rcs your_bot_config.py
from flask import Flask, request
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os, sys
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/../..')
from ringcentral_bot_framework import frameworkInit
# put all bot logic in `config.py`, check `sample-bots/kitchen-sync.py` to see all the config functions
import config as conf
framework = frameworkInit(conf)
app = Flask('devtest')
@app.route('/<action>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def act(action):
event = framework.flaskRequestParser(request, action)
response = framework.router(event)
resp = response['body']
headers = {}
if 'headers' in response:
headers = response['headers']
return resp, response['statusCode'], headers
port = 9898
host = 'localhost'
from ringcentral_bot_framework import frameworkInit
import config as conf
framework = frameworkInit(conf)
def bot(event, context):
return framework.router(event)
Read source code for more detail.
class BotFrameWork:
def Bot():
return BotClass
def User():
return UserClass
def dbAction(tableName, action, data = None):
"""db action
* make sure it it stateless,
* in every action, you should check database is ready or not, if not, init it first
* check https://github.com/ringcentral/ringcentral-chatbot-python/blob/master/ringcentral_bot_framework/core/dynamodb.py or https://github.com/ringcentral/ringcentral-chatbot-python/blob/master/ringcentral_bot_framework/core/filedb.py as example
* @param {String} tableName, user or bot, or other table you defined
* @param {String} action, add, remove, update, get
* @param {Object} data
* for add, {'id': 'xxx', 'token': {...}, 'groups': {...}, 'data': {...}}
* for remove, {'id': xxx} or {'ids': [...]}
* for update, {'id': xxx, 'update': {...}}
* for get, singleUser:{'id': xxx}, allUser: None, query: { 'key': 'xx', 'value': 'yy' }
return dbAction(tableName, action, data = None)
def getBot(id):
get bot data from database, init and return bot instance, if fails or not found will return False
return getBot(id)
def removeBot(id):
remove bot data from database
return removeBot(id)
def getUser(id):
get user data from database, init and return user instance, if fails or not found will return False
return getUser(id)
def removeUser(id):
remove user data from database
return removeUser(id)
def botAuth(event):
return botAuth(event)
def renewBot(event):
return renewBot(event)
def botWebhook(event):
return botWebhook(event)
def dataView(event):
return dataView(event)
def userAuth(event):
return userAuth(event)
def userWebhook(event):
return userWebhook(event)
def router(event):
process event and return result object:
'headers': dict,
'body': dict,
'statusCode': number
return router(event)
def flaskRequestParser(request, action):
parse flask request to event format:
'pathParameters': {
'action': string
'queryStringParameters': dict,
'body': dict,
'headers': dict
return flaskRequestParser(request, action)