fix: CvTabs issue with beforeDestroy hook
feat: CvFileUploader mark dropped files of the wrong type as invalid feat: CvInlineNotification add ability to hide close button feat: CvToastNotification add ability to hide close button
feat: emit event on progress step click feat: emit event on data table row expand feat: add sticky header option to data table feat: add static width option to data table
fix: modal primary button and storybook usage.
fix: correct secondary button on modal to raise a 'secondary-click'
chore: promote canary release
fix: dist versioning
fix: cv-file-uploader dom update fix: cv-data-table header padding fix: 10.30 update
- cv-inline-loading
- cv-button
- cv-icon-button
- cv-code-snippet-inline
- cv-code-snippet-oneline
- cv-code-snippet-multiline
- cv-data-table
- cv-loading
- cv-modal
- cv-number-input
- cv-progress-indicator
- cv-form-group
- cv-text-area
- cv-text-input
- cv-tile
- cv-tooltip
- cv-ui-shell
- cv-tab - now uses the scroll format
chore: documentation correction for CvDataTable chore: added Carbon Telemetry
fix: CvDatePicker use of range plugin fix: CvMultiSelect hiding first option alternately on expand feat: add show and hide events to CvTooltip
fix: use check slot patter in side nav fix: cv-tabs fail during focus event fix cv-data-table listener called after navigation chore: update dependency
fix: transition end after modal hidden feat: add left right to tooltip direction fix: data table listener called after navigation fix: tab listener when called after nav fix: use check slot pattern for side nav icons
feat: 10 23 1 update (#1058) - adds numerous minor changes to bring the library up to Carbon v10.23.1 chore: listen for click out only post blur (#1061) chore: Content tune the first usage steps (#1055) feat: Add after hidden modal event (#1069) fix: cv-button default color error issue (#1076)
chore: add tests for cv-code-snippet, cv-toolbar, cv-structured-list fix: spurious tab index in tag fix: safari focus out before click
fix: links in storybook notes fix: #1042 - CvDropdown role applied incorrectly to chevron
fix: update flatpikr to use Carbon plugin versions feat: allow html in notification subtitle and caption fix: add tests for cv-tooltip chore: update mixin imports fix: CvDropdown missing listbox classes fix: add test for cv-search feat: add cv-grid, cv-row and cv-column to match Carbon React feature.
fix: use of v-slot syntax not visible in beforeUpdate lifecycle method switched to updated.
Promote canary
fix: dropdown click outside - issue #1004 was still causing problems which a directive seems more reliable for.
Promote canary
feat: use of uidMixin without id use (add to top level element) fix: aria label for expanding row button (expanded and collapsed) fix: remove event listener from dropdown in beforeDestroy
fix: dropdown click closing list on firefox and safari (caused by button not getting focus on click)
fix: dropdown in darker themes chore: add theme switching to stories
fix: Dropdown focus on firefox (and any browser where click does not focus on button)
chore: remove empty folder (#984) feat: Added items prop to Cv-Dropdown (#982)
fix: dropdown clearing of value (#975) chore(deps): bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /packages/core (#972) fix: progress step carbonPrefix (#974) fix: ie11 svg class usage (#973)
- fix: empty space in combo and multi
- feat: add focus and blur methods to numerous components
- fix snapshots
- feat: add kind 'button' to file upload component.
- chore: update inputs to 10.16.0 most noticably by moving helper text below the input
- fix: Multiselect filter tag usage (causing validator warning)
- fix: Combobox and multiselect user filter for non-existent item
- feat: Includes use of coded prefix
- feat: Adds 24 hour support to time picker.
- chore: Replace use of the 'bx' prefix with the prefix in carbon components everywhere. This was quite an extensive change. It is more than possible one or two errors may have crept in. A full weeks Canary is likely.
- chore: added carbonPrefix to inline-loading, link, number input, breadcrumb and checkbox
- fix: combobox typoe v-bind="$attr" -> v-bind="$attrs"
- fix: add $listeners to CvForm to allow @submit
- fix: return focus on dropdown to dropdown component after item click
- feat: add focus methods to CvDropdown, CvTextInput, CvTextArea
- fix: improvve SVG icon support in buttons, now possible to specify component (e.g. @carbon/icons-vue), SVG path, SVG symbol path or raw SVG. NOTE: Until SVG2 using SVG path does not style.
- fix: aria-hidden, aria-selected and aria-expanded false values. These do not default to false on undefined. Instead undefined means not applicable, false as a result implies true is possible.
- fix: lower node requirement to 10
- chore: make accordion class prefix use carbon prefix
Release previuos canarys
- chore: fix aria label on template view
- fix: table skeleton appearance
- fix: dropdown aria warning with no label
- feat: add table oveflow options
- Fix combobox disable to fully disable
- Fix dropdown disable to fully disable
- Fix tag filter disable to fully disable
- Feat: Allow the number of items on page to be set for pagination seperately from page size
- Fix: Checkbox labels in data table.
- Fix animation issues in data table and accordion
- Fix combo box expansion.
- Release slotted header updates
Feat: Add slotted headings to data table## 2.25.0
Fix: tooltip on icon only button
Feat: Add disabled attributes for forwards and backwards pagination buttons.
- Update to Carbon 10.11.2
- Update to node 12
- Update other dependencies
Dropdown value presentation
- Left and right options added to cv-tooltip
- CvDropdown needed multiple tab presses to move past #868
- CircleCI deployment fix
- Warn on duplicate IDs in table row and tab
- Dependency bot bumps
- Other dependency version bumps
- Update documentation on use of expanded/isExpanded in table rows
Publis canary fixes as listed
- CvContentSwitcher adds tablist to container #849
- CvDropdown placeholder updates
- CvContentSwitcher accessibility violation #849
- Removed spurious 'await' usage
Roll up of canary releases.
- Add hideLabel property to CvCheckbox and raised bug relating to the shape of the component carbon-design-system/carbon#5461
- UIShell fix ids for controlled panels
- Overflow menu tooltip postion on IE11
- Interactive menu tooltip position on IE11
- Missing aria-label on CvDataTable batch action checkbox (aria-label-for-batch-checkbox)
- Update package dependencies
- Data table heading styles when sortable is used.
- Add change event to accordion on open close through UI. Show in story how to use to force single open.
- Validator state checks in inline loadeing (allow case insensitive)
- CvSelect event usage in CvTimePicker and CvPagination changed to 'chagne' event to support IE 11.
- Removed deprecation message when using size instead of small button property
Mobile number input version
Expanded property added to UIShell sidenav menus
- Number input tests
- Input event emit from CvNumberInput on use of up down buttons
- Add missing closeAriaLabel property to CvModal
- Copy button position is stories
- FavIcon in storybook
- Linter warnings on story source loading
- CI messages
- move to Vue CLI 4
- Fix node engine version
- Ensure CI Check run before deploying storybook
- Linter warnings
- Error icon used in inline-loading
- Toast notification notes typo
- Add size variations to CvModal
- Add hide selected option to CvDropDown.
- Make title only CvModal possible
- Add container option to CvTabs
- Update CvTag styling to 10.9
- Update CvSearch size options
- Tab behaviour when adding and removing tabs when selecting a tab immediately after
- fix: Disable number input up down buttons when component disabled
- fix: Merge missing commits from last release
- Reverted to using stepUp/stepDOwn input methods for number input after checking IE11 support.
- Initial value of date picker was not being set
- Decimal number edits e.g. 10.001 with step 001. Using the keyboard to delete .001 caused .000 to be reapplied.
- Possible IE11 fix for colspan > 1000 defaulting to 1
- Loading overlay fix
- Prevent double event on date change
- Add side nav rail feature
- Add support for light cv-tile (needs Carbon > 10.7.4)
- Add button set
- Fixed some typos (requried -> required)
- Fix date picker change event error
- Update to carbon-components 10.7.4 DOM
- Add edning state to CvInlineLoader
- Make individual columns sortable in CvDataTable
- Router link object usage (Location)
- Additional tests
- CvInlineLoader
- CvInlineNotification
- CvToastNotification
- CvTextInput
- CvList
- CvLoading
- Welcome page updates
- Use internal pagination bind property
- IE11 missing input event (use change)
- icon use warning in toast notification
- SVG ClassList missing IE and pre canary Edge
- Add decimal ability to number input.
- Fix CvIconButton tooltip
- CvOverflowMenu correct html to include menu-item option-content span
- CvToggleSkeleton
- Slot check reactivyt (accross 12 components with helperText and invalidMessage)
- CvCombobox placeholder
- CvMultiSelect filter clear event
- CvMultiSelect expand / close when clicking chevron
- CvCombobox auto-filter true at startup presenting empty list
- CvLink tests
- CvTextArea tests
- Restored storybook version to keep package.json in sync
- Change CvTabs to use same HTML as core carbon.
- Rework for SSR, removing all style tags from components in favour of using :style in the template.
- CvTabs not closing lower indexed tabs
- Tests added or updated for
- CvAccordion
- CvWrapper
- CvCheckbox
- CvToggle
- CvTag
- CvRadioButton
- CvTabs
- Updated CvTabs behaviour when tab list is dynamic
- Dropdown workingn when disabled
- Overflow not closing on button click
Allow number input to work with string or number for value, v-model and events.
Updated tests for
- CvBreadcrumb
- CvButton
- CvBNumberInput
- CvTag
CvButton raising two click events
- Add v-model for date picker
- Add up down aria labels for number input
- Update to Carbon 10.7
- CvButton, CvIconButton
- CvComboBox
- CvContentSwitcher
- CvDataTable
- CvDropdown
- CvFileUploader
- CvInlineNotification
- CvLink
- CvList
- CvNumberInput
- CvOverflowMenu
- CvToastNotification
- CvTextInput
- CvToggle
- CvTags
- Add expand all to data table
- Add inline link
- Add nested list ordering
- Add CvTabsSkeleton component
- Tests for CvCheckbox, CvToggle, CvBreadcrumb added
- Rework tabs component to behave better when dynamically adding/removing tabs.
- Added CvTabs property no-default-to-first option to revent auto default to first tab.
- Add hover expand for header menu items
- Add keyboard scroll to modal dialog, suppressing background scroll.
- Uploader skeleton typo
- CvTabs behaviour when switching tab set (beforeDestory event name typo)
- Remove trimRight usage for wider support
- Tidy up knobs
- Work on tests
- Add various optional customisable labels/text where they previously were fixed.
- Allow primary button to be disabled on the modal dialog
- Add disabled property to CvLink and other components with links
- Tidy up popups (CvOverflowMenu and CvInteractiveTooltip) on beforeDestroy event
- To date activation in date picker range mode (was activating from on icon click)
- code snippet now has
- light theme
- customisable copy feedback and aria label
- Modal
- Add 'auto-hide-off' property which causes 'modal-hide-request' events to be raised instead of auto closing
- Stop overflow menu grabbing focus on close
- v-model for selectable tile
- Add vertical progress bar
- Code snippet no longer copies encoded html
- Correct tab story
- Fix checkbox v-model unefined
- Fix panel expansion event
- Add v-model for header panels
- Re-order header panel events
- Update lock file
- Fix combobox input spilling into controls
- Fix non-cv-button types (cv-data-table, cv-text-input password button)
- Password input button labels
- Update data table to have attributes for cancel button and search labels.
- Add missing title to CvHeaderMenu.
See changes below.
- Change how cv-link and other link-mixin usage
- Correct clear button color for combobox and multiselect
- Fix value/v-model updates for combobox
The following is true for combobox and multi-select
- Removed space auto-completion to allow spaces in filter.
- Enter now used for auto-completion
- Escapes regex special characters
- CvPagination case when number of items is zero.
- CvDropdown component was incorrectly named CvDropdownInner
- Add table pagination scoped slot pass through.
- Add table skeleton
- Add initial change vent to pagination
- CvHeaderNav aria-label usage
- Update lodash based on security alert
- Add vertical options to radio button group
- Add left-label option to radio button
- add default tab id
- move non-breaking space in header name due to rendering differences
- make aria-controls optional in header-global-action
- hide data table toolbar when empty
- Add CvContent to UI shell
- Correct switch between 'router-link' and 'a' tag based on use of 'href' or 'to' in links
- Move multi-select to experimental
- Updates to multi select API
- Add combo box
- Update export to surface individual components
- Added scoped slots to table for constructed string.
- Add multi select dropdown (without filter)
- Added scoped slots to pagination for constructed strings.
- Removed side nav sub menu close on focusout
- Removed spurious \ in header menu button
- Fixed active menu button status
- Temp CSS fix for Safari not moving following side nav chevrons on expand.
- Add page to pagination change event
- Fix text input password layout.
- Update dependencies
- Wire up hide/show to footer link in ui shell side nav
- Add Space in header between name and prefix
- Focus on side nav and header panel links
- Added UI shell notes
- Make link logic (anchor or router-link) common
- Add UI Shell
- Added Header
- Added right panels with global actions
- Added left nav
- Aria label on overflow menu and toast nofification
- Removed data-viz
Versions reflect those version was built using.
Dependency | Version | Notes |
@carbon/icons-vue | 10.3.0 | |
carbon-components | 10.3.0 | |
flatpickr | 4.6.1 | |
vue | 2.6.10 |
- Add disabled tag
- Added an example project
- Marked CvDataTable as ready
- Added initial CvHeader component and some parts
- Added cv-tag skeleton
- Added cv-slider skeleton
- Added tag disabled feature
- Time picker story fix
- Tab usage of dropdown when narrow
- Restored tag fileter story
- Removed Carbon 9 / X switches
- Updated Carbon dependencies
Versions reflect those version was built using.
Dependency | Version | Notes |
@carbon/icons-vue | 10.2.0 | |
carbon-components | 10.2.0 | |
flatpickr | 4.5.7 | |
vue | 2.6.10 |
- Ensure tab disabled when created with disabled attribute
- Some code tidying, removing v9 code.
- Dependency updates to potential issue See #441
- Add $attrs to nav element of cv-tabs, this allows aria-label to be specified on the nav.
- Change @carbon/icons-vue/lib to @carbon/icons/vue/es
- Add expanding content feature to table
- Various table pagination fixes
- Ensure search is available when @search event is listented to.
- Table pagination fixes
- Correct cv-tab name
- Correct tabs narrow styling
- Correct dropdown initial value
- Added filter tag
- Added disabled state for tab component
- Fixed multiple roots in dropdown.
- Fixes to table layout
- Fixes to search
- Styling fixes for structured list selectable
Versions reflect those version was built using.
Dependency | Version | Notes |
@carbon/icons-vue | 10.0.0 | |
carbon-components | 10.1.0 | |
flatpickr | 4.5.7 | |
vue | 2.6.10 |
- Add up overflow menu
- Some story updates
- Remove linter warnings from structured list
Versions reflect those version was built using.
Dependency | Version | Notes |
@carbon/icons-vue | 10.0.0 | |
carbon-components | 10.1.0 | |
flatpickr | 4.5.7 | |
vue | 2.6.10 |
As per beta 0 fresh build
- Carbon 10 data table
- Search review fixes
- Select review fixes
- Select initial selected enhancment
- Added missing experimental stories
- A number of data table fixes (still not ready)
- Dropdown review fixes
Versions reflect those version was built using.
Dependency | Version | Notes |
@carbon/icons-vue | 10.0.0 | |
carbon-components | 10.1.0 | |
flatpickr | 4.5.7 | |
vue | 2.6.10 |
- Carbon 10 data table
- Correct breadcrumb story
- Checkbox mixed updates
- Multiline code snippet layout
- Inline code snippet example made smaller
- Fixed number input layout
- Fixed overflow menu layout
- Fixed pagination layout
Versions reflect those version was built using.
Dependency | Version | Notes |
@carbon/icons-vue | 10.0.0 | |
carbon-components | 10.1.0 | |
flatpickr | 4.5.2 | |
vue | 2.6.10 |
- A number of experimental additions for carbon x
- Change node requirements to > 10 in package.json
- Fix tabs on narrow screens (#273)
- Fix dorpdown-items v-for (#273)
Versions reflect those version was built using.
Dependency | Version | Notes |
@carbon/icon-helpers | 0.0.1-beta.0 | experimental only |
@carbon/icons-vue | 0.0.1-beta.0 | experimental only |
carbon-components | 9.70.1 | |
d3 | 5.8.2 | Only needed for data-viz |
flatpickr | 4.5.2 | |
vue | 2.6.3 |
- Experimental CvCodeSnippet behind feature flag (#244).
- Experimental CvContentSwitcher behind feature flag (#246)
- Experimental CvDatePicker behind feature flag (#251)
- Added CvInlineLoader (#253)
- Added password behviour for CvTextInput (#254)
- Experimental toggle added for supporting components (#257)
- chore: Reduced storybook CSS payload
- fix: Checkbox hover when disabled (#241)
- fix: add missing inherit attrs false (#249)
- fix: show tip and hide tip buttons for interactive tooltip storybook (#248)
- fix: content switcher icon spacing (#258)
Versions reflect those version was built using.
Dependency | Version | Notes |
@carbon/icon-helpers | 0.0.1-beta.0 | experimental only |
@carbon/icons-vue | 0.0.1-beta.0 | experimental only |
carbon-components | 9.70.1 | |
d3 | 5.8.2 | Only needed for data-viz |
flatpickr | 4.5.2 | |
vue | 2.6.3 |
- Add row-select-change and row-select-changes events to table.
- Add rows-selected property to table
- Add use rows-selected with v-model for table
- Fix overflow menu issue #234
Dependency | Version | Notes |
@carbon/icon-helpers | 0.0.1-beta.0 | experimental only |
@carbon/icons-vue | 0.0.1-beta.0 | experimental only |
carbon-components | 9.70.1 | |
d3 | 5.7.0 | Only needed for data-viz |
flatpickr | 4.5.1 | |
vue | 2.6.1 | some reactivity (e.g. data table) requires this |
- Removed setTimeout use
- Added Skeleton components for
- CvFileUpload
- CvDropdown
- CvCodeSnippet
- CvCheckbox
- Add actions option to data table
- Add batch actions option to data table
- Updated table pagination
- Add CvDataTableRow and CvDataTableCell to allow HTML use in tables
- Add CvButtonSkeleton
- Add overflow menu option to table.
- Fix initially hidden expanding tile behaviour.
- Add CvBreadCrumbSkeleton
- Add header and footer slots for CvTable
- Set button type="button" for all buttons except CvButton. This prevents form submit if a component happens to be inside a form.
- Added CvSkeletonText, CvAccordionSeketon and CvAccordionItemSekeleton.
- Removed Symbol use in prop types, fixing CvRadioButton, CvSlider and CvPagination use with the minified compiled modules.
- Minor story fixes
- Fix typo in CvContentSwitcherContent component name
- Storybook: update views
- CvFileUploader: added v-model and missing parts to
- CvToolbar: added
- CvDataTable: added minus the filter/toolbar
- Tests - Added unit test suite and first tests (CvTag)
- CvContentSwitcher - Added non-DOM direct content managment
- Turned helper and invalidMessages into slops (slot-prop hybrid)
- CvIcon - Downgraded to helper component to remove dependency on carbon-icons
- Renamed UMD and CommonJS modules from carbon-components-vue... to carbon-vue...
- Initial data-viz/bar-graph added
- Story corrections
- Change use of $parent to prefer events
- Chagne use of $children to check child type
- Fix overflow and interactive-tooltip position on scroll/resize
- Add gauge component - story is Data-viz/CvGauge
- Add pie chart component - story is Data-viz/CvPieChart
- Add router-link version of CvLink
Correct duff deploy
- Fix click on modal dialog closing it
- Fix tab out of modal
- Remove unused vars
- Make structured list native Vue
- Simplify structured list components
- Removed non-core CSS
- Fix to paginator reactivity
- Make tooltip native Vue
- Tidy up a bit of unused code
- Make tabs native Vue and use carbon react pattern (breaks previous tab use)
- Fix modal hide on main body click and show visible in story.
- Make cv-search native Vue.
- Make cv-number-input native Vue.
- Fixed expandable tile and made it native Vue
- Made notification componentes native Vue
- Tidied toggle stories.
- Knobs now operate as Vue properties the template is no longer replaced each time (as per Knobs in storybook 3)
- Story kinds array replaced by variants which define the settings used in each story.
- NOTE: slots no longer editable
This initial set of components, based on v9 of carbon components, includes draft implementations of all non-data viz components found in the core carbon components library. Public parts of the component: properties, events, data, methods, computed values are at this point subject to review at this point.