18 | 18 | Release notes
19 | 19 | =============
20 | 20 |
| 21 | +v0.14.0 |
| 22 | +------- |
| 23 | + |
| 24 | +This release note includes the changes of the ``rero-ils-ui`` project |
| 25 | +[`link`_] . |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | +User interface |
| 28 | +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| 29 | + |
| 30 | +- Displays the qualifier, status and note of the identifier in the |
| 31 | + document detailed view. |
| 32 | +- Translates the identifier types. |
| 33 | +- Displays in the patron account history, both professional and public |
| 34 | + interface, the item on loans that are in transit to house. |
| 35 | + |
| 36 | +Professional interface |
| 37 | +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| 38 | + |
| 39 | +- Displays the new item note categories (see the `metadata`_ section), |
| 40 | + with an icon to identify public note. |
| 41 | +- Orders the requests in the modal to edit the request queue on an item |
| 42 | + by creation date. |
| 43 | +- Updates the patron type detailed view to display the circulation |
| 44 | + restrictions (see `circulation`_ section). |
| 45 | +- Updates the message displayed to the librarian when a patron is |
| 46 | + blocked. |
| 47 | +- Adds counters on the patron account tabs title of the professional |
| 48 | + interface. |
| 49 | +- Limits the payment account to 2 decimals in the transaction payment |
| 50 | + form (fee tab of the patron account of the circulation module). |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +Circulation |
| 53 | +~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | +- Fixes the loan API to include the correct action name ``extend`` |
| 56 | + instead of ``extend_loan`` when a loan is renewed. |
| 57 | +- Fixes the cancellation of a request when there are several requests |
| 58 | + on the item. |
| 59 | +- Sort loan API response by loan creation date. |
| 60 | +- Implements circulation restrictions: |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | + - Adds a limit on the total number of checkouts. Once the limit is |
| 63 | + reached, checkouts for this patron is blocked. |
| 64 | + - Adds a limit depending the total amount of fees for a patron. |
| 65 | + - Adds a limit on the number of overdue items. The limit is set in |
| 66 | + the ``patron_type`` record. Once the limit is reached, the patron |
| 67 | + cannot check out any items. |
| 68 | + |
| 69 | +- Rewrites the blocked patron restrictions to adapt to the new |
| 70 | + implemented restrictions. |
| 71 | +- Hides circulation actions in the public interface, either in document |
| 72 | + detailed view or in the patron account when the patron cannot operate |
| 73 | + these actions. The *renew* button is always displayed, but disabled |
| 74 | + when the action is not possible and an explanation is added in a |
| 75 | + tooltip. |
| 76 | +- Fixes a bug when checking in ``on_shelf`` or ``in_transit`` item |
| 77 | + (with no loan) that did not receive the correct item status. |
| 78 | +- Removes the time from the due date of a checked out item on the |
| 79 | + document detailed view of the public interface. |
| 80 | +- Fixes a bug with paid fees. In the patron account of the circulation |
| 81 | + module (professional interface), some paid fees still appeared, due |
| 82 | + to arithmetic operation (10 - 9,54 = 0.460000000000085). |
| 83 | +- Displays the pickup location name instead of the location name in the |
| 84 | + *to pickup* tab of the circulation module. |
| 85 | +- Updates circulation HTML template after the ``v0.13.0`` release to |
| 86 | + fix Cypress tests. |
| 87 | +- Allows librarians to cancel requests on item with *at desk* status. |
| 88 | + The ``cancel_request`` permissions had to be updated. A flash message |
| 89 | + warns the librarian about the item status. The item detailed view is |
| 90 | + updated after the request cancellation. |
| 91 | +- Adapts the patron name link, in the circulation module, to the |
| 92 | + context: in the checkin mode, the link points to the patron account |
| 93 | + of the circulation module, but in the patron account of the |
| 94 | + circulation module, it points to the patron detailed view of the |
| 95 | + professional interface. |
| 96 | +- Adds the patron age to the patron birth date in the patron account of |
| 97 | + the circulation module, to quicker identify children. |
| 98 | +- Allows the librarians to sort the checked out item of the patron |
| 99 | + account of the professional interface. |
| 100 | +- Improves the patron search of the circulation module to allow |
| 101 | + searching by barcode or patron name. A warning is displayed if the |
| 102 | + system found more than one result. The first result is displayed in |
| 103 | + the circulation module. |
| 104 | + |
| 105 | +Metadata |
| 106 | +~~~~~~~~ |
| 107 | + |
| 108 | +- Makes the ``cantons`` field conditional of the ``sz`` (Switzerland) |
| 109 | + value of the ``county`` field. |
| 110 | +- Adds the following note categories to the item JSON schema: |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | + - *binding note*. |
| 113 | + - *provenance note.* |
| 114 | + - *patrimonial note*. |
| 115 | + - *acquisition note*. |
| 116 | + |
| 117 | +- Renames the *public note* to *general note*. |
| 118 | +- Adds the ``enumerationAndChronology`` filed to all type of items |
| 119 | + (issue and others). |
| 120 | +- Sorts the contribution roles in the document editor (with |
| 121 | + ``selectWithSort`` form option). |
| 122 | +- Improves the email validation message in several resources JSON |
| 123 | + schema. |
| 124 | +- Renames person module into contribution module. |
| 125 | +- Makes the holdings `vendor` field optional. It should not be required. |
| 126 | + |
| 127 | +Acquisitions |
| 128 | +~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| 129 | + |
| 130 | +- Adds a complete list of serial pattern templates, that are the most |
| 131 | + used patterns. These templates are now available to all librarians of |
| 132 | + all organisations. |
| 133 | +- Allows to use the expected date of a serial issue in the serial |
| 134 | + pattern template. This leverage the setting of the enumeration and |
| 135 | + chronology of the issue. |
| 136 | +- Improves the serial pattern preview. The number of HTTP calls have |
| 137 | + been reduced. |
| 138 | +- Displays late and claimed serial issues in the professional interface |
| 139 | + and in the public interface. |
| 140 | + |
| 141 | +User management |
| 142 | +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| 143 | + |
| 144 | +- Allows users without email. When a user without email attempt to |
| 145 | + reset his or her password, a warning message propose to contact a |
| 146 | + librarian. |
| 147 | +- Allows the librarian to change a patron password, with a button in |
| 148 | + the patron information of the patron account of the circulation |
| 149 | + module. The patron editor can be opened directly from the circulation |
| 150 | + module. |
| 151 | +- Displays the patron role in the circulation module and in the patron |
| 152 | + detailed view. |
| 153 | +- Allows users to give a second email for notification only, thus |
| 154 | + allowing a child to give its parent email. |
| 155 | +- Fixes a subscription renewal issue preventing to add to patron a |
| 156 | + subscription when they already have a valid one. |
| 157 | +- Requires an email for a user with librarian or system librarian role |
| 158 | + in the user editor. |
| 159 | +- Sets a default expiration date value to now + 3 years. |
| 160 | + |
| 161 | +Permissions |
| 162 | +~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| 163 | + |
| 164 | +- Grants to the system librarian all the librarian rights. |
| 165 | + |
| 166 | +API |
| 167 | +~~~ |
| 168 | + |
| 169 | +- Adds a configuration option to sort the API response by the record |
| 170 | + creation date. |
| 171 | +- Optimizes the number of API calls when requesting permissions from |
| 172 | + the professional interface. |
| 173 | +- Adds an ``invenio-account`` API to change a user password. |
| 174 | + |
| 175 | +Tests |
| 176 | +~~~~~ |
| 177 | + |
| 178 | +- Cypress tests: |
| 179 | + |
| 180 | + - Adds tests for resource template and template usage. |
| 181 | + - Adds tests for the collections. |
| 182 | + - Adds template fixtures. |
| 183 | + - Adds cookie preservation to keep authentication information |
| 184 | + between tests. |
| 185 | + - Adds a ``goToMenu`` command to Cypress to ease navigating the |
| 186 | + application. |
| 187 | + - Adds tests for login and logout. |
| 188 | + - Uses API calls to login and logout. |
| 189 | + - Replaces UI actions by API calls in order to speed up the tests. |
| 190 | + - Replaces UI navigation by ``cy.visit`` when relevant. |
| 191 | + - Adds a method to get the current date and hour in order to use it |
| 192 | + in the API requests. |
| 193 | + - Adds a method to create a document and an item with API calls. |
| 194 | + |
| 195 | +Instance |
| 196 | +~~~~~~~~ |
| 197 | + |
| 198 | +- Fixes ``poetry`` version to ``<1.1.0``. |
| 199 | + |
| 200 | +Issues |
| 201 | +~~~~~~ |
| 202 | + |
| 203 | +- `#918`_: Identifier type are not translated in the document detailed |
| 204 | + view. |
| 205 | +- `#1220`_: A method to keep authentication information for Cypress |
| 206 | + tests is needed. |
| 207 | +- `#1231`_: Selector with multiple choice are not alphabetically |
| 208 | + sorted. |
| 209 | +- `#1256`_: After a renewal, the new due date is not displayed in the |
| 210 | + professional view. |
| 211 | +- `#1278`_: The tab titles of the patron account of the professional |
| 212 | + interface should display a count of the items of the list. |
| 213 | +- `#1281`_: *Fees* is not translated in the patron account of the |
| 214 | + professional interface. |
| 215 | +- `#1285`_: The *canton* selector, in the document editor, should |
| 216 | + appear only if *Switzerland* is selected in the *country* selector. |
| 217 | +- `#1293`_: It’s not possible to cancel a request on an item with the |
| 218 | + *at desk* status. |
| 219 | +- `#1300`_: Display the pickup location name instead of the location |
| 220 | + name in the circulation module. |
| 221 | +- `#1303`_: Cannot delete a request of an item with multiple requests. |
| 222 | +- `#1314`_: Requests in the modal to edit the request queue are not |
| 223 | + ordered by creation date. |
| 224 | +- `#1317`_: The patron subscription renewal task raise issues in |
| 225 | + Sentry, because the ``get_patrons_without_subscriptions`` has a bug. |
| 226 | +- `#1334`_: The `circulation action`_ ``CHECKIN_1_1_2`` does not work |
| 227 | + as expected. |
| 228 | +- `#1340`_: A system librarian without the librarian role doesn’t have |
| 229 | + all librarian rights, resulting in bugs. |
| 230 | +- `#1355`_: The authors should be displayed in the requests (pending |
| 231 | + and at desk) of the patron account of the professional interface. |
| 232 | +- `#1356`_: Rename the request status *ready* into *to pick up* in the |
| 233 | + patron account of the public interface. |
| 234 | +- `#1357`_: Display the *renew* button in the patron account of the |
| 235 | + public interface, even if the action is disabled, and add |
| 236 | + explanations in the tooltip. |
| 237 | +- `#1360`_: The loan in transit to house are not displayed in the |
| 238 | + patron history (professional and public interface). |
| 239 | +- `#1364`_: Search by patron name in the checkin/checkout form |
| 240 | + (circulation module). |
| 241 | +- `#1373`_: In the patron account of the professional interface, some |
| 242 | + paid fees still appear. |
| 243 | +- `#1378`_: In the checkin form of the circulation module, the patron |
| 244 | + information should contain a different link depending if the module |
| 245 | + is in checkin or checkout mode, and display the age of the patron to |
| 246 | + identify children quicker. |
| 247 | +- `#1381`_: Email without full domain name can be saved in the patron |
| 248 | + and vendor editor. |
| 249 | +- `#1382`_: In the patron editor (JSON schema), the description of the |
| 250 | + ``street`` field should not ask for a coma. |
| 251 | +- `#1385`_: Replace *patron barcode* by *patron number* label in the |
| 252 | + patron account of the public interface. |
| 253 | +- `#1386`_: Do not display the patron birth date in the upper part of |
| 254 | + the patron account of the public interface. Instead, display it in |
| 255 | + the personal data tab, below. |
| 256 | +- `#1398`_: In the document detailed view of the public interface, when |
| 257 | + an item is on loan, the due date should not display the ``datetime``. |
| 258 | +- `#1403`_: The qualifier, status and note of the identifier should be |
| 259 | + displayed in the document detailed view. |
| 260 | + |
| 261 | +.. _link: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils-ui |
| 262 | +.. _metadata: #metadata |
| 263 | +.. _circulation: #circulation |
| 264 | +.. _#918: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/918 |
| 265 | +.. _#1220: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1220 |
| 266 | +.. _#1231: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1231 |
| 267 | +.. _#1256: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1256 |
| 268 | +.. _#1278: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1278 |
| 269 | +.. _#1281: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1281 |
| 270 | +.. _#1285: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1285 |
| 271 | +.. _#1293: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1293 |
| 272 | +.. _#1300: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1300 |
| 273 | +.. _#1303: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1303 |
| 274 | +.. _#1314: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1314 |
| 275 | +.. _#1317: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1317 |
| 276 | +.. _#1334: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1334 |
| 277 | +.. _circulation action: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/blob/dev/doc/circulation/actions.md#checkin-form |
| 278 | +.. _#1340: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1340 |
| 279 | +.. _#1355: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1355 |
| 280 | +.. _#1356: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1356 |
| 281 | +.. _#1357: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1357 |
| 282 | +.. _#1360: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1360 |
| 283 | +.. _#1364: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1364 |
| 284 | +.. _#1373: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1373 |
| 285 | +.. _#1378: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1378 |
| 286 | +.. _#1381: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1381 |
| 287 | +.. _#1382: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1382 |
| 288 | +.. _#1385: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1385 |
| 289 | +.. _#1386: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1386 |
| 290 | +.. _#1398: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1398 |
| 291 | +.. _#1403: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1403 |
| 292 | + |
21 | 293 | v0.13.1
22 | 294 | -------
23 | 295 |
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