<&str> = line.split_whitespace().collect();
         match tokens.as_slice() {
             [] => continue,
@@ -261,7 +406,6 @@ fn parse_inner(loc: &Location, script: &str) -> Result<Vec<Record>, ParseError>
             ["halt"] => {
                 records.push(Record::Halt { loc });
-                break;
             ["subtest", name] => {
                 records.push(Record::Subtest {
@@ -278,14 +422,18 @@ fn parse_inner(loc: &Location, script: &str) -> Result<Vec<Record>, ParseError>
             ["skipif", engine_name] => {
-                conditions.push(Condition::SkipIf {
+                let cond = Condition::SkipIf {
                     engine_name: engine_name.to_string(),
-                });
+                };
+                conditions.push(cond.clone());
+                records.push(Record::Condition(cond));
             ["onlyif", engine_name] => {
-                conditions.push(Condition::OnlyIf {
+                let cond = Condition::OnlyIf {
                     engine_name: engine_name.to_string(),
-                });
+                };
+                conditions.push(cond.clone());
+                records.push(Record::Condition(cond));
             ["statement", res @ ..] => {
                 let mut expected_count = None;
@@ -412,7 +560,7 @@ fn parse_inner(loc: &Location, script: &str) -> Result<Vec<Record>, ParseError>
-/// Parse a sqllogictest file and link all included scripts together.
+/// Parse a sqllogictest file. The included scripts are inserted after the `include` record.
 pub fn parse_file(filename: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Vec<Record>, ParseError> {
     let filename = filename.as_ref().to_str().unwrap();
     parse_file_inner(Location::new(filename, 0))
@@ -426,6 +574,8 @@ fn parse_file_inner(loc: Location) -> Result<Vec<Record>, ParseError> {
     let script = std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap();
     let mut records = vec![];
     for rec in parse_inner(&loc, &script)? {
+        records.push(rec.clone());
         if let Record::Include { filename, loc } = rec {
             let complete_filename = {
                 let mut path_buf = path.to_path_buf();
@@ -440,14 +590,12 @@ fn parse_file_inner(loc: Location) -> Result<Vec<Record>, ParseError> {
                 let included_file = included_file.as_os_str().to_string_lossy().to_string();
-                records.push(Record::Control(Control::BeginInclude(
+                records.push(Record::Injected(Injected::BeginInclude(
-                records.push(Record::Control(Control::EndInclude(included_file)));
+                records.push(Record::Injected(Injected::EndInclude(included_file)));
-        } else {
-            records.push(rec);
@@ -460,6 +608,6 @@ mod tests {
     fn test_include_glob() {
         let records = parse_file("../examples/include/include_1.slt").unwrap();
-        assert_eq!(12, records.len());
+        assert_eq!(14, records.len());
diff --git a/sqllogictest/src/runner.rs b/sqllogictest/src/runner.rs
index 2934de7..a0c2461 100644
--- a/sqllogictest/src/runner.rs
+++ b/sqllogictest/src/runner.rs
@@ -24,6 +24,19 @@ pub enum ColumnType {
     /// Do not check the type of the column.
+    Unknown(char),
+impl Display for ColumnType {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        match self {
+            ColumnType::Text => write!(f, "T"),
+            ColumnType::Integer => write!(f, "I"),
+            ColumnType::FloatingPoint => write!(f, "R"),
+            ColumnType::Any => write!(f, "?"),
+            ColumnType::Unknown(c) => write!(f, "{}", c),
+        }
+    }
 impl TryFrom<char> for ColumnType {
@@ -33,14 +46,28 @@ impl TryFrom<char> for ColumnType {
         match c {
             'T' => Ok(Self::Text),
             'I' => Ok(Self::Integer),
-            'F' => Ok(Self::FloatingPoint),
+            'R' => Ok(Self::FloatingPoint),
+            '?' => Ok(Self::Any),
             // FIXME:
             // _ => Err(ParseErrorKind::InvalidType(c)),
-            _ => Ok(Self::Any),
+            _ => Ok(Self::Unknown(c)),
+pub enum RecordOutput {
+    Nothing,
+    Query {
+        types: Vec<ColumnType>,
+        rows: Vec<Vec<String>>,
+        error: Option<Arc<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
+    },
+    Statement {
+        count: u64,
+        error: Option<Arc<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>,
+    },
 pub enum DBOutput {
     Rows {
@@ -367,16 +394,6 @@ fn format_diff(
 /// By default, we will use `|x, y| x == y`.
 pub type Validator = fn(&Vec<String>, &Vec<String>) -> bool;
-/// A collection of hook functions.
-pub trait Hook: Send {
-    /// Called after each statement completes.
-    async fn on_stmt_complete(&mut self, _sql: &str) {}
-    /// Called after each query completes.
-    async fn on_query_complete(&mut self, _sql: &str) {}
 /// Sqllogictest runner.
 pub struct Runner<D: AsyncDB> {
     db: D,
@@ -384,7 +401,6 @@ pub struct Runner<D: AsyncDB> {
     validator: Validator,
     testdir: Option<TempDir>,
     sort_mode: Option<SortMode>,
-    hook: Option<Box<dyn Hook>>,
     /// 0 means never hashing
     hash_threshold: usize,
@@ -397,7 +413,6 @@ impl<D: AsyncDB> Runner<D> {
             validator: |x, y| x == y,
             testdir: None,
             sort_mode: None,
-            hook: None,
             hash_threshold: 0,
@@ -414,102 +429,224 @@ impl<D: AsyncDB> Runner<D> {
         self.validator = validator;
-    /// Run a single record.
-    pub async fn run_async(&mut self, record: Record) -> Result<(), TestError> {
-        tracing::info!(?record, "testing");
+    pub async fn apply_record(&mut self, record: Record) -> RecordOutput {
         match record {
-            Record::Statement { conditions, .. } if self.should_skip(&conditions) => {}
+            Record::Statement { conditions, .. } if self.should_skip(&conditions) => {
+                RecordOutput::Nothing
+            }
             Record::Statement {
                 conditions: _,
-                expected_error,
-                loc,
-                expected_count,
+                // compare result in run_async
+                expected_error: _,
+                expected_count: _,
+                loc: _,
             } => {
                 let sql = self.replace_keywords(sql);
                 let ret = self.db.run(&sql).await;
-                match (ret, expected_error) {
-                    (Ok(_), Some(_)) => {
-                        return Err(TestErrorKind::Ok {
-                            sql,
-                            kind: RecordKind::Statement,
+                match ret {
+                    Ok(out) => match out {
+                        DBOutput::Rows { types, rows } => RecordOutput::Query {
+                            types,
+                            rows,
+                            error: None,
+                        },
+                        DBOutput::StatementComplete(count) => {
+                            RecordOutput::Statement { count, error: None }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    Err(e) => RecordOutput::Statement {
+                        count: 0,
+                        error: Some(Arc::new(e)),
+                    },
+                }
+            }
+            Record::Query { conditions, .. } if self.should_skip(&conditions) => {
+                RecordOutput::Nothing
+            }
+            Record::Query {
+                conditions: _,
+                sql,
+                sort_mode,
+                // compare result in run_async
+                type_string: _,
+                expected_error: _,
+                expected_results: _,
+                loc: _,
+                // not handle yet,
+                label: _,
+            } => {
+                let sql = self.replace_keywords(sql);
+                let (types, mut rows) = match self.db.run(&sql).await {
+                    Ok(out) => match out {
+                        DBOutput::Rows { types, rows } => (types, rows),
+                        DBOutput::StatementComplete(count) => {
+                            return RecordOutput::Statement { count, error: None }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    Err(e) => {
+                        return RecordOutput::Query {
+                            error: Some(Arc::new(e)),
+                            types: vec![],
+                            rows: vec![],
-                        .at(loc))
-                    (Ok(result), None) => {
-                        if let Some(expected_count) = expected_count {
-                            let count = match result {
-                                DBOutput::Rows { types: _, rows } => {
-                                    return Err(TestErrorKind::StatementResultMismatch {
-                                        sql,
-                                        expected: expected_count,
-                                        actual: format!("got rows {:?}", rows),
-                                    }
-                                    .at(loc));
-                                }
-                                DBOutput::StatementComplete(count) => count,
-                            };
-                            if expected_count != count {
-                                return Err(TestErrorKind::StatementResultMismatch {
-                                    sql,
-                                    expected: expected_count,
-                                    actual: format!("affected {count} rows"),
-                                }
-                                .at(loc));
-                            }
+                };
+                match sort_mode.as_ref().or(self.sort_mode.as_ref()) {
+                    None | Some(SortMode::NoSort) => {}
+                    Some(SortMode::RowSort) => {
+                        rows.sort_unstable();
+                    }
+                    Some(SortMode::ValueSort) => todo!("value sort"),
+                };
+                if self.hash_threshold > 0 && rows.len() > self.hash_threshold {
+                    let mut md5 = md5::Context::new();
+                    for line in &rows {
+                        for value in line {
+                            md5.consume(value.as_bytes());
+                            md5.consume(b"\n");
-                    (Err(e), Some(expected_error)) => {
-                        if !expected_error.is_match(&e.to_string()) {
-                            return Err(TestErrorKind::ErrorMismatch {
+                    let hash = md5.compute();
+                    rows = vec![vec![format!(
+                        "{} values hashing to {:?}",
+                        rows.len() * rows[0].len(),
+                        hash
+                    )]];
+                }
+                RecordOutput::Query {
+                    error: None,
+                    types,
+                    rows,
+                }
+            }
+            Record::Sleep { duration, .. } => {
+                D::sleep(duration).await;
+                RecordOutput::Nothing
+            }
+            Record::Control(control) => match control {
+                Control::SortMode(sort_mode) => {
+                    self.sort_mode = Some(sort_mode);
+                    RecordOutput::Nothing
+                }
+            },
+            Record::HashThreshold { loc: _, threshold } => {
+                self.hash_threshold = threshold as usize;
+                RecordOutput::Nothing
+            }
+            Record::Include { .. }
+            | Record::Comment(_)
+            | Record::Subtest { .. }
+            | Record::Halt { .. }
+            | Record::Injected(_)
+            | Record::Condition(_) => RecordOutput::Nothing,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Run a single record.
+    pub async fn run_async(&mut self, record: Record) -> Result<(), TestError> {
+        tracing::info!(?record, "testing");
+        match (record.clone(), self.apply_record(record).await) {
+            (_, RecordOutput::Nothing) => {}
+            // Tolerate the mismatched return type...
+            (Record::Statement { .. }, RecordOutput::Query { error: None, .. }) => {}
+            (
+                Record::Query {
+                    expected_results,
+                    loc,
+                    sql,
+                    ..
+                },
+                RecordOutput::Statement { error: None, .. },
+            ) => {
+                if !expected_results.is_empty() {
+                    return Err(TestErrorKind::QueryResultMismatch {
+                        sql,
+                        expected: expected_results.join("\n"),
+                        actual: "".to_string(),
+                    }
+                    .at(loc));
+                }
+            }
+            (
+                Record::Statement {
+                    loc,
+                    conditions: _,
+                    expected_error,
+                    sql,
+                    expected_count,
+                },
+                RecordOutput::Statement { count, error },
+            ) => match (error, expected_error) {
+                (None, Some(_)) => {
+                    return Err(TestErrorKind::Ok {
+                        sql,
+                        kind: RecordKind::Statement,
+                    }
+                    .at(loc))
+                }
+                (None, None) => {
+                    if let Some(expected_count) = expected_count {
+                        if expected_count != count {
+                            return Err(TestErrorKind::StatementResultMismatch {
-                                err: Arc::new(e),
-                                expected_err: expected_error.to_string(),
-                                kind: RecordKind::Statement,
+                                expected: expected_count,
+                                actual: format!("affected {count} rows"),
-                    (Err(e), None) => {
-                        return Err(TestErrorKind::Fail {
+                }
+                (Some(e), Some(expected_error)) => {
+                    if !expected_error.is_match(&e.to_string()) {
+                        return Err(TestErrorKind::ErrorMismatch {
                             err: Arc::new(e),
+                            expected_err: expected_error.to_string(),
                             kind: RecordKind::Statement,
-                if let Some(hook) = &mut self.hook {
-                    hook.on_stmt_complete(&sql).await;
+                (Some(e), None) => {
+                    return Err(TestErrorKind::Fail {
+                        sql,
+                        err: Arc::new(e),
+                        kind: RecordKind::Statement,
+                    }
+                    .at(loc));
-            }
-            Record::Query { conditions, .. } if self.should_skip(&conditions) => {}
-            Record::Query {
-                conditions: _,
-                loc,
-                sql,
-                expected_error,
-                expected_results,
-                sort_mode,
-                type_string,
-                // not handle yet,
-                label: _,
-            } => {
-                let sql = self.replace_keywords(sql);
-                let output = match (self.db.run(&sql).await, expected_error) {
-                    (Ok(_), Some(_)) => {
+            },
+            (
+                Record::Query {
+                    loc,
+                    conditions: _,
+                    type_string,
+                    sort_mode: _,
+                    label: _,
+                    expected_error,
+                    sql,
+                    expected_results,
+                },
+                RecordOutput::Query { types, rows, error },
+            ) => {
+                match (error, expected_error) {
+                    (None, Some(_)) => {
                         return Err(TestErrorKind::Ok {
                             kind: RecordKind::Query,
-                    (Ok(output), None) => output,
-                    (Err(e), Some(expected_error)) => {
+                    (None, None) => {}
+                    (Some(e), Some(expected_error)) => {
                         if !expected_error.is_match(&e.to_string()) {
                             return Err(TestErrorKind::ErrorMismatch {
@@ -521,7 +658,7 @@ impl<D: AsyncDB> Runner<D> {
                         return Ok(());
-                    (Err(e), None) => {
+                    (Some(e), None) => {
                         return Err(TestErrorKind::Fail {
                             err: Arc::new(e),
@@ -531,18 +668,6 @@ impl<D: AsyncDB> Runner<D> {
-                let (types, mut output) = match output {
-                    DBOutput::Rows { types, rows } => (types, rows),
-                    DBOutput::StatementComplete(_) => {
-                        return Err(TestErrorKind::QueryResultMismatch {
-                            sql,
-                            expected: expected_results.join("\n"),
-                            actual: "statement complete".to_string(),
-                        }
-                        .at(loc))
-                    }
-                };
                 // check number of columns
                 if types.len() != type_string.len() {
                     // FIXME: do not validate type-string now
@@ -562,63 +687,25 @@ impl<D: AsyncDB> Runner<D> {
-                match sort_mode.as_ref().or(self.sort_mode.as_ref()) {
-                    None | Some(SortMode::NoSort) => {}
-                    Some(SortMode::RowSort) => {
-                        output.sort_unstable();
-                    }
-                    Some(SortMode::ValueSort) => todo!("value sort"),
-                };
-                if self.hash_threshold > 0 && output.len() > self.hash_threshold {
-                    let mut md5 = md5::Context::new();
-                    for line in &output {
-                        for value in line {
-                            md5.consume(value.as_bytes());
-                            md5.consume(b"\n");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    let hash = md5.compute();
-                    output = vec![vec![format!(
-                        "{} values hashing to {:?}",
-                        output.len() * output[0].len(),
-                        hash
-                    )]];
-                }
                 // We compare normalized results. Whitespace characters are ignored.
-                let output = output
+                let normalized_rows = rows
                     .map(|strs| strs.iter().map(normalize_string).join(" "))
-                let expected_results = expected_results.iter().map(normalize_string).collect_vec();
-                if !(self.validator)(&output, &expected_results) {
+                let expected_results = expected_results.iter().map(normalize_string).collect_vec();
+                if !(self.validator)(&normalized_rows, &expected_results) {
                     return Err(TestErrorKind::QueryResultMismatch {
                         expected: expected_results.join("\n"),
-                        actual: output.join("\n"),
+                        actual: normalized_rows.join("\n"),
-                if let Some(hook) = &mut self.hook {
-                    hook.on_query_complete(&sql).await;
-                }
-            Record::Sleep { duration, .. } => D::sleep(duration).await,
-            Record::Halt { .. } => {}
-            Record::Subtest { .. } => {}
-            Record::Include { loc, .. } => {
-                unreachable!("include should be rewritten during link: at {}", loc)
-            }
-            Record::Control(control) => match control {
-                Control::SortMode(sort_mode) => {
-                    self.sort_mode = Some(sort_mode);
-                }
-                Control::BeginInclude(_) | Control::EndInclude(_) => {}
-            },
-            Record::HashThreshold { loc: _, threshold } => self.hash_threshold = threshold as usize,
+            _ => unreachable!(),
@@ -755,11 +842,6 @@ impl<D: AsyncDB> Runner<D> {
             .any(|c| c.should_skip(self.db.engine_name()))
-    /// Set hook functions.
-    pub fn set_hook(&mut self, hook: impl Hook + 'static) {
-        self.hook = Some(Box::new(hook));
-    }
 /// Trim and replace multiple whitespaces with one.