1 | 1 | # Changelog
2 | 2 |
| 3 | +## [v1.9.0](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/tree/v1.9.0) (2022-02-24) |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/compare/v1.8.0...v1.9.0) |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +**Closed issues:** |
| 8 | + |
| 9 | +- Users management [\#2713](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2713) |
| 10 | +- Public interface: redirect directly to the patron profile after loging in [\#2701](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2701) |
| 11 | +- Calculation of fees based on the library of the renewal or checkin, instead of the library of the checkout [\#2683](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2683) |
| 12 | +- Scanning a patron barcode in the circulation interface gives the following error: "Patron or item not found" [\#2677](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2677) |
| 13 | +- Document editor: field Type : add a new main type with subtypes [\#2666](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2666) |
| 14 | +- Allow to enable/disable notification creation by `config` settings [\#2665](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2665) |
| 15 | +- `request` notification not sent if library settings is incomplete [\#2656](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2656) |
| 16 | +- `educationalSheet` is not translated in the public interface [\#2654](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2654) |
| 17 | +- Problem with the first search of a document on the pro interface [\#2652](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2652) |
| 18 | +- Incremental overdue fees should always be calculated according to the checkout library's opening days [\#2640](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2640) |
| 19 | +- Convert steps dates in iso format for patron overdue preview [\#2629](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2629) |
| 20 | +- Document editor : missing value "bul-latn"and "bul-cyrl" in language drop down menu [\#2628](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2628) |
| 21 | +- Inventory : Add a checkout and due date to the export [\#2611](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2611) |
| 22 | +- Error when deleting a fine [\#2602](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2602) |
| 23 | +- Translation: Some strings not extracted [\#2601](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2601) |
| 24 | +- Library holidays: add an open option for a period [\#2577](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2577) |
| 25 | +- Search gives no result after applying a sort [\#2562](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2562) |
| 26 | +- Improve the Holdings detail view \(Issue's section\) [\#2554](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2554) |
| 27 | +- RERO+ logo on login page [\#2544](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2544) |
| 28 | +- Search parameter `bestmatch` should not be required [\#2527](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2527) |
| 29 | +- Availability of serials \(at the document level\) should be "See collections and items" if a serial holding is attached [\#2502](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2502) |
| 30 | +- Add the edition statements in the search result \(document brief views\) [\#2429](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2429) |
| 31 | +- Creation date mentioned in patron account [\#2377](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2377) |
| 32 | +- Inventory list: add a facet for the temporary circulation category and temporary location [\#2364](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2364) |
| 33 | +- Document : Display subtitle in brief view \(public and professional\) [\#2335](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2335) |
| 34 | +- Circ policies: overdue fees not displayed if the reminders are not configured [\#2325](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2325) |
| 35 | +- `responsibilityStatement` should be a quick access field [\#2324](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2324) |
| 36 | +- Often the public and professional interface changes the language [\#2277](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2277) |
| 37 | +- The item or the loan has not been indexed after a checkin. [\#2252](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2252) |
| 38 | +- Holdings detailed view: masked items \(issues\) are displayed with an icon "not masked". [\#2240](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2240) |
| 39 | +- Failed checkouts are saved in the circulation history of the concerned item [\#2173](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2173) |
| 40 | +- Cannot read property `default_currency` when displaying items in pro interface [\#2135](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2135) |
| 41 | +- Translations are wrong or not shown for field `originalLanguage` in the editor [\#2089](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2089) |
| 42 | +- Extra parenthesis on the display of an ILL request detailed view [\#2062](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/2062) |
| 43 | +- data.rero.ch/01-\[RERO nr.\] should be redirected to RERO ILS for the go-live [\#1802](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1802) |
| 44 | +- Library exceptions should be displayed in chronological order [\#1782](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1782) |
| 45 | +- Items of type "issue" should not be integrated to the new acquisitions by default. [\#1718](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1718) |
| 46 | +- Request date shouldn't be updated after validation [\#1704](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1704) |
| 47 | +- Opening exception periods are not displayed in library detail view [\#1690](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1690) |
| 48 | +- circulation: block checkout/renew/request when patron has unpaid subscription [\#1530](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/issues/1530) |
| 49 | + |
| 50 | +**Merged pull requests:** |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +- contribution: fix update-contributions [\#2723](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2723) ([rerowep](https://github.com/rerowep)) |
| 53 | +- issues: fix 'received\_date' required conditions. [\#2721](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2721) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 54 | +- item: add a organisation filter [\#2718](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2718) ([Garfield-fr](https://github.com/Garfield-fr)) |
| 55 | +- dependencies: fix [\#2711](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2711) ([rerowep](https://github.com/rerowep)) |
| 56 | +- modules: add logging to create [\#2709](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2709) ([rerowep](https://github.com/rerowep)) |
| 57 | +- holding: fix delete all items for issue [\#2706](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2706) ([rerowep](https://github.com/rerowep)) |
| 58 | +- menu: fix bad caret alignment in mobile menu [\#2702](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2702) ([lauren-d](https://github.com/lauren-d)) |
| 59 | +- contribution: online update [\#2699](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2699) ([rerowep](https://github.com/rerowep)) |
| 60 | +- document: fix invenio\_celery.tasks endpoints. [\#2696](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2696) ([rerowep](https://github.com/rerowep)) |
| 61 | +- notification: disable notifications creation by config [\#2690](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2690) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 62 | +- patron transaction event: fix decimal amount [\#2682](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2682) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 63 | +- circulation: compute fees on checkout location [\#2678](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2678) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 64 | +- vendor: allow more flexibility on phone number. [\#2671](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2671) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 65 | +- general: fix RERO logo for sign-in sign-up page. [\#2669](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2669) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 66 | +- document: add `teaching material` document type [\#2668](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2668) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 67 | +- holdings: serial issue isn't new acquisition [\#2667](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2667) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 68 | +- document: fix `educationalSheet` translation [\#2664](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2664) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 69 | +- notifications: refactoring email getter function [\#2657](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2657) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 70 | +- dependencies: update the dependencies lock file [\#2655](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2655) ([jma](https://github.com/jma)) |
| 71 | +- items: dump `request date` for any loan request [\#2646](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2646) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 72 | +- patron\_types: add a limit for unpaid subscription [\#2644](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2644) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 73 | +- patrons: use ISO format for dates into API [\#2642](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2642) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 74 | +- document: set `responsibilities` as essential field [\#2641](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2641) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 75 | +- document: add Bulgarian script languages [\#2638](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2638) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 76 | +- item: fix item availability API. [\#2634](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2634) ([zannkukai](https://github.com/zannkukai)) |
| 77 | +- search: add facets for inventory list [\#2612](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2612) ([lauren-d](https://github.com/lauren-d)) |
| 78 | + |
3 | 79 | ## [v1.8.0](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/tree/v1.8.0) (2022-01-20)
4 | 80 |
5 | 81 | [Full Changelog](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/compare/v1.7.0...v1.8.0)
45 | 121 | - documents: replace identifiedBy subjects with $ref [\#2558](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2558) ([rerowep](https://github.com/rerowep))
46 | 122 | - holdings/items: remove query filter and add a sort on the holdings [\#2528](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/pull/2528) ([Garfield-fr](https://github.com/Garfield-fr))
47 | 123 |
48 |
| -# Changelog |
49 |
| - |
50 | 124 | ## [v1.7.0](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/tree/v1.7.0) (2021-12-13)
51 | 125 |
52 | 126 | [Full Changelog](https://github.com/rero/rero-ils/compare/v1.6.1...v1.7.0)
0 commit comments