Legend of Mir. Mir2 project includes Server and Client, Delphi6 tools are needed to develop this project. The Mir2 Client of Data Need Version 1.5 or 1.7.6.
The project working directory in D: disk. D:\GameOfMir
1.Install Delphi6. Note: this project needs to be compiled in Delphi version 6.0.
2.Install JSocket Component. cd D:\GameOfMir\Component\JSocket Double click Jacky.dpk, Open Package dialog, Install this component.
3.Install DelphiX for Delphi6 cd D:\GameOfMir\Component\DelphiX\Source Double click DelphiX60.dpk, Open Package dialog, Install this component.
4.Install TWMImage Component. cd D:\GameOfMir\MirClient Double click MirGame.dpk, Open Package dialog, Install this component.