Named Pipe Wrapper Json for .NET Framework 4.0 and .NET Core 6.0.
This project is based of Andrew C. Dvorak's work at Named Pipe Wrapper, updated to support NET Core and Json.
<PackageReference Include="ricaun.NamedPipeWrapper.Json" Version="*" />
- Create named pipe servers that can handle multiple client connections simultaneously.
- Send strongly-typed messages between clients and servers: any serializable .NET object can be sent over a pipe and will be automatically serialized/deserialized, including cyclical references and complex object graphs.
- Messages are sent and received asynchronously on a separate background thread and marshalled back to the calling thread (typically the UI).
- Supports large messages - up to 300 MiB.
- Design to work inside Autodesk Revit without conflict.
By default, all classes gonna be serialized/deserialized by JsonExtension.JsonService
with the interface IJsonService
, in the end, a JSON string is passed using the PipeStream
If Newtonsoft.Json
exists in the project, the NewtonsoftJsonService
will be used instead of the default JsonService
The default JsonService
for NETFRAMWORK use System.Web.Extensions
, and for NETCOREAPP the System.Text.Json
var server = new NamedPipeServer<SomeClass>("MyServerPipe");
server.ClientConnected += delegate(NamedPipeConnection<SomeClass> conn)
Console.WriteLine("Client {0} is now connected!", conn.Id);
conn.PushMessage(new SomeClass { Text: "Welcome!" });
server.ClientMessage += delegate(NamedPipeConnection<SomeClass> conn, SomeClass message)
Console.WriteLine("Client {0} says: {1}", conn.Id, message.Text);
// Start up the server asynchronously and begin listening for connections.
// This method will return immediately while the server runs in a separate background thread.
// ...
var client = new NamedPipeClient<SomeClass>("MyServerPipe");
client.ServerMessage += delegate(NamedPipeConnection<SomeClass> conn, SomeClass message)
Console.WriteLine("Server says: {0}", message.Text);
// Start up the client asynchronously and connect to the specified server pipe.
// This method will return immediately while the client runs in a separate background thread.
// ...
The NamedPipeUtils
class provides some utility methods for working with named pipes.
bool pipeExists = NamedPipeUtils.PipeFileExists("MyServerPipe");
Override the default JsonService
with the interface IJsonService
JsonExtension.JsonService = new MyJsonService();
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
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