using v24.0.1
Let's have a look at theses features trough an example,
they looks like this :
fn __copyinit__(inout self, borrowed original: Self)
- original is borrowed and cannot be modified
- original live separately and can get deleted later in the program
- it provides a way to create a copy of an instance
fn __moveinit__(inout self, owned original: Self)
- original is owned,
will never be called on it - original can't be used in the program anymore
- ^ transfer suffix is used to call moveinit
- usefull for making sure an instance don't have copies thus is unique
- original is owned,
struct my_type:
var id:Int
fn __init__(inout self,id:Int):
print("init "+String(
fn __moveinit__(inout self, owned existing: Self): =
print("moveinit "+ String(
fn __copyinit__(inout self, existing: Self): =
print('copyinit '+String(
fn __del__(owned self):
print("del "+String(
fn separator():
fn main():
var original = my_type(id=0) #init 0
var copy = original #copyinit 1
var still_original = original^ #moveinit 0
#cannot use original anymore, because moved
#var other = original
#would produce an error
init 0
copyinit 1
del 1
moveinit 0
del 0
Note: del 0 comes from still_original and not original
An instance of my_type is created,
it calls fn __init__(inout self,id:Int)
init 0
It will call fn __copyinit__(inout self, existing: Self)
We get a copy of it:
copyinit 1
del 1
The copy get deleted when it is last used in the code.
We dont use it so it later so it gets deleted here.
the ^ transfer suffix will call __moveinit__(inout self, owned existing: Self)
we moved original to still_original and took original as owned
have never been called on original- del 0 is showed only once
- it is showed whend still_original gets deleted
We can make sure that an instance have no copies in the program,
when we to pass it to a function, the function could return it:
fn from_owned(owned source:my_type)->my_type:
#do things
return source
Or could assign it to an inout argument:
fn move_to(owned source:my_type,inout to: my_type):
to = source^ #re transfer it
#var tmp = source would produce an error
#source can't be used anymore here
It could also be store inside another struct type passed as inout.
fn change_owner(owned some_item:item_type,inout new_owner: owner_type):
new_owner.owned_item = some_item^
fn from_owned(owned arg:my_type):
print("not used")
in that case, we don't re-transfer arg, so arg will be deleted.
is called at the moment of the last use of the instance.
Takeinit has been depreciated with Changelog: v0.7.0 (2024-01-25).
Explanation: traits got introduced into Changelog v0.6.0 (2023-12-04),
It now makes it possible to give the user complete choice on whether a type should implement a "non-destructive move" or not.
In consequence, the transfer suffix (^
) is no longer shared between moveinit and takeinit.
This reduce the the probability of a user being confused on wich one will be called.
The transfer suffix is now used only with moveinit.
Here is an example that illustrate how traits provides a better way to implement the "non-destructing move" ability.
trait ValueMovable:
fn take_value_of(inout self:Self, inout other: Self): ...
struct MyStruct(ValueMovable):
var value: String
fn take_value_of(inout self:Self, inout other: Self):
self.value = other.value
other.value = "none"
fn __init__(inout self,val:String): self.value=val
def main():
var a = MyStruct("the value to take")
var b = MyStruct("empty value")
print(a.value) #none
print(b.value) #the value to take
B took the value of A, and A still exist.
The value of A had been moved, without destructing A.
That operation can be refered to as a "non-destructing move".
That is all there is to it!