This folder contains all the files related to the Angular app itself
- core // This is where the core services and modules of the application resides
- api-client // Files related to the api client to send requests to the server api
- root-component // Root component bootstrapped by Angular
- authentication // Authentication related services and components
- modules // Other core modules
- modules // These will be the main modules of your app, for example login, users, settings, etc. Services and components relevant to those modules should be inside them
- shared // Folder with shared components and other helpers
- components // Components shared throught the application, like buttons and input fields
- constants // Constants used throught the application
- exceptions // Error classes thrown by the application
- interfaces // Typescript interfaces thrown by the application
- modules // Shared Angular modules used by the application
- pipes // Angular Pipes used throught the application
- util // Utilities shared throught the application
- validators // Angular validators used by the application
- tests // Folder with test related files, like mocks and setups. The tests for each component and services are adjacent to their respective tested files in the project
- global.d.ts // Global Typescript definitions
- main.ts // Entry point of the code
- polyfills.ts // Pollyfills
- tsconfig.client.json