Place all TODOs in here There may be todos inside any .py or .kv files
- 0.1 target version for this TODO
- Can you contribute to any of the projects this planner uses to help them and us run smoother and/or on more devices?
- Python
- MeCab / Python-MeCab
- Qt / PyQt
- 1.0 Make linux / windows / (mac maybe) executables
pyinstaller - 1.0 .deb installer
- .dmg / apple mac
- .rpm / other installers (platform independent?)
- 1.0 Consistent use of "", ''
- 1.0 Implement options
- Kanji words only
- Nouns only
- Furigana on/off)
- Think of ways to try and break it
- 2.0 Options for multiple readings Use NKF? 鳥達 いたる should be toritachi but not really a word (song lyrics) 止ん とまん should be yanda 芳しい kanbashii / kaguwashii multiple readings should appear as option input (CLI) or popup (GUI)
- Non japanese text -
- Put setup instructions into README
- 1.0 Make sure setup instructions are comprehensive
In built command line interface for linux
- 1.0 Put it in the docs
- Create GUI in PyQt (kivy has IME input issues) OR Tkinter
- Paste text directly
- Select file containing text
- 1.0 Determine which license / notice files need to be included in the project (e.g. MIT)
- python
- MeCab
- genanki
- Qt / PyQt