with 0.4.0
⚠️ not ready for use as it is, not tested and have unfreed pointers
Building a wrapper with all thoses features:
- VariadicList for the arguments types
- @noncapturing to keep the global scope clean
- import_module
- PythonObject.__getattr__()
- Parametrized function
- struct parameter deduction
The function is passed to python using a pointer, as an integer.
note: it is memory unsafe, not a feature
from python import Python
fn get_wrapper[fsig:AnyType](ret_type:StringLiteral,f:fsig,*args_types:StringLiteral) raises -> PythonObject:
let ctypes = Python.import_module("ctypes")
let tmp_ = Pointer[fsig].alloc(1)
let tmp = (ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_void_p)).from_address(tmp_.__as_index())
let py_obj_argtypes = PythonObject([])
for i in range(args_types.__len__()):
tmp.argtypes = py_obj_argtypes
tmp.restype = ctypes.__getattr__(ret_type)
#note: tmp_ is never freed
return tmp
def main():
let py_mymodule = Python.import_module("python_custom_package")
fn mojo_print(p:Int)->Int:
return p+1
w = get_wrapper("c_int",mojo_print,"c_int")
fn m_sum(arg:Pointer[Float64],size:Int)->Float64:
var total:Float64 = 0.0
for i in range(size):
return total
w2 = get_wrapper("c_double",m_sum,"c_void_p","c_int")
import numpy as np
def call_mojo_print(mojo_print):
res = mojo_print(123)
for i in range(10):
res = mojo_print(res)
def call_sum(sum):
elements = 100
array = np.random.random(elements)
res = sum(array.ctypes.data,elements)
_ = array
#print(array.dtype) #float64
#print(array.strides) #8
- Create a pointer to the mojo function
- Create a PythonObject with ctype imported_module
- load the address as a CFUNCTYPE
- assign the return type and argument types from variadic list
- Pass the PythonObject into python land
- Call the PythonObject from there
- Pointer is left not freed, need to be freed