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FTSO Fast Updates Client

This repository contains an implementation of a FTSO Fast Updates client that can be used to submit fast updates to the FTSOv2 contracts. The FTSO Fast Updates Client is implemented to connect to a RPC blockchain node and continuously generate verifiable random numbers, based on a sortition private key and current block number, to determine if it can submit a price update. In the latter case, it makes a transaction from one of the provided accounts calling the SubmitUpdates function on the FastUpdater contract. Multiple accounts can be provided for the submissions in the case of multiple simultaneous fast updates, to not miss the submission window.


The client is implemented in Go (tested with version 1.21).


The configuration is read from a toml file and/or the environment variables. Config file can be specified using the command line parameter --config, e.g., ./fast-updates-client --config config.toml. The default config file name is config.toml. Here is a list of example configuration parameters. Note that to participate as a fast updater, one must be registered at the FTSOv2 Top Level system (see link), where it registers its sortition private kay (see below on how to generate the sortition key).

Set private information in environment variables

# voters private key registered in the VoterRegistry, aka signingPolicy private key
# voters sortition key registered in the VoterRegistry contract that enables generating verifiable
# randomness to determine the order of clients submitting the fast updates
# private keys of accounts from which the fast updates will be
# submitted - the client needs multiple addresses to not miss the
# submission window in case multiple fast updates can be submitted
# for blocks in a short interval
# address of the FastUpdater contract
fast_updater_address = "0xbe65A1F9a31D5E81d5e2B863AEf15bF9b3d92891"
# address of the Submission contract to which the updates are sent
submission_address = "0x18b9306737eaf6E8FC8e737F488a1AE077b18053"
# address of the top level FlareSystemManager contract
flare_system_manager = "0x919b4b4B561C72c990DC868F751328eF127c45F4"
# address of the FastUpdatesIncentiveManager contract
incentive_manager_address = "0x919b4b4B561C72c990DC868F751328eF127c45F4"
# parameter defining when a fast update can be submitted
submission_window = 10
# url of the off-chain data provider 
value_provider_url = ""

gas_limit = 8000000
value = 0
gas_price_multiplier = 1.2

level = "INFO"
file = "./logger/logs/fast_updates_client.log"
console = true
# when the balance (in WEI) of the provided accounts falls bellow this value
# the logger will show warnings
min_balance = 10000000000000000000

node_url = ""
# optional rpc api key, can also be set via API_KEY env variable
api_key = ""
chain_id = 114

The private key, sortition private key, and accounts private keys can also be set in the configuration file, but we strongly suggest to set them using environment variables to avoid accidentally exposing them.

Price Updates Provider

To provide meaningful updates of prices/feeds on the FastUpdates contract a user needs to implement its own updates logic. For this it needs to implement a struct with functionality that fits the following interface.

type ValuesProvider interface {
	GetValues(feeds []FeedId) ([]float64, error)

See provider/feed_provider.go for the interface. We provide an implementation of obtaining feeds values based on API calls to the FTSOv2 Example value provider, see provider/http_feed_provider.go. For testing one can use also provider/random_provider.go for a price provider generating random values. When an custom implementation is provided, one can define in main.go which price provider will be used.

Running the FTSO Fast Updates Client

Assuming that the configuration file and configuration environment variables ware set and the provider is registered, simply run

go run main.go --config config.toml

or build and run the binaries with

go build .
./fast-updates-client --config config.toml

Handling failed transactions

The FTSO Fast Updates Client is implemented to submit fast updates to the specified FastUpdater contract through the Submission contract. In file client/transaction_queue.go there is an implementation of a queue that accepts tasks (transaction requests for fast updates) and executes them on parallel threads. In the case of a failed transaction, which can happen for multiple reasons such as failed connection to the RPC node, missed submission block, etc., an error handler is implemented, see

func (txQueue *TransactionQueue) ErrorHandler()

function in the file client/transaction_queue.go. Currently, in the case of an error, the client only logs the error and dismisses the transaction. Alternative actions, such as resubmitting the transaction can be implemented, but this can be risky since the submission window might already be closed.

Generating sortition key and signing

To participate in the Fast Updates protocol, a client needs to have a private/public sortition key, that needs to be registered at the top level FTSO voter registry.

To generate the key one can run

go run keygen/keygen.go

and the key should be printed in the console. Additionally, to register the public key at the top level FTSO voter registry, one needs to provide a proof of the correctness of the public key. For this a user needs to sign its entity address. Use

go run keygen/keygen.go --key 0x1512de600a10a0aac01580dbfc080965b89ed2329a7b2bf538f4c7e09e34aa1 --address 0xd4e934C2749CA8C1618659D02E7B28B074bf4df7

where the key value needs to be replaced by the generated private key and the address value needs to be replaced by the actual entity address.

In case you forgot your public key, but saved the private one, you can run the following for outputting the key:

go run keygen/keygen.go --key 0x1512de600a10a0aac01580dbfc080965b89ed2329a7b2bf538f4c7e09e34aa1

Alternatively, one can save and read the (encrypted) key from a file and save the signature with:

go run keygen/keygen.go --key_out keys.out --pass secret_password # generate and save a key to file
go run keygen/keygen.go --key_file keys.out --pass secret_password --address 0xd4e934C2749CA8C1618659D02E7B28B074bf4df7 --sig_out sig.out # read and decrypt a key from a file, sign and write the signature to a file
go run keygen/keygen.go --key_file keys.out --pass secret_password # read and decrypt a key from file, just print it out

where the address value needs to be replaced by the actual address that will be used to sign the updates. The signature should be saved in the specified file. Signing of the entity address is provided also in this registration script.


End to end test

See client/client_test.go for a test run of the client using a Ganache network. It is assumed that docker is installed for running a local Ganache blockchain node. The test deploys contracts needed for Fast Updates protocol together with a mock contract representing the functionality of the Flare system. Furthermore, the test register a fast updates provider to the system and runs the client submitting fast updates for a few blocks.

go test -v client/client_test.go

Unit tests


go test -v provider/feed_provider_test.go
go test -v provider/http_feed_provider_test.go
go test -v provider/random_provider_test.go
go test -v sortition/sortition_test.go

for the unit tests.

Simulation of the Fast Updates protocol using multiple clients on a local Hardhat node

Using the repository flare-smart-contracts-v2 found here one can deploy all the Fast Updates contracts together with the whole Flare system and voter repository. Navigate to the repository and run

yarn install
yarn compile
yarn sim-node & yarn sim-run

This will start a Flare system on a local Hardhat node, register a couple of data providers and start a simulation of FTSO v2 feed providers. To additionally run a simulation of Fast Updates providers navigate to go-client/tests/ folder and run feed value provider with 3 clients using Docker:

docker compose up value-provider client1 client2 client3

The configuration files tests/config1.toml, tests/config2.toml, and tests/config3.toml should be set so that the clients can participate in the protocol.

Compiled ABI of Flare-Smart-Contracts-v2

The Fast Updates Go client uses an interface to the contracts that was compiled using solc compiler and abigen tool. In the case that the contracts are changed, the interface needs to be changed as well. Use the provided Makefile to compile the new interfaces with

make compile

assuming the submodule repository flare-smart-contracts-v2 is up to date.