diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ec8ce15..12b7299 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Basically, it does only provide only the two calls `getState` and `executeAction * `sbt scalastyle` to make a check with ScalaStyle. * `sbt doc` to generate the scaladoc API documentation. * `sbt scalafmt` to format the Scala source files with scalafmt. -* `sbt release with-defaults` to create a release with a new version number which is added as tag. This command does also publish the artifacts. +* `sbt 'release cross with-defaults'` to create a release with a new version number which is added as tag. This command does also publish the artifacts. * `sbt publish` publishes the artifacts in ReTest's Nexus. Requires a `$HOME/.sbt/.credentials` file with the correct credentials. ## NFA for the Representation of Tests