17 | 17 | Changes
18 | 18 | =======
19 | 19 |
| 20 | +`v0.12.0rc`_ (2020-09-14) |
| 21 | +------------------------- |
| 22 | + |
| 23 | +`Full Changelog`_ |
| 24 | + |
| 25 | +**Implemented enhancements:** |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | +- The help menu should point to the public help page if clicked from |
| 28 | + public interface `#1127`_ |
| 29 | +- scripts: install ng-core and ui in main project `#1142`_ |
| 30 | + (`blankoworld`_) |
| 31 | +- cypress: enhance Cypress commands precision `#1136`_ (`blankoworld`_) |
| 32 | +- tests: enhance Cypress with fixtures `#1125`_ (`blankoworld`_) |
| 33 | + |
| 34 | +**Fixed bugs:** |
| 35 | + |
| 36 | +- message ‘prêt impossible’ : l’exemplaire est demandé par un autre |
| 37 | + lecteur `#1160`_ |
| 38 | +- celery scheduler can not locate the method |
| 39 | + task_clear_and_renew_subscriptions `#1158`_ |
| 40 | +- Selects aren’t alphabetically sorted when the form options have the |
| 41 | + code as value of the ``lablel`` and ``value`` keys `#1149`_ |
| 42 | +- Public patron profile view raises an error 500 `#1145`_ |
| 43 | +- Patron profile view raises an error 410 (error 500 displayed) when an |
| 44 | + item of the history is deleted `#1137`_ |
| 45 | +- The circulation interface mixes item barcodes between organisations. |
| 46 | + `#1085`_ |
| 47 | +- Contributors without MEF links not displayed in pro detailed view |
| 48 | + `#1030`_ |
| 49 | +- documents: import EAN - some abstracts are HTML encoded `#743`_ |
| 50 | +- test: fix autoflake errors `#1176`_ (`rerowep`_) |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +**Closed issues:** |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | +- The property numbering_script is either in the wrong file, or to be |
| 55 | + deleted `#1147`_ |
| 56 | +- Impossible to request a document of another library `#927`_ |
| 57 | +- Renewal badge irrelevant for checked in items `#797`_ |
| 58 | +- UI : Replace RXJS “combineLatest” `#549`_ |
| 59 | + |
| 60 | +**Merged pull requests:** |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | +- persons: fix public search count `#1205`_ (`rerowep`_) |
| 63 | +- holdings: allow creating std holdings on journal `#1197`_ |
| 64 | + (`BadrAly`_) |
| 65 | +- search: remove useless translated facets `#1195`_ (`lauren-d`_) |
| 66 | +- document: replace role label content with values `#1194`_ |
| 67 | + (`iGormilhit`_) |
| 68 | +- editor: fix error 400 when saving a simple document `#1192`_ |
| 69 | + (`AoNoOokami`_) |
| 70 | +- package: update dependencies `#1191`_ (`BadrAly`_) |
| 71 | +- US1546 marcxml support `#1189`_ (`BadrAly`_) |
| 72 | +- acquisition: add document selector for order lines `#1185`_ |
| 73 | + (`lauren-d`_) |
| 74 | +- utils: new method to return record class `#1183`_ (`BadrAly`_) |
| 75 | +- cypress: create model test `#1180`_ (`AoNoOokami`_) |
| 76 | +- circulation: fix validate request return type `#1177`_ (`zannkukai`_) |
| 77 | +- circulation: fix change pickup location on loans `#1174`_ |
| 78 | + (`BadrAly`_) |
| 79 | +- help: update the public help menu entry url `#1172`_ (`zannkukai`_) |
| 80 | +- Translations update from Weblate `#1171`_ (`weblate`_) |
| 81 | +- permission: refactoring the loan permission factory `#1170`_ |
| 82 | + (`zannkukai`_) |
| 83 | +- circulation: allow requests on ITEM_IN_TRANSIT_TO_HOUSE loans. |
| 84 | + `#1169`_ (`BadrAly`_) |
| 85 | +- US1394 invenio circulation `#1166`_ (`BadrAly`_) |
| 86 | +- inventory: export document creator field `#1163`_ (`lauren-d`_) |
| 87 | +- wiki: update the public help menu entry url `#1162`_ (`zannkukai`_) |
| 88 | +- data: reorganisation of json schema. `#1156`_ (`rerowep`_) |
| 89 | +- Translations update from Weblate `#1154`_ (`weblate`_) |
| 90 | +- Translations update from Weblate `#1153`_ (`weblate`_) |
| 91 | +- patron profile: fix for plural translation `#1148`_ (`Garfield-fr`_) |
| 92 | +- Translations update from Weblate `#1141`_ (`weblate`_) |
| 93 | +- patron: no history returned for deleted items `#1139`_ (`BadrAly`_) |
| 94 | +- Translations update from Weblate `#1138`_ (`weblate`_) |
| 95 | +- marc21tojson: fix transformation errors `#1134`_ (`rerowep`_) |
| 96 | +- Translations update from Weblate `#1131`_ (`weblate`_) |
| 97 | +- item: update item/doc for new acquisition `#1130`_ (`zannkukai`_) |
| 98 | +- data model: implement contribution `#1129`_ (`rerowep`_) |
| 99 | +- patron account: add fees tab `#1124`_ (`Garfield-fr`_) |
| 100 | +- cli: marc21json cli function to use splitted json schemas `#1120`_ |
| 101 | + (`rerowep`_) |
| 102 | +- cypress: test the creation of a simple document `#1116`_ |
| 103 | + (`AoNoOokami`_) |
| 104 | +- SIP2: implement patron information `#1096`_ (`lauren-d`_) |
| 105 | + |
| 106 | +.. _v0.12.0rc: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/tree/v0.12.0rc |
| 107 | +.. _Full Changelog: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/compare/v0.11.0...v0.12.0rc |
| 108 | +.. _#1127: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1127 |
| 109 | +.. _#1142: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1142 |
| 110 | +.. _blankoworld: https://github.com/blankoworld |
| 111 | +.. _#1136: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1136 |
| 112 | +.. _#1125: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1125 |
| 113 | +.. _#1160: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1160 |
| 114 | +.. _#1158: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1158 |
| 115 | +.. _#1149: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1149 |
| 116 | +.. _#1145: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1145 |
| 117 | +.. _#1137: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1137 |
| 118 | +.. _#1085: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1085 |
| 119 | +.. _#1030: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1030 |
| 120 | +.. _#743: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/743 |
| 121 | +.. _#1176: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1176 |
| 122 | +.. _rerowep: https://github.com/rerowep |
| 123 | +.. _#1147: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1147 |
| 124 | +.. _#927: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/927 |
| 125 | +.. _#797: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/797 |
| 126 | +.. _#549: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/549 |
| 127 | +.. _#1205: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1205 |
| 128 | +.. _#1197: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1197 |
| 129 | +.. _BadrAly: https://github.com/BadrAly |
| 130 | +.. _#1195: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1195 |
| 131 | +.. _lauren-d: https://github.com/lauren-d |
| 132 | +.. _#1194: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1194 |
| 133 | +.. _iGormilhit: https://github.com/iGormilhit |
| 134 | +.. _#1192: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1192 |
| 135 | +.. _AoNoOokami: https://github.com/AoNoOokami |
| 136 | +.. _#1191: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1191 |
| 137 | +.. _#1189: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1189 |
| 138 | +.. _#1185: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1185 |
| 139 | +.. _#1183: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1183 |
| 140 | +.. _#1180: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1180 |
| 141 | +.. _#1177: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1177 |
| 142 | +.. _zannkukai: https://github.com/zannkukai |
| 143 | +.. _#1174: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1174 |
| 144 | +.. _#1172: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1172 |
| 145 | +.. _#1171: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1171 |
| 146 | +.. _weblate: https://github.com/weblate |
| 147 | +.. _#1170: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1170 |
| 148 | +.. _#1169: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1169 |
| 149 | +.. _#1166: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1166 |
| 150 | +.. _#1163: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1163 |
| 151 | +.. _#1162: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1162 |
| 152 | +.. _#1156: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1156 |
| 153 | +.. _#1154: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1154 |
| 154 | +.. _#1153: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1153 |
| 155 | +.. _#1148: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1148 |
| 156 | +.. _Garfield-fr: https://github.com/Garfield-fr |
| 157 | +.. _#1141: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1141 |
| 158 | +.. _#1139: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1139 |
| 159 | +.. _#1138: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1138 |
| 160 | +.. _#1134: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1134 |
| 161 | +.. _#1131: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1131 |
| 162 | +.. _#1130: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1130 |
| 163 | +.. _#1129: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1129 |
| 164 | +.. _#1124: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1124 |
| 165 | +.. _#1120: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1120 |
| 166 | +.. _#1116: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1116 |
| 167 | +.. _#1096: https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/1096 |
| 168 | + |
20 | 169 | `v0.11.0 <https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/tree/v0.11.0>`__ (2020-08-03)
21 | 170 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 | 171 |
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