- "After dying, a character's soul will have opportunities to ring the Deathknell by looking at a bell in the death area. This will put out a signal to others with Deathknell sensitivity training (said training can be acquired at Twilight Eye services office, commonly found on the second floor of your local Town Hall), which can be heard by anyone with an ESP artifact regardless of ESP zone (even if not in a zone at all). This signal will alert others who can hear the Deathknell that the character has died and will reveal the dead character's aura, as well as give an estimate to others of their proximity to the dead character's corpse. Additionally, the other characters will be able to use the aura who command to see the aura and corpse proximity information for anyone who has recently rang the Deathknell within the past few minutes in order to help them home in on the corpse's location for a rescue."
- Resurrection appears possible without such intervention, though it comes with a price. (See 'help dying'.)
- Bugs can be reported with 'bug'.
- 'tell' is used to send OOC messages.
- There's a BBS on the website.
- Use 'language' to select second language and switch languages.
- The Discord is pretty active for asking questions.
- Use 'check mail' for the same.
- Hold an item in right hand and use 'appraise' to see how much it will cost to mail it. Use 'mail' with item in same hand to send it.
- Use 'mail set' to set up mailbox.
- 'order' can be used to order parchment, packages or quills.
- 'riln' shows the amount of 'riln' on hand.
- 'rent room' at an inn front desk at least once to rent a room for a period of one or more days a
- At a bank, 'store' can be used to store items for a nominal fee and 'retrieve' used to retrieve items for free.
- Rented rooms can be used to store items and rest.
- "If you log out in an inn room for a certain amount of time, you get a morale bonus when you log back in. How much depends on how long you were logged out. On the other hand, if you're like me and like to idle, being in an inn or vault room the game won't kick you off".
- Use 'experience' to see the situation with gaining levels.
- 'skills' can be used to view skills.
- Pay attention to words in parentheses next to a room name.
- 'train' can be used (where appropriate) to train skills.
- Use 'browse' or 'list' at a shop to see what they have. 'order' purchases items.
- 'abilities' shows the different ability commands.
- Train Cooking in the Hearth & Home Inn Party Room. Practice Cooking in the Hearth & Home Inn Kitchen.
- When you use the skills command you'll notice that there is a column for "practice". You can only train a skill so far before you need to get some actual practice with that skill, so go out and actually put your skills to use so you can practice them and then train them further. Do note that when viewing the skill training available in a room, it may show a "max" amount, meaning you can't train any higher than that amount in that training room. It may be required to join a specific Guild or Society in order to train certain skills to higher levels, such as the Warrior Guild for training up combat skills particularly high.]
- 'task list' at a task hub will list available tasks.
- 'task checkin' at a task hub will result in payment upon completion.
- 'help prompt' gives some very useful info.
- Use 'change' in the bathhouse changing room.
- 'dry' can be used to dryself after using the bathhouse.
- "'Course, not all communication's in person. If you find yourself writing a letter to someone, don't forget to sign it with your name and mailbox number after you've written it. Otherwise, the recipient won't know where to send a response. When it comes to posting on the town boards, remember there're two main ones: One's in Town Commons for posting 'bout general town matters, but keep advertising and seeking services to the other board at the marketplace. Most people don't wanna have to sift through all the selling and hagglin' and hawking and whatnot just to see if there's anything interesting posted 'bout recent events. That's why we keep 'em separate."
- "Another interesting form of communication we got 'round here is in the form of those crystal pendants - occult artifacts scavenged up from the ruins of Aetgard. Put one on, and you get what people 'round here call ESP. With that, you can transmit what you say out loud to the minds of others also wearing the pendants over a real long distance. It's a pretty handy work of occultism - no idea how the old Aetgardians figured it out, but usage of the pendants is pretty instinctive for a lotta people. Just be aware that the pendants can get weak after a while, and while you can still hear what other people say, you won't be able to transmit your own words when one runs outta juice. That's when you buy a new one at the market if there are any for sale, or go scavenge one up yourself out in the ruins. And if all else fails, head into Town Hall and up to the second floor where you can find the Twilight Eye office - they got a big crystal in there that lets anyone standin' there use ESP even without a pendant. Good for emergencies if you find yourself without a pendant."
- "You mighta seen there's a big donation crate in the middle of Town Commons. Stuff in there's free for anyone who needs it - mostly given by generous folk for use by those recently showin' up in the Lost Lands, to help new exiles get on their feet. Don't treat the thing as a trash barrel! And don't take for free what you can afford to buy yourself: if you got money, contribute to the economy by buyin' your own gear and leave the crate for those who've fallen on hard times. Speaking of the economy, while generosity's nice and admirable and all, don't start donating everything you find or make: People gotta learn to provide and pay for themselves, and the merchants and artisans are liable to get cranky if you're giving away for free what they work hard to provide for an honest living."
- "Now, lots of exiles 'round here end up doing a bit of adventuring or fortune-seeking. There's a whole lotta treasure out there in the ruins of ol' Aetgard to be found, and lots of it's locked up tight in lockboxes. If you need a locksmith, a good place to look is in the old warehouse on Market Street. Locksmiths frequent that spot, waiting for customers to stop by and bring 'em work. It's considered polite to tip your locksmith for their services once they've finished, and if you happen to be a locksmith yourself, know that it's also the custom 'round here to let customers choose their own tip rate based on how they feel about your service. If you feel it's too low, just let 'em know. Asking a set fee beforehand is considered rude
- just the way things are."
- "If you find yourself out there exploring the wilderness, it might be best for starters to simply travel the main roads. When you see a sign out there, be sure to read it! Between the established roads and the signs you come across on them, you should be able to figure out how to get between most outposts easy enough. Just beware that some outposts have since fallen to infestation, nether-corruption, or been overrun by some other type of nasty creatures - it's always a good idea to peer into an area first and get a glimpse of whether it looks safe or not. Oh, and of course: bring plenty of travel food for the road. The distances out there are long, and there's not always food to forage or hunt."
- "I shouldn't have to tell you: just be a decent person, and people'll treat you decent. Don't take things that ain't yours, but don't think that there aren't people around who don't have qualms with stealing. Never leave something you value on the ground or out in public. Even if you don't see anyone around or you're somewhere outta the way, there's always a possibility someone'll chance by and snatch it up. If you want a safe place to store valuables, head to the bank a block north and west of Town Commons where you can deposit your money and store your belongings in your vault. And on the subject of safe places, you might wanna rent a room at the inn, where you can rest in safety on a comfortable bed, and you can leave your items in your inn room safe and sound, too. If the rent's up and you still have stuff in there, they'll just ship it to your local bank vault for you - and charge you a fee, of course."
- "I'll be honest and say you're probably gonna end up getting hurt at some point. This land ain't quarantined on account of it being so soft and safe, after all. If you do find yourself needing medical attention, make your way to the infirmary on Brewery Row, a block east and northeast from the Commons. Keep in mind, though - lotta people packed into Shadgard, and only so much healer's attention to go around. While there're usually triage workers 'round the clock to take care of the more immediate life-threatening flesh wounds, they often don't have time to get to the less immediate stuff like frostbite or a cough or whatnot, with all the other patients waitin'. Might do you good to make friends with a physicker - someone who can take care of other conditions like infections, frostbite, and even give you some therapy if you need it. Living in the Lost Lands can take a toll on one's mind, for sure."
- "On the note of getting hurt - you may have heard rumors about some folk with a condition we call 'Undying'. I don't know too much about it, seein' as I've put my sense to work at keepin' myself from gettin' killed, but the idea there is that something 'bout these lands keeps some folk from staying dead. Somehow or other, they pop back up somewhere eventually even after the most gruesome and surest of deaths. Whether that kinda luck is good or bad's a matter of debate 'round here. Some blame the nether, pulling souls back from movin' on. Others attribute it to miracles of the Immortals - a mercy to exiles thrust into an unforgiving land, or perhaps maybe a curse to keep 'em from finding rest. Whatever the case - if you happen to be one so blessed or cursed, and you wake up somehow after what shoulda been your last breath, might be good to find your previous corpse when you can to recover your gear. Most folks that find a corpse out somewhere will bring it back to the crypt in the church on the south side of town, so that's a good place to look if you think your corpse has been moved. And take it from me - seek a physicker for some therapy if you end up wakin' alive up after dying. Yer gonna need it."
- Twilight Eye in the Town Hall in Shadgard offers aura, item registration and attunement.
- It's possible to clean one's items in Bindlestick Alley in Shadgard.
- 'go vault' can be used in a bank for a small fee.
- While starving, one will not die, but it's only possible to regenerate energy up to 5%.
- 'food' shows food supplies.
- 'travel' can be used on roads in the wilderness until coming to a fork in the road.
- 'look in backpack' to view contents of backpack.
- 'help morale' is very informative.
- Metalworking can both be trained and practiced in any workyard.
- Stoneworking can apparently be trained in mines.
- Use 'light' to light a light source (with appropriate other tools) and 'extinguish' to snuff it out.
- Farmland can be rented from a stockade. There's a stockade up the path in the west side of town then it's at the end of the tunnel.
- Learn how to use 'say' and 'esp'.
- Metal items can be repaired at a blacksmith shop.
- You can go AFK in a rented room indefinitely and not get logged out.
- Promissory notes are only used if you have no riln.
- NPCs are shown as yellow.
- "You can target the NAME verb very specifically". "If you add keywords like short slim woman".
- Naming people after their pendant color is very efficient.
- 'put copper sandstone in backpack'.
- "With very few exceptions you can get very detailed with targetting here, with pretty much any command that matches to characters or objects. For example if you're trying to buy a jar from the market, you can do things like order unguent jar to get a jar that has unguent in it, or empty jar, or even small empty jar. Another cool matching trick is using my and notmy. Example, get notmy bag to grab a bag that isn't on your person, or l my shirt to look at a shirt you have rather than one that's in the room. Just some tips that have saved my sanity. lol"
- "The Rook Parlour trainers of Warlocks have left the Library of Qamar to teach where they are more comfortable. Warlocks who had studied under the trainers here can now seek them out in the mausoleum of Evergreen Cemetery in Ravenwood (near Shadgard), or the Rook Parlour building in Mistral Lake, a block west of the Shandy Gaff diner."
- One can join the Qamari Guild of Scholars in the Library of ... Qamar.
- 'status' gives a longer form of what's in the prompt.
- 'sell' stuff you make just east of the Town Commons in Shadgard.
- "Note: It is possible to sell items in quantities using the qty argument: sell salmonberries qty 12, or use the all argument to sell all of an item: sell arrowhead all."
- 'help public skill training facilities'.
- 'cook' shows available recipes.
- 'time' and 'calendar'.
- A pine mallet is adequate for at least some stoneworking.
- 'help metalcasting'.
- 'help combat' is REALLY extensive.
- "The ravens are a good starting point. Take the northwest road from the first fork north of shadgard, and follow the footpath there."
- 'health'.
- Type 'combat' to see how to set combat mode etc.
- Be sure to 'attack' enemies.
- 'loose' with no argument launches missiles.
- Missiles can be recovered.
- 'put bullet from pouch in trunk'.
- 'clean gear'.
- 'mail alias'.
- 'introduce'.
- Netherbane oil applied to a weapon and Arcana can be used for lighting.
- Placing lit candles in every room used also works.
- To reach Blackwater Construction Site, head towards New Emberlight but don't actually go there. Follow the road NW of the Abandoned Canyon Village until finding a trail. Follow that trail more or less east.
- A sickle is apparently useful for Weaving and skeins can be bought at the market.
- Iron mining and processing is profitable. Two Falls Mine has iron.
- Get a heavy helmet for mining.
- 'unhide'.
- 'help foraging'.
- Re: turning thornleaf into cloth: "first you crush them into fibers (needs bushcraft 50) then you make cordage, then you convert them"
- Re: bait: "Earthworms. Sold at the Ranger's Lounge."
- Hold fishing rod and line in either hand then type 'attach' etc.
- 'order tomato qty 12'.
- Carts are important for hauling large quantities of goods.
- Once you're finished cooking in a skillet (or whatever), just remove the finished item.
- 'bandage'.
- Steam spinners indicating a blacksmith mean that extra and, so I've been told, faster blacksmith services are available in various parts of town.
- To go to Mistral Lake, first head towards New Emberlight.
- "Charcoal is produced when a campfire has burnt out completely. It can be used as flux in the process of smelting ores, helping reduce impurities in most metals."
- 'forage firewood to ground'.
- Metalcasting is very good practice, especially nails and rivets.
- 'help foraging'.
- One can study Construction at the Timberpine Sawmill.
- Weaving wicker stuff from bluestem grass is a good way to level Bushcraft.
- 'help split'.
- Failure to purify blooms will result in "cheap" finished goods.
- Melee Combat matters for defense.
- 'question'.
- Complete swords for example are assembled using the aforementioned 'attach'.
- 'retrieve' items after being resurrected from death.
- 'examine' items for further detail than 'look'.
- The tailor shop in Shadgard has an outerwear section.
- 'transfer all'.
- More than one item can be processed in at least Metalworking and Tanning.