- "You should also know that there will sometimes be 'doors' that have other names, like 'vent' or 'panel', so you might find yourself needing to OPEN VENT UP to access an air duct. These are usually apparent in the room descriptions."
- "You can also KNOCK on closed doors to produce a message on the opposite side of the door."
- 'score'.
- 'inv'.
- 'eq'.
- 'skills'.
- 'get modulator hopper'.
- 'train' / 'untrain'.
- 'help pools'.
- 'help defaulting'.
- 'practice' / 'unpractice'.
- 'skills'.
- "It's a good idea to pick up at least a little negotiation, as it improves your autorun (quest) payouts! You'll also probably benefit from some athletics, as even a few points can save you from nasty falls."
- "Beyond that, it's good to have at least one point in any driving skill so you're able to handle vehicles. Everything else is flexible."
- Just 'help'.
- 'help newbie'.
- 'sheath' or 'holster' weapons when not in use.
- 'help tn'.
- Loss of Essence is permanent.
- 'list' / 'buy' / 'sell'.
- "When you stride out into the world, cyberware will be packaged up and given to you instead of immediately being installed. You will have to find a Player or NPC CYBERDOC to install it for you."
- [Khai]: What Aardwolf calls "tell catching" is similar to our history commands. E.g., "history tells", "history ooc", "history radio".
- "Bioware aims to replace biological systems in your body with improved, man made versions. This process is very complicated as it requires the new organs to be matched closely to your body's existing biological makeup. However, where excessive Cyberware leads people to being very emotionally detached and psychotic, Bioware can cause intense physical problems. Lowered resistance to diseases, longer healing periods and less resistance to deadly damage. All characters can have a maximum of 9 Body Index points of Bioware. But once it starts to exceed Essence Index (Essence + 3) the severe drawbacks begin to kick in."
- 'cyberware' / 'bioware'.
- 'probe'.
- 'probe #2'.
- 'nuyen'.
- It's important not to carry cash on you at all times.
- "Characters can store their funds in bank accounts. At an ATM, type BALANCE to see how much money is in the account, DEPOSIT to deposit your funds, or WITHDRAW to make a transaction."
- "Credsticks, small pen shaped credit cards, are also a safe way to store money. Credsticks can be personalized by someone to keep their funds safe, but can also be rigged by someone who is proficient in ELECTRONICS. To personalize a credstick, simply ACTIVATE it. If the credstick has already been activated, you must CRACK the security with your ELECTRONICS skill before you can access the nuyen within. You can use credsticks to make purchases automatically with the funds from your account, although some illegal street dealers will only accept rolls of nuyen."
- "The radios used by Shadowrunners in 2064 are specialized Matrix terminals linked through the Shadowland network. This allows them heavy security from most normal law enforcement agencies, but it is still possible to track someone down through it."
- "Radios are an IN-CHARACTER form of communication: disregard the way you behave and think about how your character would act."
- To operate a radio use the RADIO command. This will show you its current settings. To center the radio at a frequency (the most common is 8mhz), type RADIO CENTER . To scan through all frequencies type RADIO SCAN. Encryption rating can be set by typing RADIO CRYPT . Only radios with an encryption rating greater than or equal to what you have it set at can receive them."
- "To broadcast a message type BROADCAST . Turning the radio off can be accomplished with RADIO OFF."
- "Phones are a more private form of communication. When you acquire a phone and wish to use it, you must first find the eight digit telephone numbers of the people you want to call. Type PHONE to see your settings."
- "Type CALL (phone number) to start calling someone. If they answer, use TALK (message) to start talking with them. Type HELP PHONE for more information on settings and calls. Head NORTH to learn about doors and maglocks."
- "Doors can be locked and unlocked using the LOCK and UNLOCK commands, directions or door names can be used as arguments. To 'pick' a lock you use the BYPASS command. To do this you need an electronics kit however."
- "It is also possible to kick or shoot doors down, using the KICK or SHOOT commands. Also, the KNOCK command can be used to alert someone on the other side of a closed door."
- "There are a few entries on the score sheet that may not be obvious. Karma is basically your experience in the world. You gain more by killing other people and/or completing Shadowruns. Your total karma is divided into two sections; Reputation, the karma gained through performing Shadowruns and Immortal Awards; and Notoriety the karma gained through killing."
- "Essence is the amount of humanity you have left, or how well attached your spirit is to your body. Cyberware will reduce Essence. As your essence drops so does your magic rating. Lower essence and more cyberware decreases the likelihood of beneficial magic affecting you. Essence and magic lost this way cannot be restored. However, essence holes are left when cyberware is removed, allowing replacement without further essence or magic loss."
- "Essence is the amount of humanity you have left, or how well attached your spirit is to your body. Cyberware will reduce Essence. As your essence drops so does your magic rating. Lower essence and more cyberware decreases the likelihood of beneficial magic affecting you. Essence and magic lost this way cannot be restored. However, essence holes are left when cyberware is removed, allowing replacement without further essence or magic loss."
- "There are two kinds of Armour in the world of Shadowrun; Ballistic and Impact. Ballistic protects against bullets. Impact protects against slower moving projectiles like arrows, fists, swords and explosions."
- "Once more than one piece of armour is being worn at once a process known as layering takes place. The highest rating piece of armour is applied in full, then half the value of all other pieces is applied. The full total of all pieces is used to calculate penalties though."
- "If the unlayered value of your ballistic or impact armour values is greater than your modified quickness you begin to experience penalties due to your movement being restricted. You will move slower, lose combat pool, and have a harder time using quickness based skills like athletics or ranged combat. Form fitting armour is not included in the calculations for layering penalties however."
- "Elevators are essential to traveling about the many, many buildings and areas in Awake. When you are in front of an elevator, type LOOK PANEL to see where the elevator currently is. To call the elevator, type PUSH BUTTON."
- "Try looking at the elevator panel again to see which floors this elevator is connected to. Head to a specific floor by typing PUSH (floor number you wish to go to)."
- "Decking is a fairly complex art, almost a whole game unto itself. To connect to the matrix, find a room that mentions a dataport and CONNECT. From there you have a variety of options: You can LOCATE another host, then LOGON to it. You can attempt to LOCATE files and DOWNLOAD them."
- "But first you need a cyberdeck and four 'persona' programs - body, evasion, sensors and masking. You must INSTALL these programs to access even the most basic of hosts. Once you get started, you'll realise that a lot of operations fail. To improve your chances of succeeding, you can add additional utilities to your deck. Use the SOFTWARE command to get the values and names of software you have installed."
- 'help astral'.
- "Surplus gear can be stowed in numerous locations. First off are storage lockers, available in a few places around the MUD. They can hold a small amount of gear and cost 50 nuyen a day for a maximum of 7 days. If you leave it for more than 7 days the locker is automatically cleared."
- "Next is vehicles, how much a vehicle can hold varies greatly depending on the vehicle. You can store gear in bikes as well, but a word of warning, anyone can take it so it isn't a safe option."
- "Apartments are the best way to store gear. Not only can you store surplus gear in them, but you can reload in them if you quit once while inside. Also, no one but yourself and anyone you specify with the HOUSE command can gain entrance. Apartments are also the most expensive."
- "If you happen to find yourself in an apartment that you do not own and are locked in, use the LEAVE command to escape at any time."
- "You can purchase credits here to help pay for an apartment in 10,000 credit lots using the RECHARGE command. These cards are non-transferable and can be used towards any apartment in the MUD."
- 'help rigging'.
- "Driving is not too different from rigging. To enter a vehicle, first UNLOCK the vehicle and ENTER it. To begin driving, type DRIVE. To adjust speed, type SPEED (idle/cruise/speeding/max). To defend yourself from someone who's attacking your vehicle, you can RAM him, which will result in damage to your vehicle. If your vehicle is destroyed, all passengers and some of the stored materials inside will be flung out into the street, where they will take heavy crash damage in addition to being in the unenviable position of confronting whatever destroyed their vehicle. In the world of 2064, the isolated city-state of Seattle is surrounded by unfriendly nations, all of which firmly patrol their borders and shoot intruders on sight. It is not recommended that you attempt to drive past a border fortification."
- "The man in this room also can sell a vehicle to you if you have the money for one. He won't give you the actual car itself, but he will give you a TITLE that you cash in for a vehicle at the end of the area. Driving isn't essential, however, as Seattle boasts an effective cab system: simply type HAIL when you're out on the street to flag down a cab. There is a sign here with basic details and information for the vehicles the dealer has for sale."
- 'wear' / 'wield'.
- 'probe' / 'info'.
- "Outside of character generation, you'll sometimes see items sold with a difficulty listed. These represent things that are hard to get ahold of. If you decide to purchase one of those items, you'll want to be familiar with the CHECK and RECEIVE commands. All times of order arrivals are by gameplay TIME."
- "Here a decker or rigger can purchase the equipment they need to get their job done. Glass cases store CYBERDECKS, PROGRAMS, and UTILITIES, all of which are needed to successfully DECK the MATRIX. The core of a deck is the MPCP, as well as knowledge, so reading through these helpfiles will greatly advance ones ability to navigate the matrix. The SOFTWARE command will offer a view of a cyberdecks contents, so keep that in mind. Rigger equipment is also sold here, and various electronic devices are stored in storage lockers. A rather large showcase display case is also set up here, which offers information on the various cyberdecks being sold."
- https://shadowrun.fandom.com/wiki/Shadowrun_Reference_Standard_Codes
- 'status'.
- 'help vision'.
- 'info' is REALLY important.
- 'examine'.
- 'help gps'.
- "The ambulance service in the Seattle Metroplex is handled by DocWagon. It's possible to purchase contracts with DocWagon for them to provide you with a premium service. Depending on the complexity of getting access to your location, and the level of your contract DocWagon can retreive you and all of your gear when you are on the verge of death, negating all penalties for mortal wounds. The higher the initial cost of the contract the more of a chance they will get to you in time and the cheaper it will be for each retreival."
- DocWagon modulators need to be bonded and worn to work!
- Re: a sport rifle: "WIELD it in combat for best results. You can also HOLSTER it if you have the right equipment."
- Re: a box of rifle ammunition: "It's used with the POCKETS command-- see HELP POCKETS for details."
- 'help reload'.
- 'hold'.
- Binoculars impose a huge penalty to spellcasting and combat when held and are best used only for 'scan'.
- 'help holster'.
- 'attach silencer ruger'.
- "Here you can purchase from either armoured clothing, standard clothing or standard armour. All armour is legal in the world of 2064, except for military or security armour. Security armour needs a permit, but military armour can never be used by civilians."
- "Most clothing comes with pockets, or attachments specially for holsters or ammo clips. These are used as standard containers, but if you are wearing the article of clothing then you can access what is inside as though it is in your inventory."
- "Armoured clothing is sold in sets. Within these sets you may wear any combination of pieces you want and the layering rules will not come into effect. Infact you often get bonuses for wearing an entire set in the area of or 2 extra points of armour. This is not to say you can't wear one piece of armoured clothing with another set, you just won't receive the bonuses."
- "This section of the Neophyte Guild will teach basic combat. Characters with high INITIATIVE tend to get more actions than their opponents. To initiate combat, type KILL (target). Once combat is engaged, you will have a limited number of actions you can perform in each combat round and movement does consume an action. Once you run out of actions you may find yourself waiting a moment for the game to tick over to the next combat round."
- "Killing should only be initiated on MOBs (mobiles, computer controlled non-player characters). All of your kills will gain you karma and increase your NOTORIETY."
- "Don't even think about trying to start a fight with another player unless you both have toggled your player-killer flags - you won't do any damage at all, whereas your opponent will be able to hurt you. Continue SOUTH to learn more about combat."
- "This section will teach you about basic, same-room combat. When both opponents are in the same room, you can initiate a fight with the KILL command. If both characters are using melee weapons, they'll just duke it out. Likewise, if both characters are using firearms, they'll take turns shooting at each other."
- "However, if one character is using a melee weapon and their opponent has a firearm, the melee wielder will need to "close the distance" using their QUICKNESS against the target's REACTION before they can try to attack their opponent. It is difficult to attack someone with a sword if they happen to be spraying you with full automatic fire. When a character wielding a gun in melee is attacked, they use the the butt of their gun as a CLUB."
- "Attributes like QUICKNESS and BODY are very important for combat. INTELLIGENCE and WILLPOWER supplement your COMBAT POOL, which is also helpful. STRENGTH is useful for increasing the power of your attacks if you're using a melee weapon."
- "Combat can also be initiated in other ways: Casting a combat spell on someone will start a fight, and casting spells in the middle of combat requires intense concentration- the harder the spell, the longer it will take to cast it."
- "Keep in mind, Mana based spells do not affect inanimate objects such as training dummies. They are, however, affected by physical based spells."
- "There are various options that can affect how a firearm works. The main is the type of ammo you currently have loaded, while only normal ammo is available here in Chargen there are 5 other types available in the outside world. You can find out more about these in HELP AMMO."
- "The firing mode can also be changed on most weapons. Type MODE with your weapon wielded to see available fire modes and then MODE <SS/SA/BF/FA> to change it to the desired mode. The more rounds you fire at once the more damage and power your attacks have. Firing extra rounds also makes your attacks harder to dodge, but at the cost of also making it harder to hit due to recoil. "
- "Recoil compensating attachments can help negate this however. A word of warning, while very powerful, burst fire shotguns and other heavy weapons suffer double the penalty from any recoil not negated by attachments."
- "Tested your basic combat abilities on those training robots? Now it's time to learn about ranged attacks. If you're using a ranged weapon like a firearm, you can attack people from other rooms. Type SCAN now to see WEST into the Shooting Range. You can hit people in other rooms with the SHOOT command. To fire at someone, type SHOOT (target) (direction). Naturally, it is more difficult to shoot someone from far away than it is if they're in the same room: gun accessories like smartlinks, laser sights, gas vents, and scopes can make the task easier. Silencers and suppressors (See: Help Silencer) help keep your shooting activities attract less attention. Practice ranged combat here if you want, and head SOUTH to learn more about combat."
- "Combat can be a difficult task. Thankfully, this section teaches you some commands that can make survival easier. If you've gone in over your head and started a fight with someone that you're losing, you can FLEE to try to run away. Fleeing will attempt to move your character out of the room through a random exit- you may escape the fight, or you may run into more opposition if you're not careful. For a more precise, but more difficult method of escaping combat, try to retreat. You can run away from a specific direction if you try to move in that direction. The WIMPY command can be used to set your character to automatically flee once they're wounded enough."
- "What if you don't want to run away from a fight? To avoid getting hit, you have a COMBAT POOL. Your COMBAT POOL is determined by your QUICKNESS, INTELLIGENCE, and WILLPOWER attributes. In combat, your COMBAT POOL will add dice to either your dodge test, damage resistance test, or offensive dice rolls. To set your combat pool use the CPOOL command."
- "Wounds: The weapons in Shadowrun all have a set, realistic DAMAGE rating: Light, Moderate, Serious, and Deadly. Based on the skill of your weapon handling, you can increase the amount of damage you deal to an opponent."
- "Injuries can inflict penalties upon your character (and enemy mobs) due to the pain they cause. Other things can cause penalties too - such as it being too dark, mist, smoke, or your opponent being invisible. Knowing what TIME it is and taking a moment to SURVEY the room can help."
- "Real-life injuries can be just as debilitating, and can be avoided through clever use of the ! command to reduce repetitive stress."
- Momo |]newbie[| Gameplay time relates to picking up items from shops, the time of day echoes, etc
- Momo |]newbie[| Roleplay time is the time in seattle for the purposes of "good morning", what time a scene at a bar is set, etc
- "The main purpose of this MUD is to have fun. Use SAY and EMOTE to RP if you want, constructing elaborate cyberpunk stories, or go around and kill everything if you wish. Only time this doesn't apply is if you are deliberately spoiling someone's fun."
- "It is recommended you create a custom description to benefit more fully from the MUD. It is difficult to interact with others when you have no description set at all to describe what your character looks like. To set your descriptions, type CUSTOMIZE. Mages will have to make two descriptions: one for their physical body and one for their Astral reflection. The same goes for Deckers. For more detail, type HELP CUSTOMIZE and HELP DESCRIPTION."
- "Prompts have been made completely customizable, and can show any number of things, see HELP PROMPT to utilize the PROMPT command."
- "Many individuals utilize nicknames, street names or runner aliases in the shadows for all manner of reasons. The REMEMBER command will assist in putting a name to a face or voice you're familiar with while interacting, as well as allow you to craft your own namesake to offer others in turn."
- Iserna |]newbie[| Sort of. Gameplay time determines if, for purposes of vis modifiers, the Sun is up or not. But if you're, like, standing inside in a bright room it doesn't directly matter.
- Coil |]newbie[| Most mechanical things run off gameplay time, with the exception of some things that are particularly punishing when they only last like 1 minute IRL, but should be much longer. Renting an apartment/lifestyle is also measured in IRL months.
- 'use pocket secretary'.
- 'help johnson'.
- 'help open'.
- 'health'.
- Coil |]newbie[| If you probe weapons you'll see damage codes like 9M, that means they do M damage normally but can be staged up with extra successes on the attack roll. The number is the target number to soak the damage with Body and Cpool dice, though armor reduces the TN. Every 2 successes to soak reduces the damage by one stage (moderate to light, for example).
- \A well accentuated melodic baritone/8 MHz, English: What kind of storage? portable storage space like bags? there is a phoenix bag sold in mammon mall in seattle southeast. if you care that the storage is movable but not on you than there are several car sellers around town. near the harbour ave you can buy a bison or in tacoma east you might buy a conestoga. if you want to rent an appartment there are several around several places.
- There are storage lockers at the monorail station. (Use LIST to get started.)
- Re: Little Chiba: \A well accentuated melodic baritone/8 MHz, English: Also there are 2 fences there if you find stuff. one is rather obscured from being found. you literally have to search the trashiest place there to find rikki.
- Boz Renfield at The Reaper (SW Seattle) offers work.
- 'look 2.credstick'.
- Figg's Gym (SE Seattle) trains Quickness and Strength.
- Re: my comments about neophyte runs: Iserna |]newbie[| That and the J'valdi runs when you get to them are a great introductiono to downtown Seattle, yeah.
- The Hall of Knowledge in Medicine Hollow Lodge on Council Island trains Charisma and Willpower.
- 'help map'.
- Zander at Rollo's Café, which is on Seneca Street between First and Second in Southwest Seattle (actually see 'help SEATTLE SE'), offers work for less experienced runners. (Closest taxi destination is 'Rhino'.)
- Axehead at Slitch Pin practices Driving Cars, Driving Motorcycles, Pistols, Brawling, Edged Weapons, Street Etiquette, Stealth, Negotiation.
- George Beano of Beano's Collection Agency also offers work.
- An Elf, Mr. Johnson, in The Blue Wyvern in Tarislar offers work. (And it's Matrix work.)
- There is a Matrix terminal in a back room at the Blue Wyvern.
- Daniella at Friendship Restaurant on Council Island offers work for less experienced runners (minimum reputation 100).
- Unnamed Software Store in the mezzanine of the Aztech Pyramid has various ActiveSofts for sale.
- If something happens to my Ruger 100 I can get another on the eastern side of the ground floor of the Aztech Pyramid at Hugo's Sports Emporium.
- Circuit Couriers sells credsticks and pouches, including smuggle packs.
- Credstick PINs don't matter but PINs for storage lockers at the Monorail Station do.
- Credsticks leave a trail and thus cash is necessary for less-legal activities.
- Credsticks, once activated, are usable only be the owner until cracked or deactivated.
- Microdeck Outlet in Auburn sells various deck programs.
- Taxi directions are usable in a vehicle with autonav.
- https://awakemud.com/dokuwiki/gridguidelist
- Wang's Sporting Goods on the ground floor of Beacon Mall sells golf bags.
- The Microdeck outlet on the first floor of Beacon Mall sells various electronic widgets and appliances, primarily those that help with building custom decks.
- Use AVAILOFFSET to help with purchases when etiquette (or Charisma) isn't enough.
- There is a survival supplies store on the first floor of Beacon Mall as well as a store for eye cyberware and another for various other types of cyberware.
- There is a rent-a-cop on the eastern side of the first floor of Beacon Mall who offers work (for less experienced runners). (And it's (not all) Matrix work.)
- There is also an ActiveSoft store on the first floor.
- Action Computers and Electronics sells wrist computers, phones, various optical equipment, decks, programs and deckbuilding parts. In addition, Mike offers work (for less experienced runners). (And it's Matrix work.)
- Shiba's Stables in Little Chiba sells the Phoenix cyberdeck.
- Kang's Pawn Shop in Little Chiba sells radios.
- White Oak Clinic in Little Chiba installs cyberware.
- Acme Hardware in Little Chiba sells explosive ammunition.
- There is an ATM on Cyber Strip in Little Chiba.
- Guns 'n' Moses in Lysleul sells Colt Rangemaster hunting rifles.
- Voyeur Camera Supply in Lysleul Plaza sells surveillance equipment.
- The Sharper Image outlet in Lysleul Plaza sells radios, phones (including ECM scramblers), pocket secretaries and bug scanners.
- The SecureTech outlet in Lysleul sells armor suitable for covert use.
- Hermes' Library on the ground floor of Moonlight Mall in Redmond practices Negotiation.
- Nybbles & Bytes has a (very limited) Matrix terminal.
- There is a Matrix terminal near DeClerry's Bar in West Tacoma.
- Rodney Boren at DeClerry's Bar in West Tacoma offers work for less experienced runners.
- 'escape'.
- Tacoma Mall's first floor has a Matrix terminal.
- Zappa-Tech on the first floor of the Tacoma Mall sells decks, decker's bags, computers and various software.
- Kevlar Armors on the first floor of the Tacoma Mall sells various types of low-end armor.
- There is a Shadowland dumb terminal on the first floor of the Tacoma Mall.
- There is an ATM on the first floor of the Tacoma Mall.
- Rigging cuts into one's hacking pool and should not be mixed with hacking early on.
- The Chop Shop on the ground floor of the Tacoma Mall sells various useful cyberware and also installs them.
- There is a post office on the ground floor of the Tacoma Mall.
- Jilted sells weapons on the first floor of the Tacoma Mall.
- Hackers' Haven on the second floor of the Tacoma Mall sells various software.
- Vesalius' Forge on the first floor of the Tacoma Mall sells various cyberware and installs them.
- OutBack on the second floor of the Tacoma Mall sells various outdoor equipment including backpacks and climbing gloves.
- The Stopgap is a 24/7 convenience store that sells convenience store stuff.
- The first floor of Novatech Seattle has Novatech Armor Depot, Novatech Security Depot (sells weapons and ammunition), Novatech Cyberdeck Retailer, Novatech Cyberdeck Utilities and Programs (sells software), Superhuman Inc. Bioware Studio, Superhuman Inc. Cyberware Studio and a store where I can get a respirator should I ever need one.
- Nicolas Lambardi in the Enigma Nightclub on the second floor of Novatech Seattle offers work. (Killing the lawyer's bodyguard can be rough.) (What he's offering now is also very dangerous.) (Maxes out at 1000 rep.)
- Angela Wright on the fifth floor of Novatech Seattle offers work for less experienced runners (minimum reputation 500).
- Maple Leaf Technologies on the first floor of the Renraku Arcology sells decks and various other decking-related technology, including the Hitachi RM-AX optical chip encoder.
- Body + Tech on the first floor of the Renraku Arcology sells various cyberware.
- The Elevators/Payphones section of the first floor of the Renraku Arcology has a Matrix terminal.
- Quickway Chemists on the first floor of the Renraku Arcology sells various medical supplies.
- There is a DocWagon store on the first floor of the Renraku Arcology that sells DocWagon stuff.
- SybreSpace on the first floor of the Renraku Arcology sells low-end decks and decking programs.
- 'help wheresmycar'.
- Secure-Tech on the first floor of the Renraku Arcology sells armor.
- B2 of Renraku Arcology is very dangerous!
- There is a Matrix terminal at Personnel Check on floor 4 of Renraku Arcology.
- There is an idling bonus of 1000 yen at intervals (which apparently also applies when not idle)! (Actually no, Lucien said it's only for idling.)
- 'install' is also used for decks.
- There is a post office just south of Circuit Couriers.
- Richley Thorn at Dante's Inferno (First Hell) offers work for less experienced runners. (Be very careful about geeking Juan González.)
- There is a Matrix terminal in the start of Second Hell in Dante's Inferno.
- There is a Matrix terminal in a booth in the Seventh Hell of Dante's Inferno.
- There is a Matrix terminal in a booth or whatever in the Ninth Hell of Dante's Inferno.
- Mister Johnson in Dante's Inferno (Second Hell) offers work (for less experiened runners). (And killing the Mitsuhama executive is rough.)
- There seem to be various "vendors" in Dante's Inferno, including of software (which in turn includes evaluate utilities).
- John Smith in Dante's Inferno (Fourth Hell) offers work. (And it's all quite difficult.)
- A girl in line before Dante's Inferno practices Street Etiquette.
- There is an ATM in Dante's Inferno (Ninth Hell).
- Janis Reenes in The Platinum Club (SE Seattle) offers work. (Maxes out at 1500 rep?)
- Rocko at The Platinum Club sells various types of ammunition.
- The mosh pit in The Platinum Club is dangerous!
- The bar in The Platinum Club is to the northeast of the mosh pit.
- Remember that aggressive mobs will force you to draw your weapon!
- Lin's Laundromat at Seventh Street Plaza in NE Seattle offers work.
- Cent and Mad Dog at the Slitch Pit offer work (for less experienced runners).
- 'help follow'.
- 'search' at the newsstand north of the Platinum Club for where to practice all decking-related skills to the maximum.
- 'toggle cyberdoc' to allow player cyberdocs to operate on you.
- 'leave' vehicles to get out.
- Rapid Fire Ammunition in SE Seattle sells ... ammunition. (See below re: Rapid Fire Ammunition.)
- The Smith School of Linguistics in SE Seattle has linguasofts and practices languages the old-fashioned way too.
- A woman in the lobby of Mitsuhama Tower practices Negotiation and Corporate Etiquette.
- Mr. Jones in the Knight Errant Training Facility offers work.
- Takashi Takechi in the Knight Errant Training Facility sells guns and ammunition.
- Techno Geeks in the Knight Center Shopping Mall (ground floor) sells various electronic bits, including commonly used appliances and deckbuilding parts.
- Cranial Caps in the Knight Center Shopping Mall (ground floor) has offensive trucker hats.
- Lead Loaders in the Knight Center Shopping Mall (first floor) sells SMGs and Fast and Deadly sells other long guns. In fact there are a bunch of long guns on that floor in addition to cyberware, bioware, body armor and ammunition. And all kinds of melee weapons.
- There is an ATM on the first floor of the Knight Center Shopping Mall, near the escalators.
- A leather rifle strap can be bought at Bolshevik Buffet on the first floor of the Knight Center Shopping Mall.
- Don't go to floors 5+ in the Knight Center without authorization!
- Hellhound Bus Lines (SW Seattle) appears to be a popular way to travel to Elven lands (Portland).
- The Seattle Public Library practices various skills, including those related to decking and Police Procedure, and also has Matrix terminals in the study booths on the western side.
- Remember to hang up phone calls!
- Quickness enhancements are recommended for deckers not going the full Street Samurai route, and maybe initiative (?).
- The Mall of Mammon is between Seventh and Eighth on Boren Avenue in SE Seattle.
- Bang for Your Buck on the third floor of the Mall of Mammon sells submachine gun, heavy pistol, light pistol, sport rifle, shotgun and assault rifle ammunition.
- Velasquez Bank in West Tacoma has a Matrix terminal.
- The backroom of Bullet Bonanza in Knight Center sells even more ammunition.
- There's a guy on Burton Street in Redmond who practices Stealth.
- Paulie's Weapons Depot in the abandoned factory on Commerce in Redmond sells cheap ammunition.
- Phil's Army Surplus between Sixth and Seventh Streets on Boren Avenue in SE Seattle sells various sorts of military equipment, including bayonets.
- The market in the south of Portland apparently has someone who practices Elf etiquette.
- The Rooster deals in arms a little northeast of the apartment complex in Redmond and also offers work (minimum reputation 100).
- Henry Feed in the basement of The Rooster sells even more rifles and ammunition and is accessible once you get the password sheet from the Rooster himself.
- 'help junk'.
- 'help highlight' for colored text.
- 'help xterm256'.
- 'probe' can show things 'examine' doesn't (for items already in inventory or equipment).
- Bunny at Circuit Couriers offers work. At least one of his runs goes to the Caribbean.
- Miyoko at Dante's Inferno (Ninth Hell) offers work.
- Harold Moore at Dante's Inferno (Ninth Hell) offers work.
- Harold Moore's quest for lost items requires going to the Bradenton, the staircase at the northernmost part of the Moonlight Mall and a back room in the Blue Wyvern.
- Don Giuseppe Bonanno at the OldTown station in Tacoma (Den of Thieves') offers work (for less experienced runners).
- Pherrik (quest target) can be found on the dance floor of Dante's (Fourth Hell).
- Tanq says OOCly, "Take your time. just, for future refrence, 'get all all.corpse' will get all the stuff from all the corpses in the room in one command, 'get nuyen all.corpse' will get all the nuyen from all the corpses, etc."
- Nick at Purple Haze (NW of Nybbles & Bytes) offers work (for less experienced runners).
- Escalators take a moment to take you to your destination.
- The tiny office in Rapid Fire Ammunition (Seattle SE) sells a diverse array of different types of ammunition.
- Medkits can be used more than once.
- Powell's Technical Books in Portland sells decking-related merchandise and practices Computers, Electronics, Computer Building and Repair, Repairing Drones, Special Program Design, Operational Program Design and Data Brokerage. Also the back room guy buys paydata.
- Jimmy Smith at Smith's Pub in SW Seattle offers work. At least one of his runs takes you to the Caribbean. (Requires invitation which can be found from doing runs for Bunny.)
- The ferry in the north of West Tacoma can take you to a mysterious ship known as the Bradenton.
- The secretary at Lone Star 17th Precinct offers work (for less experienced runners).
- The Big Rhino has an ATM.
- The back room in the Big Rhino has a Matrix terminal.
- Entrance to the Ork Underground can be found in the Big Rhino but it's very dangerous there.
- Renaldo's Mix and Match in the Ork Underground (Hearl Street) sells decks and deck programs.
- Rumble's Armory on Hearl Street in the Ork Underground sells weapons, ammunition and even troll-sized backpacks.
- Techno Geeks in Knight Center sells the CMT Avatar and so does a shop in Renton.
- Zigzag at Syberspace offers work and so does a burnt-out Ork decker (minimum reputation 1000). (Both presumably offer Matrix work.)
- Brian at Syberspace practices Computers, Electronics, Computer Building and Repair, Electronics Building and Repair, Combat Program Design, Defensive Program Design, Cyberterminal Program Design, Cyberterminal Design.
- There is a Matrix terminal in a back room at Syberspace.
- There is a pawn shop in Little Chiba.
- Mark Kornen in the Aztech Pyramid food court (ground floor, east side) offers work for less experienced runners.
- Universal Omnitech in the Aztech Pyramid (ground floor) sells cyberware.
- Bits and Bytes in the Aztech Pyramid (ground floor) sells decking-related equipment, including chip cookers and microtronics toolkits.
- 'sneak' appears to be required to use Stealth.
- Discord |]newbie[| [Alak]: It's worth mentioning sneaking only buys you about a second or less. It's for moving fast more than reading new stuff in detail.
- Kie'deieron Ly'trelli in Tarislar (location obvious) offers work. (Maxes out at 1000 rep.)
- Possibly the "Teddy Bear Killer" Ly'trelli wants gone is in the abandoned mall in Tarislar. (No, Redmond.) For another quest, Schizz can also be found in the abandoned mini mall in Redmond.
- There's a guy on the western side of East Puyallup who sells ammunition and weapon accessories, as well as a radio model with encryption rating 4.
- Richard Skylarke in The Epicenter club offers work (for less experienced runners).
- Reality Hackers HQ in West Puyallup has easy targets.
- Duran Bowers in The Cave in Portland (NW of Glisan and Sixth) offers work. (Maxes out at 1500 rep.)
- The Cave in Portland has a Matrix terminal.
- The lock to the Portland Crime Mall is easy to bypass with an electronics kit and the corresponding skill.
- Aggie's Drug Store in the Portland Crime Mall sells ... drugs.
- Aves' Guns and Gear in the Portland Crime Mall sells weapons, ammunition and accessories.
- Morkhan's Street Gear in the Portland Crime Mall sells heavy-duty armor.
- Gearhead's in the Portland Crime Mall sells automotive and rigging equipment.
- TheftTronics in the Portland Crime Mall sells such electronic gear as black wristwatch/radios, electronic kits, Outlander nightvision goggles and high-crypt headset radios.
- A weapons and ammunitions store (yes) in the Portland Crime Mall sells deluxe heavy weapons gyromount system, Desert Eagle Mk. XIX pistols, medkits, trauma patches, tranq patches, Walther PSK-770 heavy pistols, M16A4 assault rifles and dikote combat axes.
- Gato tells you OOCly, 'There's a second mall out in the coal plains, off of southern Puyallup before the route to Tarislar.'
- Kiol in the Puyallup Crime Mall (ground floor) practices weapon skills, namely Shotguns, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Assault Rifles and Tasers.
- Heavy Gear in the Puyallup Crime Mall sells Nicami 12x Sniper Model scopes, electronic imaging scopes, wrist phones, radios, climbing harnesses and thermographic goggles.
- Mr. Fixit does repairs.
- There is a computer store north of Krackerjack's hovel in West Tacoma that sells (there's the keyword) computing equipment.
- Recuperate from injuries in peaceful areas.
- Extra Lar'd Clothing on Big-Ass Alley in Redmond sells extra large backpacks.
- A nameless Johnson in a private room at Penumbra offers work. (And it's Matrix work.)
- There's an ATM on the ground floor of Telestrian Habitat in Portland.
- Reggie's Hole-in-the-Wall in the SW Seattle cracks credsticks.
- Zalensky's Electronics in SE Seattle sells cyberware and installs them. In addition they also sell other electronic gear.
- Baxter Morgan in the West Tacoma Junkyard offers work (for less experienced runners).
- Dave's Discount Drugs is just south of Evergreen Multiplex in West Tacoma and sells patches etc.
- The Android's Dungeon, south of Stuffer Shack in West Tacoma, has a Matrix terminal in the basement.
- 'help progress'.
- Road Hog Racing in West Tacoma sells vehicles.
- There is a Matrix terminal in the southernmost room of Bryerson Medical but it requires an electronics kit and cracking to enter.
- The manager of the Flying Dragon Restaurant offers work (minimum reputation 1500).
- Kiriyama's in Chinatown sells flechette ammunition and various other martial goods.
- Honest Obie's in Chinatown sells all kinds of armor and other apparel.
- Xiang's Boom-Boom Shop in Chinatown sells all kinds of weapons, ammunition and accessories.
- Rita's Body Sculpture in Chinatown sells a bunch of different cyberware and bioware and maybe installs them too.
- The intersection of Xhu and Zhao Streets in Chinatown leads to a smuggler ring where vendors sell mostly arms, armor and accessories.
- Xing in the dojo of Chinatown practices Brawling, Stealth, Athletics and Cyber Implants.
- Nybbles & Bytes sells credsticks.
- Oswald Skylarke at the Afterlife (Heaven) in West Tacoma offers work.
- Use the skeleton key obtained from Oswald Skylarke to open the secret door in Hell's Bar at Afterlife.
- Phillipe "Mugsy" Vizzini in the back of Pharaoh's Nightclub in East Tacoma offers work (for less experienced runners).
- Shakey the Toad in one of the squalid back rooms of Pharaoh's Nightclub in East Tacoma offers work (for less experienced runners).
- Marty Jameson of Jameson's Garage in West Tacoma practices ground vehicle repair skills. Additionally the garage itself sells various vehicle parts.
- The dark alley in between Jameson's Garage and Scalpel's Chop Shop (sells and installs cyberware) in West Tacoma has some interesting secrets including a medical supplies store (inserting the word "sells" so I can find this entry easily) and an NPC who practices Biotech and Medicine.
- Where the entrance of Scalpel's Chop Shop is, head east, northeast, north, into an abandoned building, and at the top is TraderVix, who offers work. (Maxes out at 2000 rep?)
- A bum who sells spray paint can also be found just a bit west of the abandoned building.
- Read the sign before taking the ferry.
- The manager at Star Sapphire has work only for less experienced runners.
- The Parker Center in East Tacoma sells vehicles and drones.
- The Parker Center also sells flashlights.
- Martingale tells you OOCly, 'The first digit of the room number is the floor, 1 being ground, the second is 1 for west and 2 for east, and the third is how far south it is.'
- 'help maximums'.
- Speaks-with-Many in Fenris Nacht practices several American aboriginal languages.
- The BurnsCo Truck Stop in East Tacoma sells vehicles and automotive goods.
- A nameless Johnson on the second floor of Espanoza Complex offers work (for less experienced runners).
- Kahiri Osato in the Murdered Mime in Renton offers work.
- Mister Zaibatsu at the Rubber Suit in Everett offers work (for less experienced runners), as does Mister Keiretsu (minimum reputation 500).
- Alan Tsukamoto at Yoshi's Trideoke and Sushi Bar (SE Seattle) offers work. (And it's Matrix work.)
- A private booth in the Rubber Suit has a Matrix terminal (two, in fact).
- Dave's Discount Drugs in Auburn sells medical supplies.
- Off of Weisman's Drive in Renton, follow Talbot Lane to Derek's Discount Commissary. (Starting with the Italiano is much more efficient.) There a Dwarf (Derek?) sells decking-related equipment, decking programs, electronic gear and stylish decker's bags.
- A woman at the top of the burnt-out building in the east of Auburn offers work (minimum reputation 200) and so does a druggie in the same building.
- There is a Matrix terminal in the Fifth Hell of Dante's Inferno.
- The monorail goes from Seattle to Auburn to Knight Center to West Tacoma and then the reverse and so forth.
- When waiting for the monorail in Seattle, be sure the ticket foyer is to the east.
- Olga Chernov in the Muscovite Lounge in NW Seattle practices Russian and German.
- There is a Matrix terminal on the second floor of the Muscovite Lounge in NW Seattle.
- A nameless Johnson in Sixth Age Clinical Consulting in NW Seattle offers work. (He offers a climbing quest.)
- At the Council Island forest, cross the river (using water wings might help) and climb the cliff (hiking gloves and a winch might help) and enter the cabin. Search for a trapdoor, enter, and there is Dr. Alex Scriptshaw. He sells ADPS submachine gun ammunition, EX heavy machine gun ammunition, ADPS sniper rifle ammunition, RPK HMGs, suits of heavy security armor, Ingram Supermach 100s (submachine gun model) and security helmets.
- The office building just east La Vieux Cinema has a Matrix terminal.
- Doctor Jackie Toshika of Jackie's Biosculpting in NW Seattle offers work.
- Jackie's Biosculpting also sells and installs bioware.
- On the second floor of the Council Island Hospital there is a Matrix terminal.
- Dr. Kack Javorkian in the South Island Clinic sells and installs cyberware (requires going through air ducts).
- Robert James Hark III of the Satyricon in Portland offers work.
- There is a Matrix terminal in the northern area of the Satyricon.
- There is an ATM on the ground floor of TTBank Tower in Portland.
- There is an ATM near the entrance of the Downtown Portland MAX Station.
- The Royal Hospital in Portland sells DocWagon modulators and medical supplies.
- The Royal Hospital in Portland also installs cyberware (maybe).
- Jana Ca'Haeden in the Davis Street Offices of Portland offers work for less experienced runners. There is also a Matrix terminal in her office.
- There is another Matrix terminal in the Davis Street Offices on the same floor as Jana Ca'Haeden in a vacant office.
- Trojan Combat Supplies Store on the ground floor of Telestrian Habitat in Portland sells stealth gear.
- Battlegear on the ground floor of Telestrian Habitat in Portland sells armor and other apparel.
- Telestrian Arms Retail Outlet on the first floor of Telestrian Habitat sells some pretty serious firepower.
- Graagen Auto Parts on the first floor of Telestrian Habitat sells ... auto parts, maintenance tools and rigging equipment.
- Radio Shack on the second floor of Telestrian Habitat sells climbing equipment.
- There's a Matrix terminal in CryptoSoft Inc. on the second floor of Telestrian Habitat.
- Doctors without Borders on the second floor of Telestrian Habitat sells DocWagon modulators.
- Omnifarious Technologies on the second floor of Telestrian Habitat sells and installs cyberware.
- Semitronic Computer Supply on the second floor of Telestrian Habitat sells rigging and decking equipment.
- The merchandise center on the ground floor of Renraku Arcology in SE Seattle has a Matrix terminal.
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'Yep. All store decks use cold ASIST. They protect you from black IC, but they don't let you use your hacking pool.'
- DocWagon charges you a proportion of what you have, including bank funds. (Not including bank funds really? In any case, carry as little cash on your person as you can and leave most in the bank.)
- Daniel "The Turk" Leoni at the Italiano in Renton offers work.
- Investigate the mall in NE Seattle on Espanoza Way between Sixth and Seventh Streets.
- It's called Espanoza Way Complex.
- Gizmo's Gadgets on the first floor of Espanoza Way Complex sells electronic gear.
- Doc Cashin's Optical Upgrades on the first floor of Espanoza Way Complex sells optical cyberware, including high quality Alpha cyberware.
- Professional Security Gear, Inc. on the first floor of Espanoza Way Complex sells form-fitting body armor IV and a few accessories.
- A nameless Johnson on the second floor of Espanoza Way Complex offers work to less experienced runners.
- There is a Matrix terminal on the second floor of Espanoza Way Complex.
- There is a Matrix terminal in a private room in The Skeleton in Touristville.
- Thomas Steele at The Skeleton offers work (minimum reputation 300).
- Stiletto Rose at The Skeleton offers work for less experienced runners. (And it's Matrix work.)
- There is a combined ATM / Matrix terminal at the Redmond Way Mall in Touristville.
- Wisebrand Wholesale Chips at the Redmond Way Mall sells various ActiveSofts. (In fact there are two of them.)
- Doc Sihn's Chipware at the Redmond Way Mall sells and installs various chipjack-related cyberware.
- Gustav's Military Surplus in the Redmond Way Mall sells ammunition, rucksacks, vision-enhancing glasses and various accessiories.
- Redmond Wholesale Furniture in the Redmond Way Mall sells, well, furniture.
- Ocular Adjustments Inc. in the Redmond Way Mall sells and installs optical cyberware.
- Cecile Nichols in The Downfall in Touristville offers work (minimum reputation 350).
- There is a Matrix terminal in the back office of Crusher 495 in Touristville.
- Melvin Graybald at Crusher 495 offers work. (And it seems really difficult.)
- Mack Roland in the cemetery at the western end of Middlefield Avenue in Redmond offers work (minimum reputation 500 and maxes out at maybe 1000).
- Maxwell Jensen at Ebey's Bar offers work (minimum reputation 250).
- There is a Matrix terminal in a private booth at Jason's Bar & Grill in Everett.
- Don't fuck around in the basement of Jason's Bar & Grill unless you're ready.
- A chubby man sporting a cheap suit in Jason's Bar & Grill offers work. (Don't take him up on delivering bombs to Little Chiba unless truly prepared.)
- Re: Fort Case: \A gruff and tusked smoker's grunt/[8 MHz, English]: Microsoft way dayo? South Redmond, out there somewhere. There's a fence dayo.
- Fort Case isn't on Microsoft Way but rather down the road to the west. Destroy the fence to get in.
- Keep working for Boz Renfield, Bunny and Jimmy Smith and I think one of them will make it possible to get a visa.
- Smith's appears to be the proper place for the encyclopedia volume.
- Re: Grenada, where there is apparently much decking work: Gato says in English, "Mmm. Gettin' out to Grenada, by the way? You can get a visa, fly normal. It works. Faster tambien. Pero you can also kinda... loiter, watch for cargo planes they ain't check too close. Onna tarmac, west of the main lot."
- An instructor in the 17th Precinct in NW Seattle practices Athletics, Rifles, Pistols, Police Procedures and Tasers.
- Sofbyte in the ground floor of The Auburn Center sells very expensive decks and decking programs.
- Fry's Electronics on the ground floor of The Auburn Center sells various electronic gear.
- Body + TECH on the first floor of The Auburn Center sells and installs various cyberware and bioware.
- Stix n' Stuff on the first floor of The Auburn Center sells furniture.
- There is an ATM at the entrance of The Auburn Center.
- The receptionist at the very topmost floor of Knight Center offers work (minimum reputation 400).
- Mister Johann at The Banshee in Touristville offers work.
- Hyeon Sang-chul at Y.Y. Korean BBQ in Touristville offers work.
- Guang and Huang intersection in Chinatown is where Yellow Lotus can be found, apparently.
- Dr. Bob's Quickstitch in Touristville sells and installs cyberware, and sells medical supplies as well.
- Chas Moreno at Dr. Bob's Quickstitch offers work.
- Cabbie Connection in Touristville sells ground vehicle tools and parts.
- Cabbie of Cabbie Connection offers work.
- Auburn Paint and Panel sells more vehicle stuff, as does Slipstream Ultra Xtra Auto Supplies Store slightly to the west.
- Boseman's Drone Emporium sells drones just north of Slipstream.
- Weston Lynn on the second floor of The Gravity Bar in Everett offers work. (And it's Matrix work.)
- There is a Matrix terminal on the first floor of The Gravity Bar in a private dining booth.
- Rex Jackson at Dirty Rikki's Bar in Everett offers work. (Maxes out at 1000 rep.)
- A man in Dirty Rikki's Bar practices Latin and Arabic.
- 'sit' / 'rest' / 'sleep'.
- There is a Matrix terminal in the Spacebucks at Surehand Square. There is also a trainer there who practices Elf Etiquette and Gaelic. In addition, Valin Ke'Nelien in the amphitheater offers work. (Maxes out at 1500 rep.)
- The fiend Valin Ke'Nelien wants dead is on the western side of Lysleul Plaza, in the casino.
- The Ancients gang might hang out in a truck stop or something in Portland. (That's the Portland Crime Mall and it is in fact very dangerous.)
- \A lazily amused baritone(Gato)/8 MHz, English: Plus if you're fine with short bursts an' ain't wanna full-auto, them SMGs oughta take a suppressor just fine.
- \A lazily amused baritone(Gato)/8 MHz, English: Both got some integral, sabes? Y entonces you throw a grip on 'em anna top-mounted SL II.
- Data Brokerage is used to program Evaluate utilities.
- Negotiation is used in part to calculate payouts from Johnsons.
- The Marksman Indoor Firing Range southeast of the Neophyte Guild practices Pistols, Shotguns, Submachine Guns, Assault Rifles, Mounted Gunnery, Machine Guns, Rifle Repair and Ammo Crafting, Submachine Gun Repair and Ammo Crafting, Shotgun Repair and Ammo Crafting, Tasers.
- Doityadamnself & Son's Hardware and Appliances between Sixth and Seventh on Seneca in SW Seattle sells hardware.
- Ken at the Everett Airport can smuggle you to the Caribbean, where one can find a half-price visa (full price at the Everett Airport itself).
- There's a guy in the basement of Smith's who sells visas.
- Glow City is just to the east of where Moonlight Mall is in Redmond (but is apparently very dangerous).
- Stanley's RGA Emporium in Everett sells gunsmithing and ammunition crafting equipment and kits for the latter.
- Clarence Williams at Stanley's RGA Emporium practices the repair and ammunition crafting skills for pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, rifles and heavy weapons.
- Allocate cpool towards offense when targets are hard to hit.
- 'get nuyen all.corpse'.
- 'get cred all.corpse'.
- Richard Skylarke will give you a keycard which can be used after searching in the mixing stage of The Epicenter. There a cyberdoc sells and presumably installs various cyberware.
- Mel Mulligan in Dante's Inferno (Seventh Hell) offers work. (Maxes out at 1000 rep.)
- Be on the look out for corn on the cob, a red apple, a chocolate doughnut and a bagel.
- A wandering Ork merchant sells corn on the cob in the Ork Underground.
- An apple can be foiund at Utopus Produce in the SW of Lysleul Plaza.
- Silent Cafe (NE Seattle, North Fifth and Espanoza) sells bagels.
- The Stop Gap (SE Seattle, Eight Street between Seneca and Boren) sells chocolate doughnuts.
- Toh Li at O'Bryant Square in Portland practices Athletics, Stealth, Brawling, Edged Weapons and Whips and Flails.
- Martingale says OOCly, "My.mpuv should work."
- Martingale tells you OOCly, 'You can go from the front to the rear of a vehicle by typing SWITCH. You can directly enter the rear of a vehicle that has one by typing ENTER REAR.'
- Martingale says OOCly, "[Vehicle labels] are given through a paintjob at a shop east of Circuit Couriers."
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'The most important [skills for deck building] are Computers, Computers B/R, Cyberterminal Program Design.'
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'Run it with zero evasion. And 7 on the rest of persona programs.'
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'You want to have your detection factor as high as possible, decreasing the rate at which your tally increases and the nasty IC is spawned. So having maxxed masking and sleaze is paramount.'
- Seattle Shalimar, the South Asian restaurant, is on Harbour Avenue just west of the Hellhound bus depot.
- \A cheery and aloof female voice/8 MHz, English: Then do you even really need my help? try searching around. There's another bar in the southwest of seattle that has some light reading you might wanna pick up as well.
- \A heavily synthesized male voice./8 MHz, English: Yeah there's a foul mouthed Johnson there that offers work to newer runners, he's the one to impress.
- Once the invitation to Smith's Pub and encyclopedia are attained from the respective Johnsons, search in the tiny backroom of Smith's Pub and use the encyclopedia to enter. There is a Matrix terminal down there and, perhaps more importantly, a vendor for Tir Tairngire visas.
- 'help garage'.
- Apparently maxing out Computers is important for decking.
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'Paydata works like this: usually you are able to find SOME paydata when you first 'locate paydata'. After that, the remaining paydata in the node will be attached to IC. So you WILL have to fight some IC. The key is knowing when to log off to reset your tally. As your tally rises, it triggers nastier and nastier IC, until it's too much for you. '
- Evaluate utilities degrade, one point per 2 RL days.
- Fort Case is in southern Redmond, out on the dirt roads.
- Re: sneaking into the Caribbean for the discounted visa: \A heavily synthesized male voice.(Morbius)/8 MHz, English: Just west of the main entrance to the airport is a cargo platform, you just have to wait for it to roll up and start loading, then you can board.
- One can buy a Caribbean League visa at a discount at St. Patrick's International Airport in the customs office.
- There is an ATM in the southern entrance area of St. Patrick's International Airport on Sauteurs.
- Guillaume's Goods on Sauteurs sells swimming equipment.
- Lacoste's Boats and Rentals on Sauteurs sells watercraft.
- Essy |]newbie[| Either piloting Motorboats or piloting ships, depending on the size of the vessel, if you know what you wanna drive you can probe it and it'll tell you the type of boat it is.
- There is a secret passage in the organist's room at the Church of Saint Sarasses on Sauteurs but it's quite dangerous.
- Pelagie Apartments on Sauteurs is actually quite cheap.
- There is a Matrix terminal in Montplaisir Restaurant on Sauteurs in a private dining booth.
- Mister Who at the Montplaisir Restaurant on Sauteur offers work.
- There is an ATM at the chip cashing exchange in the Grandmaion Casino on Sauteurs.
- There is a Matrix terminal in Hidden from the Mambo's Clutches at The Mambo's Clutches on Waltham and Victoria.
- Mister Montreuil at The Mambo's Clutches offers work. (And it's Matrix work.)
- Philomene the Mutton Chopper at Cienfuegos Cantina on Sauteurs offers work.
- 'help program design'.
- 'install computer'.
- 'program '.
- 'list' shows programming progress where appropriate. (Also 'progress'.)
- Se-Curo Ja is on Third Street between Ridgeway and Spring in Seattle.
- Hibiscus says to you in English, "If you manage to totally complete the Rooster's final job (met the guy, right?), he'll give you access to a back room where APDS sniper rifle rounds are also sold, but more expensive than Dr Scriptshaw's."
- Re: the waterfall in the Aztechnology Magic Academy: \a bright, energetic female voice(Asami)/[8 MHz, English]: Ano...you go east from the help desk and down, follow the hallway all the way east to the corner and then straight north. Be careful, they do real bad stuff down there.
- Re: practicing Truck Driving: \a fruity female voice with a Cajun accent(Hibiscus)/8 MHz, English: I seem to remember that Hal, in Portland, provided driving lessons on common vehicles. Not sure it's still the case.
- Hal the Rigger of Hal's Garage in Portland (between Glisan and Everett on Broadway) practices Driving Cars, Machine Guns, Assault Cannons, Driving Motorcycles, Driving Trucks and Mounted Gunnery.
- 'help ammunition'.
- 'help keyring'.
- Circuit Couriers sells keyrings.
- Hibiscus says OOCly, "TOGGLE AUTOKILL is useful to save on ammo."
- Re: the location of Iceberg Slam: \A feminine voice with a masculine undercurrent/8 MHz, English: From the entrance in the big rhino head south then take the first west. He should be right there.
- For the Iceberg Slam-related quest, search at his location for the secret passage.
- The back room area in Dadson Vision Entertainment (unlocked with a keycard obtained from a Johnson, Oswald Skylarke IIRC, or possibly Mister Keiretsu) sells numerous level-8 activesofts.
- STupHR ShaK on Hoagie Street in the Ork Underground sells explosive medium submachine gun ammunition and Doc Dodie's Medical Clinic, attached, sells and maybe installs cyberware and bioware.
- Operational Program Design appears required to write Evaluate utilities but Data Brokerage determines the highest level they can be written at.
- The basketball player Zephram Hood is in Tarislar Park.
- A pencil can be bought at Hen-Chi's All-in-One in western Auburn.
- Be on the lookout for a resin tube and bubble gum. (They can be found at Dave's Discount Drugstore in Auburn.)
- The keycard Chas Moreno gives you after a difficult run can be used to unlock a room where very high-end cyberware can be bought and presumably installed.
- Just west of Renton and Cizae in East Puyallup, there is a vendor who sells weapons and ammunition, including EX sniper ammunition, and Accodata radios with encryption rating 4.
- LeMaitre Medical Wares on Victoria sells and installs high-quality cyberware and bioware.
- The Cage on floor 1 of the Red Shift Offices on Victoria sells various firearms and Zeiss-Audiotek prototype smartscopes.
- The Grit 'n' Kit on floor 1 of the Red Shift Offices sells armor.
- Benny Butte on floor 2 of the Red Shift Offices offers work.
- There is a Matrix terminal on floor 4 of the Red Shift Offices. (Several in fact.)
- John Smith on floor 4 of the Red Shift Offices offers work.
- Mercer Johansen on floor 5 of the Red Shift Offices offers work.
- The clinic on Prospect and Union sells cyberware and bioware.
- Smith's Electronic Boutique on Prospect and Union sells various goggles, electronic kits and low-end electronic gear. The back room buys paydata.
- Vehicle repair can be done in the Tacoma Junkyard.
- Tiny |]newbie[| Analyze various hosts and also check the ACIFS of each place for trapdoors?
- Ludwig |]newbie[| The website's not working, what's an ACIFS
- Nanashi |]newbie[| Matrix hosts have subsystems which we refer to as ACIFS, which stands for Access, Control, Index, Files, Slave
- Tiny |]newbie[| The starter syberspace runs are helpful for teaching matrix stuff
- Tiny |]newbie[| The guy in the south eastern door
- Nanashi |]newbie[| Sometimes, the Files subsystem of a node is encrypted, which means you need to decrypt that particular subsystem before you can even try to download a file. In other cases, there are actually trapdoors hidden in one of the subsystems
- Nanashi |]newbie[| So in that case, you'll want to analyze to check for that
- Ludwig |]newbie[| I can't now because I went somewhere I shouldn't and now the MPCP got fried
- Tiny |]newbie[| It's probably not fried permanently
- Nanashi |]newbie[| Oh ouch. I think chargen decks can be repaired at Jim's
- Nanashi |]newbie[| Not entirely sure though
- If you cannot LOCATE HOST, you can navigate up one level to the parent host with LOGON LTG.
- Nanashi |]newbie[| You can't find trapdoors that way [locate host]. You can only find them by doing analyze
- [Discord] (OOC), "[Khai]: also check the help files for the individual commands. locate host is not the only useful way to use locate, and analyze isn't the only useful way to use analyze"
- A clear, firm male voice(Maxwell) on the other end of the line says in English, "Aye, whoever designed that thing did not leave much room for noticing patterns and possible ways out of the nodes. So, after you connect to the Novatech Host, you can either go OUTLET - and that's their outlet and shop parts, not really what you're looking for - or ROUTING. That's where you need to go, that's the corporate side."
- A clear, firm male voice(Maxwell) on the other end of the line says in English, "If I may suggest one place you can try with your CMT Avatar and get some experience as you go about it, I would suggest the Paine-Snohomish Airport node in the Everett LTG, Ludwig."
- A clear, firm male voice(Maxwell) on the other end of the line says in English, "You can always ANALYZE the HOST to check its rating. ANALYZEing its SECURITY will also inform you of your security tally."
- In Johnson NewBody Laboratories, look on the third floor for access to the roof, where a service elevator leading to the basement can be found.
- 'ASIST' is required to use hot ASIST in the Matrix.
- Ghost says OOCly, "Help build - create deck first"
- Ghost says OOCly, "Then create part"
- MPCP further requires 'design' (maybe some other components).
- 'build mpcp 3.zuse'.
- Nemesis |]newbie[| Combine 1.box 2.box
- Decks can be worn. (But shouldn't be.)
- Re: Polearms practice: \a bubbly female voice with a californian accent.(Bubbles)/[8 MHz, English]: You can 'searching' 7th street between harrison and park.
- prompt <@pP @mM @bB @iI Mode: @A>.
- Dragging requires less Strength than lifting.
- 'help ammocost'.
- [Hibiscus] (OOC), "When you're wielding a weapon [firearm], you don't use brawling. You use Clubs, or Polearms if you have a bayonet.".
- [Discord] (OOC), "[Essy]: oh and if you're magic, rely on perception instead of ultrasound".
- 'help closecombat'.
- J'valdi is worth exploring further.
- Gato says to Eilidh in English, "Once you're past what she can teach you wanna swing by the Tir, over where like. Lordstrum's is at? Pero head the opposite way, to the east side, an' look around careful.".
- The Icon Chip for a deck is NERP. (Is it?)
- 'buy 24 #8'.
- Analyze slot machine payouts based on input bet.
- Evaluate utilities decay on the computer. :(
- Hot ASIST is default if you have it.
- 'locate file forum' (in the Seattle Public Library).
- The Cave in Portland has a trapdoor in the files system. Once it is decrypted (IIRC) it is possible to do 'logon files'.
- The 'handler' host of the Portland GridGuide System has paydata.
- 'locate file snowflake'. (You'll know which run.)
- Johnson NewBody Labs in East Tacoma has paydata in the basement.
- Vancouver Center (guess where) has stores that sell cyberware and light military armor and also there's an ATM.
- You can drive your vehicle into the cargo plane at the airport.
- Make good use of LTG and RTG logins.
- Investigate the Matrix terminals in Dante's Inferno further.
- Concealing your deck in your rucksack (etc.) is a possibility.
- Roswell's in Puyallup practices piloting skills (on Cizae between Redfern and Tillicum).
- The airport (Sea-Tac, Snohomish, Portland) sells aircraft.
- [Tilphousia] (OOC), "Anyway, if you're getting hit by assault cannon rounds and wearing a t-shirt you can forget about soak, so you should try to dodge it and pray you roll well. If you're wearing lots of armour and you're not facing something extreme like full auto machine guns, soak is typically the better choice."
- The lodge of Council Island Hospital's Matrix host has paydata.
- The Touristville mall's Matrix host has paydata.
- The Espanoza Way Complex's accounting Matrix host has paydata. (Orange level.)
- 'run medic' / 'look self'.
- Search at the amphitheater in Portland. There one can find Vox. He practices Corporate Etiquette, Elf Etiquette, Media Etiquette, Negotiation, Street Etiquette and Tribal Etiquette.
- The CAS can now be reached from the airport in Everett.
- Re: location of the Praetorian Legion: Morbius says to you in English, "The Old Impound lot next to Phil's Army Surplus in Seattle."
- The Seattle Voice office is on First Street in SE Seattle between Espanoza and Ridgeway. (Closest destination is The Big Rhino.)
- There is a Matrix terminal in the Seattle Voice office.
- Shing in the dojo of Chinatown practices Brawling, Stealth, Athletics and Cyber Implants.
- 'karma' shows time until automatic deletion.
- Re: becoming a walking tank: Kari says OOCly, "Consensus is cyber arms, legs, torso and head. 'Ware gets expensive, but they add to Armour, Bod and Str. Lots of sams play melee with polearms for the reach. I must admit that I prefer sniping."
- Grand Wizard Shankmire can be found on Fourth Street in Auburn in an abandoned area just west of Boseman's Drone Emporium.
- Matrix host AzTech → AztechMall → White → Backroom → Index subystem has a trapdoor. (Orange paydata there.)
- 'locate ic'.
- The small storeroom in Ebey's Bar sells all kinds of weapons and armor.
- [Discord] (OOC), "[Khai]: IC attempt maneuvers by rolling against TN = your sensors, and resist your maneuvers by rolling against TN = your evasion. So 6 would be a good threshold for both. Assuming you don't want to dump evasion because you want to be able to play with maneuvers on occassion, I'd do 12 bod, 12 masking, 6 evasion, 6 sensors. The reason for 12 masking is so you can save some active memory space with 11 sleaze, since you'll find active memory maximums don't keep up with program size."
- [Discord] (OOC), "[Khai]: Aside: you can use redirects to increase your TN against trace IC"
- "[Khai]: Hosts each have a "type", which you should be able to see with analyze host. RTG hosts would be like the big internet backbone servers, LTGs are more local, like on the city or smaller scale. PLTGs are private LTGs, essentially the gateways to corporate networks. I don't remember what the acronyms stand for though."
- [Discord] (OOC), "[Khai]: Ah, to clarify redirects - you log on to an rtg and do a redirect, and that increases your redirect count by 1. Each rtg you do this increases that count. Then you go somewhere where some trace IC attempts to target you. Their TN is then increased by that redirect count."
- Anastasia says in English, "The keywords were "experimental trials". It's quest-specific though, so you won't find it in either of those hosts unless you have the run."
- [Jexams] (OOC), "For the buildport, you just make a character on port 4001 and after getting through chargen, ask for builder privileges"
- Librarian in a bar on the Sauteurs beach offers work.
- Build Reality Filters into your next deck.
- Where appropriate (you'll know where), Routing, Management, Executive and lastly Project.
- Most operational and defense utilities should be at 10 or 12 for a 12 MPCP deck.
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'Ok, let's go one by one. Evaluate you'll want at 12 to maximize paydata gathering. Then Sleaze, defuse, read/write, browse, deception, decrypt, analyze... these you want to be as high as they can be...'
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'Now, camo, lock-on and cloak... I would simply not use them, free that memory space.'
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'Medic you can leave on standby, maybe at rating 8'
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'Unload it if you run out of active mem.'
- Maxwell tells you OOCly, 'Oh, and if you need more memory, I'd downgrade Attack to 7D.'
- Mr. Nobody at El Coco on Victoria offers work.
- Dumping CPOOL into damage soak may be what I need for certain very tough enemies.
- Saeder-Krupp Matrix host passcode for The Vault is "monopoly".
- Saeder-Krupp Matrix host passcode for Orbital and Aerospace Restricted Projects is "valkyrie".
- Saeder-Krupp Matrix host passcode for Confidential Projects is "saederheavy".
- Saeder-Krupp Matrix host passcode for Corporate Directorate is "themightydragon". (Actually "lofwyr", looks like?)
- There is a Matrix terminal in unit 2437 of the second floor of Renraku Arcology.
- There is a Matrix terminal in Personnel Check on the fourth floor of Renraku Arcology.
- Using medkits costs money.
- Head down the road in the southeast of Victoria in Grenada to El Coco.
Search there and you will find a Johnson. Work for him to rescue a menehune
and get a folder from Sugar Loaf Island, accessible via the ferry. Make sure
to deliver the folder and you will get a lanyard enabling access to the nearby
hidden Victoria Crime Mall. Be VERY careful and use
before entering rooms near the Crime Mall (which appears to be safe in itself). - Essy (OOC), "If you want the most body stat for essence cost the actual answer is"
- Essy (OOC), "Save up for a delta Tac Comp 4"
- 'score' works in the Matrix!
- Ares Armor and Ares Weapons in West Tacoma sell, just that, armor and weapons (and ammunition).
- [Tanq] (OOC), "There's also a 'CE-Spoilers' channel on the Discords for when you want an answer to a question like "what does the skeleton key do?" but don't feel like figuring it out for yourself or asking another character in character."
- There is a backroom in Fellini's Satyricon that needs to be searched for that sells various items, mostly clothing and armor.
- Metro Holographix is in a dark alley on Whitman between Second and Third. They sell high-grade cyberware and a very nice cooker.